Education in the United States

There is no federal educational standard in the USA. Schooling and educational programmes are the responsibility of each state; this is why one can find great differences in education from state to state. No uniform demands exist on education in schools or universities throughout the nation. In most states attending school is obligatory for children between six and seventeen. Secondary education institutions include elementary schools and high schools.

Higher education in the USA is not nation-wide. Colleges differ a lot from each other in scale and level of education as well as in the “quality” of diplomas given. There are private and state universities. Private education is considered more prestigious. The most famous private university is Harvard. Higher education is rather expensive in the USA.

A typical American university has two levels of education: two years of undergraduate classes and two more years of graduate classes. The undergraduate years are called the freshman and the sophomore year.

During the first and the second year the students take subjects of general education: Science, Humanities, Arts. The specialization begins at the third and the fourth years, named the junior and the senior year respectively. After the fourth year at college, students get a Bachelor’s degree. Graduates may specialize further and do research. They get a Master’s Degree.



Задание 1.1 Дополните предложения:

1. Schooling and educational programmes are the responsibility of each state; this is why one can find great differences in education from state to state.

2. In most states attending school is obligatory for children between six and seventeen. Secondary education institutions include elementary schools and high schools.

3. A typical American university has two levels of education: two years of undergraduate classes and two more years of graduate classes.

4. The specialization begins at the..., named the junior and the senior year respectively.


Задание 1.2 Исправьте неверные утверждения:

1. The system of education in the USA works according to the national standard. (There is no federal educational standard in the USA.)

2. Admission to elementary and high schools is free.

3. State universities are more prestigious than private ones. (Private education is considered more prestigious.)

4. The course in a typical American university lasts five or six years. (A typical American university has two levels of education: two years of undergraduate classes and two more years of graduate classes.).


Задание 1.3 Найдите английские эквиваленты русским словосочетаниям:

федеральный стандарт образования- the Federal standard of education

учебные и образовательные программы- training and educational programmes

универсальные требования- universal requirements

начальная школа- elementary school

средняя школа- Middle School

считается более престижным- It is considered more prestigious

самый известный- the most famous

общеобразовательные предметы- general subjects

специализация- specialization


Задание 1.4. Найдите ответы на вопросы.

1. What is the federal educational standard in the USA? (State educational standards — a set of mandatory requirements for education of a certain level and (or) for a profession, specialty and training direction, approved by the authority responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of education.)

2. What do the secondary education institutions include? (Educational institutions that provide secondary education in the United States are private and public. There are several types of public schools: religious, military, schools for children with special needs, boarding schools, etc. Boarding schools are the most popular among foreigners: parents do not have to be in the United States for their children to receive an American education.)

3. How do the colleges differ from each other? (Colleges differ a lot from each other in scale and level of education as well as in the “quality” of diplomas given.)

4. How many levels of education does a typical American university have? (A typical American university has two levels of education: two years of undergraduate classes and two more years of graduate classes.)


Задание 1.5 Переведите на английский язык.

1. Школьное образование и образовательные программы являются обязанностью каждого штата. (Schooling and educational programmes are the responsibility of each state)

2. Частное образование считается более престижным.(Private education is considered more prestigious.)

3. На первом и втором курсах студенты изучают общеобразовательные дисциплины (In the first and second years, students study General education subjects)

4. Выпускники могут специализироваться дальше и заниматься научными исследованиями.(Graduates can specialize further and engage in scientific research.)


Задание 1.6 Поставьте вопросы к предложению:

а) к подлежащему – What is the most prestigious education?

b) общий - Is private education prestigious?

c) специальный - Which education is considered more prestigious?

d) разделительный, к предложению - Private education is considered more prestigious, isn't it?

Private education is considered more prestigious.



Задание 2.1 Добавьте один из суффиксов (-er, -r, -ian, -ist, -man) к словам, чтобы образовалось название профессии. Переведите образовавшиеся слова.

Напр: police (полиция) – policeman (полицейский)

manage (управляться) – manager - менеджер

photograph (фотография) – photographer - фотограф

interpret (переводить) – interpreter - переводчик

politics (политика) – politician - политик

fire (огонь) – fireman – пожарный


Задание 2.2 Образуйте сложные слова и переведите их.

Например: clock (часы) + work (работа) = clockwork (часовой механизм)

head (голова) + ache (боль) = headache- головная боль

dish (тарелка), + washer (мойка) = dishwasher – посудомоечная машина

glasses (стекла) +sun (солнце) = sunglasses – солнцезащитные очки

pool (водоем) + swimming (плавание) = swimming-pool - бассейн



Задание 2.3 Перефразируйте следующие словосочетания, используя суффикс – un.


not a healthy place - not a unhealthy place

not human treatment - unhuman treatment

not finished work - unfinished work

one who doesn’t believe something - one who undoesn’the believe something


Задание 2.4 Образуйте множественное число существительных, оканчивающихся на –F/-FE.

Shelf, calf, grief, cliff, life, knife, proof, reef, sheaf, wife, safe, gulf, self, elf, leaf.

(Shelves, calves, woes, Rocks, lives, knives, proofs, reefs, sheaves, wives, safes, bays, we, elves, sheets.)

Задание 2.5 Переведите на английский язык.

1. дети Дона и Мэри. 2. дом моих дяди и тети. 3. машина родителей Стива 4. сад наших бабушки и дедушки 5. название улицы. 6. сегодняшняя газета

(1. don and Mary's children. 2. my aunt and uncle's house. 3. Steve's parents 'car 4. our grandparents' garden 5. street name. 6. today's newspaper)

Задание 2.6 Вставьте артикли, где необходимо.

1. The best pet for a child is a dog.

2. If you don’t like a public transport, you should get a car.

3. The car isn’t best way to travel in the city.

4. There was the dead mouse in the corner.

5. At the bottom of the page it said ‘Please turn over’.

6. I don’t take sugar, thank you

7. I bought a bottle of milk.

8. He has a lot of a work today.

9. This vase is made of glass.

Задание 2.7 Задайте вопросы к предложениям

1. She is a very good teacher.

2. Her parents are both doctors.

3. Jack is a member of a school football team.(Who)

4. My sister likes travelling by car. (How)

5. Jake is going to Turkey next Saturday. (Who)

6. My whole class visited the National Art Museum. (Who)

7. I was a good student, _?

8. Dolphins are very kind animals, _?

1. What kind of teacher is she?

2. Who are in the profession of her parents?

3. What football team plays Jack?(Who)

4. what does your sister like to travel on? (How)

5. Where is Jack going next Saturday? (Who)

6. What Museum did your class visit (Who)

7. What kind of student were you?

8. What do you think, what dolphins?

Задание 2.8 Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Он пойдет на работу в понедельник.

2. Они придут в 7 часов.

3. Она родилась в январе.

4. Магазин был открыт в 2001.

5. Они поженились 17 июня.

6. Мы поедем кататься на лыжах зимой.

1. He will go to work on Monday.

2. They will arrive at 7 o'clock.

3. She was born in January.

4. the Store was opened in 2001.

5. They got married on June 17.

6. We go skiing in the winter.




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