Consider the following questions and items in written form.

1. In what way are the words in a sentence made prominent?

2. How is the prominence of words realized?

3. What is the main function of sentence-stress?

4. Which is the most prominent word in a sentence?

5. What is the difference between normal and logical stresses?

6. Why is the word if stressed in the sentence: 'If you stay you'll meet him'? What do we call this kind of sentence-stress?

7. Why is the personal pronoun I stressed in the reply:

'Who has done this?—I have-'? What do we call tin's type of sentence-stress?

8. Which words are the communicative centres of the fol­lowing sentences:

The \girl has 'broken the \cup.

The ^girl has \broken the cup.

Name the intonation means which make the last stressed

words stand out.

9. Translate the following sentence into Russian: How badly he had said it. Yet he HAD said it. What is the attitude of the speaker? What are the means to convey the same idea in English and in Russian?

10. Where would you use logical stress in these sentences:

I'm not writing to your friend. Nick is my friend as well. What does logical stress express here?

11. What kind of attitude is expressed in the reply of the second speaker?

'Speak out!' said Martin, 'and speak the truth.' 'I fear this IS the truth.'

12. Give examples where the shifting of sentence-stress changes the meaning of the sentence. Use them in situa­tions.

13. Transcribe, mark stresses and tunes in the sen­tence: 'They aren't ready, are they?' Give examples where link verbs are used in their strong forms.

14. Transcribe, mark stresses and tunes in the sen­tence: 'Who will meet him at the airport?' Give exam­ples where form-words are used in their weak forms.

15. Shift the communicative centre in the following sentence: 'I wish you'd stay for a few days.' Use the phrases in your own situations.

16. Transcribe and intone the following sentence: 'I'd love to have a chat with you!" Use emphatic stress in it.

17. Transcribe and intone the following situation: 'Is he really ill?'—'It seems to him he is ill.' What intonation means will you use while reading it to make it expressive enough?

18. Why did the author italicize (the words you and I in the situation: 'You don't live here?'—'No,' I said, ' I don't. You wouldn't if I did.' (Jerome K. Jerome. "Three Men in a Boat")

19. Give examples where logical stress underlines elements of contrast.

20. 'The lady is young and pretty.'— 'She is young, but I wouldn't call her pretty." What is tile attitude of the speaker in the second sentence in which the verb is takes the logical stress?



Test 1 Lesson 2 Part 3.

Give the synonyms of the following words and illustrate their meaning in your sentences.

a) peal;

b) steady;

c) crack;

d) taste.

2. Translate the following phrases into English:

заниматься сплетнями;

задеть локтем за что-либо;

внести вклад во что-либо;

дух времени;

обвести кого-либо вокруг пальца;

попасть в беду;

о вкусах не спорят.

Make up a situation with at least 5 of the phrases given in task 2.

4. Paraphrase the following sentences using your active vocabulary:

It took the boys much time and effort to collect the money they needed.

He turned out to be an industrious worker.

There is a slight break in the vase.

After supper everyone was in a better mood.

May I invite you to have our pie with us tonight?

After he had finished packing, the room was in a state of disorder.

What do you know of his likings or dislikings?

Translate intoEnglish.

1. Давайте поднимемся по этой винтовой лестнице на верх башни.

2. Он казался всем уравновешенным молодым человеком.

3. Мы услышали, как треснула ветка, кто-то подходил к нам.

4. Подложи что-нибудь под ножку стола, чтобы он не качался.

5. Он говорил с таким жаром, что никто не остался равнодушным.

6. Мы все знали ее как женщину с тонким вкусом.

7. В этом магазине такой выбор товаров, что вы, безусловно, найдете себе

8. что-нибудь по вкусу.

6. Translate the phrases into English:


невыносимая жара;



разжечь костер;

спальный мешок;

разбить палатку;

глаз не сомкнуть.

7. Answer the following question:

Are you an ardent hiker?

Test 2 Lesson 3 Part 3

1. Give the definition of the words:

a) point

b) resist

c) admire

2. Give your examples to illustrate the meaning of the synonyms:

a) shy-self-conscious

b) permanent — constant

3. Make up a short situation using the phrases:

1. to suffer from

2. as a result

3. to be smb's cup of tea

4. to succeed in smth.

5. to have great difficulty with

4. Translate into Russian:

1. You're tired out or you'd see the point at once.

2. It all happened dreamily as though it were happening to someone else.

3. If anything happens, mind that he isn't mixed up in that.

4. She's aware of her shortcomings and that makes her self-conscious.

5. If people interfere with you it's because you like it.

6. She felt an irresistible urge to go and order a new dress.

7. And I dare say I'll make him an admirable wife as wives go.

8. I am indignant with her for her constant.

5. Translate into English:

1. Я проснулся и обнаружил, что стрелки моих часов показывают 8 часов.

2. Майра наблюдала за нами обоими внимательно, но я знал, что как бы усердно она не слушала, она обречена (наверняка упустить главное).

3. Со смешанным чувством я понял, что важная часть её счастья состояла в том, чтобы присматривать за мной (заботиться обо мне).

4. В той далёкой деревне люди с подозрением относились к незнакомцам.

5. Дик непроизвольным жестом пригладил волосы и поправил шарф.

6. Вы знаете меня уже достаточно хорошо, чтобы понять, что я бы не позволил чувствам вмешиваться в дело.

7. Урожаи высокие, они требуют постоянной заботы, и работа тяжёлая.

8. Моё сердце всё ещё сопротивлялось тому, что говорил мой разум.

6. Agree or disagree with the statement, give your reasons:

In the twentieth century people are much more fascinated by theatre than by cinema.



Test 3 Lesson 4 Part 3.

1. Translate the synonyms and give sentences of your own to illustrate their meaning:

admit - accept


anger - temper

2. Make up questions using the following phrases:

to have an advantage over smb.;

to have the advantage of;

to do smth. behind smb's back;

to go back on one's word;

to fly back and forth;

to keep in the background;

to get into a temper about smth.

3. Paraphrase the sentences using your active vocabulary:

1. She was short - sighted but hated to say it was true.

2. Persy is always so careful about money matters.

3. We all agreed we ought to support him.

4. I was sent to the manager.

5. She is a woman of a gentle disposition.

6. Department stores show their goods in the windows.

7. He gave us quite a good dinner.

Translate into Russian.

1. He did poorly in school.

2. Sam was admitted into his master's confidence.

3. The neighbour heard the little girl refer to the woman as "mother".

4. Your younger son displays great intelligence.

5. He has always treated me decently.

6. The fascists laid waste many towns and villages.

7. They took advantage of our disadvantages with remarkable speed.

5. Translate into English:

1. уставные требования;

2. обеспечение школ;

3. переводить из класса в класс;

4. теоретический курс;

5. переэкзаменовка;

6. телесное наказание;

7. удаление с уроков;

6. Describe one of the schools suggested:

nursery school;

comprehensive school;

sixth-form college;

public school

Test 4 Lesson 5 Part 3.

1. Complete the following sentences using Essential vocabulary:

1. Everybody was against him, but he....

2. He looked at me... in his eyes.

3. He is not a man to... vexation.

4. When the little boy saw his new toy, his face was....

5. Whom do you... in your family?

6. When shall you be ready...?

7. I am going to the tailor's to have my coat...

2. Give the synonyms using the verb "take"

1. to understand;

2. to pull down, to take to pieces;

3. to remove;

4. to succeed;

5. to form a licking for;

6. to occupy;

7. to associate with;

3. Translate into English:

1. Само собой разумеется, что такие вещи должны быть сделаны.

2. Я никогда не видел такой ненависти ни в чьих глазах.

3. Вот мои условия. Вы можете их принимать или не принимать.

4. Если бы она любила его, она бы ждала его не смотря ни на что.

5. Ему нравились её суровые правильные черты.

6. Где-то за озером раздался пронзительный крик женщины.

7. Я не могу закрыть окно с земли.

Translate into Russian.

1. All women like to have attention paid to them, to be taken out, given a good

2. time.

3. You go back to that school and see whether you can take up where vou left

4. off.

5. They knew they would stand by each other in scrapes.

6. Who's going to stand tread?

7. It's a scream the way the girls in his office have fallen for him.

8. He had the place fitted up as a bedroom.

9. I have put most of the broken parts together but I can't fit this piece in.


5. Translate into English:

1. не иметь любимчиков;

2. убедить кого-либо;

3. выпустить пар;

4. сказать с горяча;

5. дерзить;

6. учить манерам;

7. вытрясти душу.

6. Give a detailed answer to the following question:

Do you think parents are too permissive nowadays?

Test 5 Lesson 6 Part 3.


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