infrared — ультракрасный, инфракрасный

Зачет по иностранному языку

Группа 48

Дата: 01.06.2020 г

Тема: Повторительно-обобщающий урок. Итоговый урок

Срок выполнения: 01.06.2020 г. до 21:00

1. Прочитайте и переведите слова на русский язык:

Mobile phone, dishwasher, video recorder, gas stove, remote control, sites, cordless telephone, on-line, microwave oven, inventions, e-mail, vacuum cleaner, Internet, mower, computer, electrical.

2. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу сло­вами из рамки:

Yesterday was my father’s birthday. My mother asked me to help her with the preparations. When I returned home from school, first of all I decided to watch TV. I jumped onto the coach, took a (1)____(this device helps me to change channels without standing up) and prepared to watch something. But the horrible thing happened — the electricity went off. So all (2)____units didn’t work. In the house we have a (3)____because it is very convenient, you can speak from any place in your flat. But it doesn’t work when there is no electricity. So my mother had to call on my (4)____. She wanted to make sure that everything would be ready for the party. I didn’t want to disappoint her and started to work. I couldn’t use a (5)____ to clean the carpet, so I had to take a brush and to do it with hands. Mum said me to put what she prepared into a (6) ____to make the dish ready. Fortunately we had our good old (7)____in other way everybody could remain hungry! After the party I washed all the dishes not with the help of the (8)____ but again with my own hands! In the morning I woke up early because of the terrible noise. At first I couldn’t make out what it was but when I looked out of the window I saw our neighbour cutting the grass with his (9)____. So today everything was in order with the electricity. I rushed to my (10)___to check (11)____messages and surf the (12)____I would like to visit some (13)____ there and play an (14)____game. After that I looked through the TV program and saw that there were 2 films on different channels I wanted to see, so I had to set my (15)____in order to have the possibility to watch one of the films later. All of a sudden I understood that these (16)____have changed our lives and now we can’t do without them.

3. Прочитайте текст и пропущенные в нем предложе­ния А—Е. Выберите из этих предложений то, которое лучше всего подходит в пропуски.

Remote Control

It was in June of 1956, that the practical television remote controller first entered the American home. Remote control technology was developed for military use (the Germans used remote control motorboats during W.W.I.) and in the late 1940s the first non-military uses for remote controls appeared (i.e. automatic garage door openers.)

Zenith Radio Corporation created the very first television remote control in 1950, called «Lazy Bone». (1)____. The Lazy Bone remote control was attached to the television by a bulky cable, which the consumer did not like. (2)____. The Flash-matic operated by means of four photocells, one in each corner of the TV screen. The viewer used a directional flashlight to activate the four control functions, which turned the picture and sound on and off and turned the channel tuner dial clockwise and counter­clockwise. However, the Flash-matic had problems working well on sunny days, when the sunlight could change channels randomly. The improved «Zenith Space Command» remote control went into commercial production in 1956. Zenith engineer, Dr. Robert Adler who based his invention on ultrasonics, designed the Space Command. (3)____.

(4)____. In the early 1960s, after the invention of the transistor, remote controls came down in price and size, as did all electronics. Zenith modified the Space Command remote control creating small hand-held and battery-operated remote controls. (5) ____. Infrared devices replaced ultrasonic remote controls in the early 1980s.

Photocell - фотоэлемент

Ultrasonics — ультразвуковая техника

infrared — ультракрасный, инфракрасный

A. Ultrasonic remote controls remained the dominant design for the next twenty-five years, and as the name suggests they worked using ultrasound waves.

B. Zenith engineer, Eugene Polley created the «Flash-matic», the first wireless TV remote invented in 1955.

C. Over nine million ultrasonic remote controls were sold.

D. Lazy Bone could turn a television on and off and change channels; however, it was not a wireless remote control.

E. The first Space Command units were expensive due to the necessary use of six vacuum tubes in the receiver units that raised the price of a television by thirty percent.

4. Вставьте в предложение подходящее слово:

1. We can use … for cooking.

a) a vacuum cleaner b)a microwave c) a dishwasher

2. People often use … for grass cutting.

a) a mover b) roller blades c) a fax machine

3. … help build one’s strength.

a) A body building machine b) A talking alarm clock c) A solar powered calculator

4. I think … is a necessity than luxury.

a) a TV set b) a mobile phone c) a car

5. I need … to get in touch with my friend or to call the police or an ambulance.

a) an alarm clock b) a mobile phone c) a car

6. I think that the … is the most important thing in the home.

a) fax machine b) vacuum cleaner c) body building machine

7. Do not operate the toaster lying on its side – this could cause …

a) a fire b) a driver c) a burn

8. … is like a typewriter and address book for me. I can play and learn on it. It’s a brilliant source of information.

a) a mobile phone b) a computer c) a fax machine

9. If you do not use the production in short time, you must take out the …

a) batteries b) mowers c) dishes

10. … have toothed wheels, called cogs.

a) Levers b) Simple machine c) Gears



Составьте диалог

Your parents decided to buy a new vacuum cleaner. But you think that the buying of a video recorder is more urgent. Try to convince them.


You would like to send a present to your English friend. He/she was liked this device when he/she was here. Unfortunately the instruction is in Russian.

- decide what unit/device/garget you are sending

- write an instruction how to use it

- express hope that he/she will like it.


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