Список экзаменационных коммуникативных ситуаций



Учебный год

Список экзаменационных вопросов


1 Describe teaching activities and teaching procedure in speaking / listening comprehension.

2 What personal and technical abilities do you consider essential in a language teacher?

3 What are the most important elements of the professional competence of a language teacher?

4 The most effective teaching techniques in teaching English at school.

5 What are the main aims, stages and the procedure of an English lesson plan?

6 Speak on teacher-student and student-student interaction at an English lesson at school.

7 What makes a good learner, what are the effective learner attitudes and strategies for learning English?

8 How to describe the nature of war: its most common causes, methods of warfare, weapons used?

9 What are the most recognized causes and consequences of WWI?

10 What are the most recognized causes and consequences of WW2?

11 War atrocities. Do you know any examples of man’s inhumanity to man?

12 Is war in human nature? What makes a civilized human being behave aggressively?

13 Characterise goals, structure and activities of the UNO. What were its major successes and failures?

14 What were the origins of the Cold War and reasons behind the tensions between the USA and the Soviet Union?

15 In what ways can brutal realities of war be depicted in various forms of art – poetry, film or painting?

16 What do you know of the working of the human brain (the brain structure)?

17 Is the potential of human mind unlimited? Can you describe the structure of the human psyche?

18 Do gender differences manifest themselves in mental activity?

19 Exceptional mental abilities: are they due to nature or nurture?

20 Which style of parenting works best - hothousing, stimulating or supportive?

21 How can ways of learning vary depending on personality type?

22 Is the brain chemistry responsible for sanity and insanity?

23 Can we call dreams a process vital to our mental life?

24 What are the value systems of major world religions? Can one trace essential unity of all faiths (the golden rule)?

25 How to achieve success, what are the chief ingredients in the formula to success?

26 What can you do to achieve a happy and fulfilling life?

27 How to cope with life and other people? What is your philosophy of life?

28 Is perfect society a Utopia or reality?

29 Dreams and creativity: is there any connection? Are you interested in interpretations of dreams?

30 Should one agree that life is not a rehearsal and do one’s best not to waste time?


Утверждены на заседании кафедры теории и практики английского языка 12.02.2014, протокол № 7


Зав. кафедрой

теории и практики

английского языка Л.И.Богатикова




Учебный год

Список экзаменационных коммуникативных ситуаций


1 How much do you think online learning is replacing classrooms?

2 What are your views on progressive versus traditional teaching methods?

3 Give some ideas to your pupils on managing their study time.

4 What attracts you in the profession of a teacher of English?

5 Say how you will encourage your school students to study better.

6 Are for or against computer-assisted learning? Which is better in your opinion: tutoring or computer-assisted learning? Why? Explain it.

7 Say how you will conduct classes in English (starting a class, doing general activities, procedures in interaction, ending an English class etc.).

8 Give some instructions while teaching speaking / listening comprehension, reading, writing.

9 A human being is a social being, company that’s what a person needs. Does getting close to your pals help you feel happy? Does getting a pet help?

10 What is your attitude to the Darwinian “survival of the fittest” principle? Aren’t we all “the children of the universe” and have a right to be here?

11 How would you explain the implications of the biblical “Love your neighbour as yourself”, “Love your enemy”?

12 Have you ever learned anything from your dreams? What are your common dream themes? What are their possible meanings?

13 Share the ways and techniques you use to remedy your depressive moods or “blues”, are they universal?

14 Do you believe that if “you don’t have what you like, you should try to like what you have?” Why should we refrain from wanting what we haven’t got and try to make the best of what’s to hand?

15 What are the grounds to compare the human brain to a chemical factory? What does it produce?

16 Do you have a “stranger” within your mind? Are you always aware of your motives? Can people find out the contents of their subconscious mind?

17 What are the life stories of famous child prodigies? What do they prove?

18 Have you seen examples of aggressive behaviour? Is there any evidence that aggressiveness is innate in man / is in his genes? Why do ordinary, civilized men act violently in battle?

19 Why was WWI said to be the last popular war, the war to end wars?

20 Was the 20th century art more honest in depicting the realities and horrors of wars?

21 What was the “iron curtain” descending across Europe in the times of the Cold War?

22 Have the Germans committed atrocities during WW2 because they are atrocious as a nation? Where do environmental factors come in?

23 How can you apply the saying “might is right” to the US foreign policy?

24 Do you think “cannon fodder” is an apt phrase to refer to combatants? What are its implications?

25 Should soldiers have a right to “conscientious objection” to military service in general or to fighting in a particular conflict?

26 Do your parents have high expectations of you? Can hothousing produce better people?

27 Is it male chauvinism to say that there’s a difference in male and female levels of intelligence?

29 Explain the implications of the phrase “You become successful the moment you start moving forward a worthwhile goal”. How near is it to your philosophy on life?

30 “Since there is no God, everything is permitted”. What does the phrase mean? What are the effects of the breakdown of the religious tradition?


Утверждены на заседании кафедры теории и практики английского языка 12.02.2014, протокол № 7


Зав. кафедрой

теории и практики

английского языка Л.И.Богатикова



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