Task 8. Divide the report into major information points. State your opinion on the issue raised in the piece.

Task 2. Before resuming your work with Video 11.1, study the words and expressions in the box below, then watch the clip to grasp its essence.


to sell out – распродать haulage – подвоз, транспортировка

shovel - лопата antic – антикварный, старый, нелепый

blanket – одеяло, покрывало kindling - растопка, лучина для растопки

the staples – основные продукты питания (скобы, скрепки?) pond – пруд, водоем

to maroon – околачиваться, нежиться snug - уютный/ удобно устроиться

pelvis – таз to fracture - сломать

to slip – поскользнуться featureless - безликий, невыразительный,

stables – конюшни barracks – укрытие, барак, сарай

panic buying to stock up - запастись

spill – пролить? installment – часть (еще один снегопад)


cusp: on the cusp of several counties - острый выступ)

to brace oneself for another storm - собираться с силами/духом; готовиться

to be thin on the ground: customers are thin on the ground – очень мало

Task 3. Watch Video 11.1 again and identify the following proper names:

▪ the village name; (Four Elms) (elm – вяз, дерево)

▪ the names of the three counties mentioned in the clip; (Kent, Sussex and Surrey)

▪ the county where the report was filmed is known as (the garden of England)


Task 4. Find a Russian equivalent of the village name? What is another village name in the clip? What is its origin? Четыре вяза.

Four Elms is a village within the civil parish of Hever in the Sevenoaks District of Kent, England. The village is located on a crossroads between Edenbridge and Sevenoaks, two miles (3.2 km) northeast of the former place.

Task 5. Close the gaps in the sentences below. Identify idioms, phrasal verbs and stylistic devices in the script. (metaphors – under blanket of white, ice show, biting cold; epithets?, contrast – thick x thin; metonymy – Four Elms is bracing … - villagers) idiom – brace oneself?

1. 1 Four Elms, on the cusp of the counties of 2-4 Kent, Sussex and Surrey, 5 is bracing itself for what might be to come.

2. 1 Already the village is 2 thick with snow, and customers at the local shops 1 are 2 thin 3 on the ground.

3. At the Equestrian Centre the shelves have been cleared of 1 everything and 2 anything that might keep animals warm.

4. “I’m afraid, we are completely 1 2 sold out”.

5. The local school is under a 1 blanket of white and 2 hard decisions will need to be made about 3 whether to allow pupils to come to lessons on Monday.

6. Most people have already 1-2 stocked up (запаслись) for the next 3 installment of the snow (снегопад) and ice 4 show.

7. 1 Though 2 antic sledges are proving popular, it’s 3 the 4 staples that are disappearing fast.

8. – People 1 panic buy – 3-9 bread, milk, eggs, coal, kindling (растопка, лучина для растопки), petrol (бензин), diesel.

9. 1 Just look at the ducks, 2 marooned (околачиваются, сидят) on the 3-6 all but completely frozen village pond.

10. 1 With the temperatures firmly below zero (сильно ниже нуля), and the snow 2 coming 3 down yet again, most of the villagers here in 4 Four Elms are doing what sensible people would do under these conditions – they are 5 staying in and 6 staying warm.

11. At the 1 stables (конюшни) more than 40 horses are confined to 2 barracks (вынуждены оставаться в укрытии/бараке/сарае// ограничены…), 3-5 wrapped up snuggly against (уютно, удобно распологаются/устроились/ укутаны) the 6 biting cold. (сильный мороз)

12. “Unfortunately, I was 1 taking a horse 2 out of stable yesterday. And it just literally 3 slipped off 4 on a bit of ice and 5-6 ended up fracturing its pelvis (сломав/повредив таз).”

13. 1 So for now the “2-3 garden of England ” is no longer green. 4 Instead, it’s a 5-6 featureless white.

Task 6. How would you comment on the abundance of phrasal verbs in the report?

Task 7. What is the prevailing mood of Video 11.1? What means (verbal and visual) are employed by the journalist to create such mood?

Task 8. Divide the report into major information points. State your opinion on the issue raised in the piece.



Video 11.1 Sky News


Title: Big Freeze

the village of SEVENOAKS

Four Elms, on the cusp (острый выступ), of the counties (графств) of Kent, Sussex and Surrey is bracing itself (собираются с силами/духом; готовятся) for what might be to come (что может их настигнуть…). Already the village is thick with snow (густо покрыта), and customers at the local shops are thin on the ground.

At the Equestrian centre (центр верховой езды/конного спорта) the shelves have been cleared of everything and anything that might keep animals warm through the big freeze.

– Hi, have you got the haylage (сенаж) (haulage – подвоз)?

– I’m afraid, we are completely sold out (полностью распродано) (in medmeee?)… All the lorries can’t get to us.


Angier Moore runs the horse equipment business (ведет бизнес по продаже конного снаряжения). She says she’s selling out the things quicker than she can resupply: (пополнить запасы)

woolpaves? (шерстяные ковры /настилы?) (we supply with …) anything that’s gonna keep people warm and dry, snow shovels (лопаты для уборки снега), ….. (wool paves?) have gone very well. Yeah, just basically anything that will just help people with the weather and the snow.


The local school is under a blanket of white (укрыта белоснежным одеялом/засыпана снегом) and hard decisions will need to be made about whether to allow pupils to come to lessons on Monday.

At the garage (заправка?) business is slow. Most people have already stocked up (запастись) for the next installment of the snow (снегопаду) and ice show (ледовое шоу?). Though antic sledges (старые/простые сани) are proving popular, it’s the staples (основные продукты питания/ скобы/ скрепки) that are disappearing fast.

– People panic buy – bread, milk, eggs, coal, kindling (растопка, лучина для растопки), petrol (бензин), diesel.

You don’t need a thermometer to judge how cold it is here. Just look at the ducks, marooned (околачиваются/сидят) on the all but completely frozen village pond. (пруд, водоем)

With the temperatures firmly below zero (сильно ниже нуля), and the snow coming down yet again (надвигающемся снегопаде), most of the villagers here in Four Elms are doing what sensible people would do under these conditions – they are staying in and staying warm.

At the stables (конюшнях) more than 40 horses are confined to barracks (вынуждены оставаться в укрытии/бараке/сарае// ограничены…), wrapped up snuggly (уютно, удобно распологаются/устроились/ укутаны) against the biting cold (сильный мороз). Taking them out has already proved fatal (привело к смертельному исходу) at a neighbouring yard. (двор)

– Unfortunately, I was taking a horse out of the stable yesterday. And it just literally slipped on a bit of ice and ended up fracturing (повредить, сломать) its pelvis (таз). So unfortunately, the horse had to be destroyed (вынуждены были усыпить…) which isn’t very good (Dan Baddeley, stables owner)

So for now the ‘garden of England’ is no longer green. Instead, it’s a featureless white. (невыразительная/полностью/безликая…. белизна)


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