Раздел 2. Грамматика и лексика

Стартовая диагностическая работа. 10 класс.

Вариант 1

Раздел 1. Чтение

1. Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами А–G, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок. Запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами.

1. The opening ceremony 5. A symbolic meaning

2. A great honour 6. A place to visit

3. The Olympic team 7. A new start

4. The Greek calendar 8. The best location

A The first winners of the Olympic Games got free food and housing for the whole lives. They were mentioned in poems and well-known all over Greece. Sculptors even built statues of the competitors. Everyone respected and admired the winners. In short, the victory in the competitions made the man a national hero and all the little children wanted to be like him.

B Olympia was chosen as the place for the Games because it was a peaceful and neutral area. There the ancient Greeks praised their most important God – Zeus. Another factor was that it had a beautiful green valley. It was very suitable for all kinds of sports competitions. Also people could easily get to Olympia because there were two rivers nearby. It was impossible to find a better place anywhere else in Greece.

C The Olympiads were named in honor of the runner who came first in the stadium race. For example, the Olympiad of Dionis. So, the years after this Olympiad were named as the first, the second, the third or the fourth year since the Olympiad of Dionis. The early historians used this system to give dates to important events.

D The Olympic Museum was founded in 1993 in Switzerland. It has a big collection of pieces connected with the Olympic movement. It also has the largest number of books and documents about the Games in the world. No wonder, the place is one of the main tourist attractions. The museum is surrounded by a park with wonderful works of art based on a sporting theme.

E The modern Olympics began in 1894. Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a Frenchman, decided to bring back the ancient Greek tradition. He wanted to begin a sports festival to celebrate health, youth and peace. The first modern Olympiad took place in Athens in 1896. Since then the Olympic Games have been held every four years with two exceptions because of the two world wars.

F The Olympic Games traditionally start with the “Parade of the Nations”. Most of the participating athletes walk out into the stadium. The Greek athletes open the parade and the hosts appear on stadium the last. The name of each country is announced in French and English, the official languages of the Olympic Games, and the language spoken in the country that organizes the Games.

G The five Olympic rings represent the five main regions of the world – Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania. Every national flag in the world includes one of the five colours, which are blue, yellow, black, green, and red. The rings are connected and there is a reason for it. It’s done to show that the Games are for all nations. All good sportsmen can come and compete against one another in unity.

Раздел 2. Грамматика и лексика

2. Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 816, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 816.

Tim woke up later than usual. It was Sunday and he 8 __________________ lots of plans for the day. HAVE
He was in the bathroom cleaning his 9__________________ when he heard some unfamiliar voices from the veranda. TOOTH
“Who could they be?” Tim 10 __________________. THINK
When he came into the room, his mum and two other women 11__________________ happily and didn’t notice him. CHAT


Tim coughed to attract 12 __________________ attention. THEY
“Oh, Tim, you’re up already!” his mother sounded excited. “Meet my school friends, Linda and Emma.” Linda shook his hand, Emma smiled and said: “We 13__________________ happy to meet you, Tim.” BE
Your mum showed us your photo, but you are much 14__________________ there. Join us for tea. YOUNG
I wish we 15_________________ talk about our school days for ages, but we have some other business to discuss with your mother. It’s going to be interesting for you, too.” CAN
Tim sat at the table. Emma had some papers in her hands but Tim couldn’t read what 16__________________ there – the letters were too small. PRINT


3. Прочитайте приведенные ниже предложения. Раскройте скобки, употребите глаголы в нужной форме и заполните пропуски.

17. I always …..(drink) milk for my breakfast but today I ……(have) a cup of hot cocoa.

18. Julia’s sick so she …….(not come) to our meeting. Let’s start.

19. Open the door! Some …….(just ring) the bell for the second time.

20. While Frank …….(study) last night, his sister …….(make) ten calls on his mobile.

21 I……..(write) most of my report yesterday but ……..(finish) it yet.

22. What time …. the train …… (leave)?

23. Sarah burnt her hand when she …… (cook) the dinner.

24. I’m hungry. I …. (want) something to eat.

25. The film wasn’t very good. I ….. (not/enjoy) it very much.

26. I’m too tired to walk home. I think I …. (take) a taxi.


4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

27. We expect you...(come) to his birthday.

а) to come b) coming c) comes

28. She made him... (promise) to give the picture to her.

a).to promise b).promise c) promising

29.Have you... your homework? — Not yet.

a) do b) does c) done

30. He is terribly fat. He..… eat too much.

a) mustn’t b)can’t c)should

31. She …… (pass) her exams next month if she worked hard

a) would pass b)will pass c) is passing

32. She'll lose weight when she… (go) on a diet.

a) will go b)goes c) is going

33. Dresses …… (make) preferably of cotton in hot countries.

a) makes b) are made c) were made

34.What language ….. (speak) in this room now?

a) are speaking b) is being spoken c)was speaking

35. Last month I was in Turkey. … you ever …. (be) there?

a) were b been c)have been

36.Look here! I simply refuse to believe what you..... me now.

a) are telling b) have been telling c) have told



Бланк ответов

Фамилия ………………………… Имя ……………………………….

Класс …………………………….. Вариант ………………………….

Задание 1

тексты A B C D E F G


Задание 2



Задание 3



Задание 4




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