Задание 2. Подпиши картинки

Задание 1. Изучить лексику по теме

1. be on holiday (on vacation) — быть в отпуске

2. have a wonderful time — замечательно провести время

3. take pictures of — фотографировать

4. enjoy … — наслаждаться …

5. visit — посещать

A. Seaside Holidays / Каникулы на побережье

1. go to the beach — ходить на пляж

2. sit on the sand — сидеть на песке

3. look at the sea — смотреть на море

4. look at the clouds floating in the sky — смотреть на облака, плывущие по небу

5. spend a lot of time on the beach — проводить много времени на пляже

6. bathe in the river — купаться в реке

7. lie in the sun — загорать

8. play football, volleyball — играть в футбол (волейбол)

9. fly a kite – запускать воздушного змея

10. build sand castles — строить замки из пески

11. play about (dig) in the sand — играть в песке

12. look for shells — искать ракушки

B. Holidays at Grandparents’ / Каникулы на даче у бабушки с дедушкой

1. go for a walk in the forest — ходить в лес на прогулку

2. pick up berries (mush­rooms) — собирать ягоды (грибы)

3. ride a horse — кататься верхом на лошади

4. ride a bicycle — кататься на велосипеде

5. go boating — кататься на лодке

6. go fishing – ходить на рыбалку

7. catch fish — поймать рыбу

8. sit on a bench under a tree and read a book — сидеть на скамейке под деревом и читать книгу

9. take long walks with my friends — совершать длительные прогулки с друзьями

10. help my grandparents in the garden — помогать бабушке и дедушке

11. dig the ground — копать землю

12. pull out the weeds — выпалывать сорняки

13. pick up fruit — собирать фрукты

14. take care of domestic animals — ухаживать за домашними животными

15. spend a lot of time outdoors — проводить много времени на свежем воздухе



Задание 2. Подпиши картинки













Задание 3. Вставь пропущенные буквы

be on holi_a_ (on va_ation)

take pi_tures of


go to the b_ _ch

sit on the _and

ba_ _e in the ri_er

li_in the s_n — загорать

fl_ a k_te

b_il_ sand ca_ _les

look for _ _ells

ri_e a horse

ride a bi_ cle

go b_ _ting

go fi_ _ing

cat_ _ fis_

d_g the gr_ _nd

pi_k up fr_ _t

take _are of domestic an_mals

spend a lot of time outd_ _rs

Задание 4. Прочитать и перевести.

My name is Sofia. I'm fourteen. I would like to tell about my summer vacation plans.

At the beginning of summer my mother and I are going to visit my grandmother in the Baikal region. She lives in a very small town and at first you might think that there is nothing to do there but I always find a lot of interesting things to do.

When we get back home from my grandmother’s place I will spend some time at home playing outside. On weekends my parents and I will go to dacha where we can swim and sunbath. Then my father will go for vacation at the beginning of August and we will go to the seaside.

This year we are planning to go to Sochi where our relatives live. We will stay at their apartment located close to the beach so we can go there everyday. I’m looking forward to this trip because I adore the sea.

We’ll get back from this trip at the end of August and I’ll start to get ready for school. Hopefully the weather still will be nice and I will be able to spend the last summer days with my friends so after that I will be able to start studying again.


Задание 5. Ответь на вопросы.

1.Name 3-5 things you can do in summer

3. Name 3-5 places where you can go in summer

4. What do you were in summer?

4. Do you like summer and why?

5. Where do you want to go on this summer holidays?

6. Name 3-5 things, you can do in the countryside.

7. Name 3-5 things, you can do in the city during your summer holidays.

8. Have you ever been abroad?




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