Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык,

пользуясь лексикой текста:

1. Я полагаю, что экономическое процветание страны и со-

стояние ее дорог тесно связаны.

2. Во время строительства дорог можно встретить множество

машин и механизмов.

3. Земляные работы – самый трудоемкий процесс.

4. На строительных площадках бульдозеры могут выполнять

как начальные, так и конечные операции.

5. Отвал может быть установлен (смонтирован) на гусеничном

или колесном тракторе.

6. Машины могут служить долго, если их правильно использовать.


Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык,

Обратите внимание на употребление модальных глаголов и их


1. The output of shovel should be expressed in cubic yards per


2. Job conditions may be classified as excellent, good, fair and


3. Each job planner must use his own judgement and experience in declining which condition best represents his job.

4. When using the motor grader the following ought to be taken

into account.

5. If the machine is to be kept in operation for a long period of time

the rods of the hydraulic cylinders must be maintained clean and dry.

6. A series of tests of the new grader had to be carried out last


7. Light rains may delay operations for several days.

8. If the conveyor is to handle food material or other material the

rotating parts of the entire conveyor may be of stainless steel.


Постройте предложения, соединяя по смыслу указанные

Ниже части предложений.

1. A series of tests of the new grader…

2. The scraper can get to work …

3. When operating a motor grader …

4. The capacity of a motor-grader …

5. The performance of self-operating graders …

6. The mechanic examined the device in all its details…

7. The tractor has a wide track and good towability …


a. … the following ought to be taken into account.

b. … had to be carried out last week.

c. … after the bulldozer.

d. … may be classified as excellent.

e. … should be expressed in cubic yards.

f. … designed to be easily towed.

g. … wishing to find out the cause of the trouble.


Прочитайте текст. Расскажите по-английски его ос-

новное содержание.

2. Construction and demolition machines

Welcome to

Get ready! 1)Before you read the passage, talk about these questions. 1 What are some types of jobs that require large equipment? 2 What are some machines used for large constructions jobs? Reading 2) Read the job postings. Then, choose the correct answers.   1.What is purpose of the web page?   A to offer job training for mechanics В to describe the typical duties of a mechanic С to advertise jobs available for mechanics D to notify job seekers of a new mechanical company   2.What is true of Pickwick Builders?   A They rarely use cranes or excavators. В They would prefer not to train a mechanic. С They perform most repairs at their own shop. D They offer better salaries than most companies.   3.What is the most important quality that D&D is looking for?   A ability to maintain business productivity В dedication to ensuring safety С familiarity with hydraulic shears D experience using paving machines Mechanic wanted - Pickwick Builders is seeking an experienced mechanic to maintain construction equipment. The successful applicant will be able to efficiently analyze problems and make speedy repairs. All repairs are done on-site to allow builders to get back to work as quickly as possible. Pickwick specializes in parking areas and roadwork so familiarity with backhoes, paving machinesand graders is especially important. We also use cranes and excavatorsfor our commercial building jobs. We prefer experience with these machines, but we will train the right person. Salary depends on experience. Come work for us! - Are you a mechanic looking fo a great career opportunity? D&D Demolition Services is now hiring! At D&D, safety is our priority. We need mechanics who can ensure our machines don't endanger our workers. D&D has a large fleet of bulldozers backhoes that need frequent service. If you can dismantle and then safely reassemble engines anc replace bladesand rippers, then we need your expertise. Familiarity with safe operation and repair of hydraulic shears is a plus. Our salaries are competitive because we know mechanics keep our business productive and our workers safe. When you work for D&D, D&D works for you. Vocabulary 3) Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part. 1 The roadwork resumed after the company got a new machine for laying asphalt. _ a v__g m___i n _ 2 After the mechanic separated the parts of the tractor, she saw the problem right away. d__m___I e d 3 We need a vehicle that moves large amounts of material to demolish the old house. __11 _ о__r 4 Richard had to take a course before he could operate the machine that cuts through metal. _y___au__с _h___s 5 We repaired the piece of metal that pushes material after the machines collided. b______e 6 Mel used a machine for scooping dirt to redo the landscaping in his yard. _ach__    
  4) Fill in the blanks with the correct words: ripper, crane, excavator, reassemble, analyze, grader, on-site. 1) The mechanic was fired because she could not properly ________________machines after repair. 2) The mechanic performed a(n)__________________inspection of the vehicles. 3) Use a(n)______________________ to break up the rocks before laying the foundation. 4) 4)If the ground is uneven, use a(n)______________________.to smooth it out. 5) We need a(n)_________________ to lift the old cars out of the junkyard. 6) The owner brought in a specialist to ______________ the problem with the engine. 7) Olivia rented a(n)___________________ to dig a hole for the new swimming pool.        


The Bulldozer is quite simple in construction. There is a shaped blade in front, carried on a massive frame attached to the main frame member of the tractor. The depth of this blade can be varied either by a hydraulic gear, or by winding tackle; this of course alters the depth that it will dig out and is useful where trees have to be rooted up, or big buldozers shifted. In some machines the angle of the blade can be altered to some extent so as to give an oblique action. The Angledozer has its blade set at a definite angle, and the cleared spoil is pushed well over to one side. This angle can be altered according to circumstances from one side to the other, the blade being pivoted in the centre. The usual limit is about 30º on either side, with an infinite range in between and like the Bulldozer, the blade can be lifted or lowered.

General Information. The term bulldozer may be used in a broad sense to include both a bulldozer and an angledozer. These machines may be further divided, on the base of their mountings, into crawler-tractor- or wheel-tractor mounted. Based on the method of raising and lowering the blade bulldozers may be classified as mechanical (cable-) or hydraulic-controlled. Each type of equipment has a place in the construction industry. For some projects either type will be satisfactory, while for other projects one type will be superior.

Bulldozers are versatile machines on may construction projects, where they may be used from the start to the finish for such operations as:

1. Clearing land of timber and stumps

2. Opening up pilot roads through mountains and rocky terrain

3. Moving earth for haul distances up to approximately 300 ft

4. Helping load tractor-pulled scrapers

5. Spreading earth fills

6. Backfilling trenches

7. Clearing construction sites of debris

8. Maintaining haul roads

9. Clearing the floors of borrow and quarry pits



Elevating grader

This machine consists principally of a disc plough which turns a strip of earth on to a conveyor belt which may be 4 ft. wide and 18-24 ft. long. The belt, running at right angles to the travel of the plough, delivers the earth into lorries which must travel in the same direction and at the same speed as the grader. The ground must therefore be suitable and sufficient space must be available.

Under favourable conditions these machines can dig and load 400 cu. yad. per hour at no greater cost than a stationary excavator. They are usually towed by caterpillar tractors and require a driver in addition to the driver of the tractor. This type of machine is only suitable for very large quantities of excavation and in circumstances where sufficient transport is available to remove the excavation, or where the excavation can be dumped in a window and left. For hard chalk or other rock which the plough will not cut, it is of course unsuitable and in wet sticky clay trouble is caused by clay sticking to the belt, etc.


Motor-grader D-144

The highly efficient model D-144 Motor Grader is particularly distinguished by versatility of performed operations, and due to this it is widely used for different branches of the building industry.

The model D-144 motor grader is successfully employed for road, railroad, industrial, municipal, airfield and hydrotechnical building operations.

The main working part of the motor-grader is the fully-swing blade provided with universal installation, which allows its up and down movement, shifting sidewise assymmetrically with reference to the main frame and setting at various angles in the horizontal plane. In limited space the full-swing blade allows to perform operation by the shuttle principle – without turning. Blade shifting is fully mechanized and can be easily effected without excessive effort of the grader operator.



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