Прочитайте, запомните следующие слова и словосоче-


road building ['rOud 'bIldIN] - строительство дорог

highway construction ['haIweI 'kqnstrAkS(q)n] - строительство шоссе

construction projects[kqnstrAkS(q)n'prOGekts] -строительные объекты

labour-consuming process['leIbq-kqn'sjHm-IN 'prOuses] -трудоемкий процесс

technology-completed[tek'nOlOGI kqm'plI:tId] -технологически закончен

machines [mq'SI:nz] - машины

highly-efficient machines['haIlI I'fISI(q)nt mq'SI:nz] высокоэффективные маши-


earth-moving machines['q:T-mHvIN mq'SI:nz] - землеройные машины

versatile machines['vq:sqtaIl] - универсальные машины

machinery [mq'SInqrI] машины и механизмы

excavating machinery ['ekskqveItIN mq'SInqrI] - экскаваторные машины

crawler / wheel type tractor ['krLlq /'wI:l'taIp 'trxktq] - гусеничный / колесный трактор

bulldozer ['bul"dOuzq] бульдозер

grader ['greIdq] грейдер

scraper ['skreIpq] скрейпер

crane ['kreIn] кран

shovel ['SAvl] лопата, одноковшовый экскаватор

skimmer ['skImq] нивелировщик

trencher ['trenCq] канавокопатель

attachment [q'txCment] приспособление

blade ['bleId] нож, отвал

to belong [bI'lON] принадлежность

to become [bI'kAm] стать, становиться

to carry out ['kxrI aut] выполнять

to divide (into) – be divided [dI'vaId - bI dI'vaIdId] делить, делиться

to dig [dIg] копать

to handle ['hxndl] управлять, перемещать

to haul ['hLl] перевозить, тянуть

to maintain [meIn'teIn] содержать

to mount ['maunt] монтировать, устанавливать

to produce [prq'djHs] производить, выпускать

to serve ['sq:v] служить

to use ['jHz] использовать

in order to [In'O:dq tq] для того, чтобы

by means of [baI'mI':nz qv] с помощью, посредством

with the aid of [wIDq'eId qv] с помощью


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Road Building Machinery

I am a student of the Bratsk State University. My future speciality is Road Building Machinery. In order to become an educated specialist I am to study the following subjects: physics, chemistry, mathematics, social sciences, foreign language, strength of materials, electrical engineering, computer-programming and many others. I believe that the economic prosperity of the country is closely connected with the adequate and efficient road network.

A great variety of different kinds of machinery is found in highway construction. The work is divided into several technology completed processes. The building of highways connected with a great volume of earth work is one of the most difficult, most labour-consuming processes.This type of work is produced by means of bulldozers, scrapers, graders and excavators. They are divided into three classes. The first class includes bulldozers of different types which carry out the work with the aid of a blade mounted on a tractor of either a crawler or a wheel type. Bulldozers are versatile machines on many construction sites where they can be used from the start to the finish. Scrapers belong to the second class of earthmoving machines. Their ability to load and haul earth gives them a definite advantage on many projects. As for excavators they belong to the third class. Manufacturers of excavating machinery, in designing their machines, try to make one attachment serve as many purposes as possible. The universal excavator is quickly convertible for use with the following digging equipment: shovels, drag shovels or back-acting trenchers, skimmers, cranes, etc. All modern plants are highly efficient machines, which are built to give years of service if properly used, handled and maintained.

And I will do all my best to master my profession to become a qualified specialist.


Прочитайте текст, найдите английские эквиваленты

следующих слов и словосочетаний:

компьютерное программирование, экономическое процветание,

большое разнообразие, строительная площадка, мощность, емкость,

универсальный, соответственно (соответствующим образом), опреде-

ленные преимущества, приспособления обратного действия.


4. Ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту:

1. What is your future speciality?

2. What subjects do you study? (Name some of them).

3. Do the roads play any role in the country’s economy?

4. What is the building of highways connected with?

5. What kind of machines are engaged in this process?

6. What can you say about a) bulldozers, b) scrapers, c) excavators?

7. What is a universal plant?


5. Расскажите о:

1) the efficiency of adequate roads;

2) the types of the earth-moving machines;

3) the aim of the manufacturers of excavating machinery.



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