The internal environment of the organization.

The activity of each organization takes place in a specific situation that determines the type of the organization and the order of its functioning. This situation can be divided into two parts: internal and external variables.

Internal variables are characterized by the internal environment of the organization, the most important elements of which are goals, objectives, structure, technology and personnel. These variables are the result of management decisions and determine how effective the organization will be compared to others.

The goal of management reflects the desired state of the control object, the quantitative and qualitative description of the desired result.

The structure of the organization - the relationship between management levels or functional areas, allowing most effectively achieve the goals of the organization. The formation of a structure is a consequence of the division of labor among specialists of its different types.

Objectives - the prescribed work, which must be performed in a prescribed manner within a predetermined time frame. Carrying out the structuring of the organization and deciding on the creation of structural subdivisions, the manager at the same time determines the number of workplaces in each structural subdivision and describes the functions that the applicant must undertake to occupy the workplace. constituent elements and fixing the need for each element for a separate division (or employee) of the organization in the form of setting tasks for it.

The allocation of jobs in each structural unit is carried out through the development of staffing.

Objectives are assigned to officials, and not to specific individuals.

Technology is the most effective way to achieve a goal. Production technology is considered as a means of converting resources into goods, products, services. There are many approaches to isolating various types of technologies, according to Joan Woodward, a British researcher, all technologies of manufacturing firms can be divided into three categories:

1. Single, small batch or individual production.

2. Mass or mass production.

3. Continuous production.

The sociologist and theorist of organizations, James Thompson, developed a system for the classification of technologies, which includes:

1. Multilink technology.

2. Mediation technologies.

3. Intensive technology.

People - the most significant element of the organization. When analyzing this variable, it is necessary to take into account the level of competence and professional qualifications of both management and ordinary employees.


4. The external environment of the organization

Within each organization, there are restrictions that limit the choice of a manager of a particular solution. They are due to the external environment and organizational culture. The organization's culture and the external environment “work” against the manager, significantly limiting the managers' freedom of action (see Figure 8).




Figure 8. Limiting factors in activity management staff


Any organization is located and operates in the external environment, which is a source of resources for the organization. In turn, the organization itself directs the results of its activities to the external environment. The organization and the external environment are in constant relationship and interaction.

The external environment is a set of subjects and forces (factors) that are actively acting and influencing the position and prospects of the company, the effectiveness of management.

The external environment is characterized by complexity, mobility, uncertainty and interdependence of factors.

The main part of the efforts of the information collection manager is devoted to the study of the environment and its components. One of the ways of determining the environment and facilitating consideration of its impact on the organization is to divide external factors into factors of the general external environment (factors of macroenvironment, environment of indirect influence) and factors of direct influence (factors of microenvironment).

The factors of macro-environment, creating the conditions for the environment of the organization:

1) economic, characterizing the state of the country's economy (GDP value, inflation rate, unemployment rate, natural resources, salary size, etc.)

2) political, determining the direction and methods of development of society (the dominant political ideology, the stability of the government, the strength of the opposition);

3) social phenomena and processes (the attitude of people to work and the quality of life, values, traditions and national characteristics, the demographic structure of society, the level of education, etc.);

4) technological, determined by the development of scientific and technological progress (scientific and technical developments, innovations, etc.);

5) relations with the local population. Many organizations make concerted efforts to maintain good relations with the local population in which they operate. These efforts can take the form of school funding, charitable activities, or the support of talented youth.

The environment of direct impact includes factors that directly affect the achievement of the organization of its goal, these include:

1) consumers. Consumer research allows the organization to find out which product, in what volume will be most in demand, how wide the circle of customers is and whether there is a possibility of expanding production and marketing of products, competitiveness of products;

2) suppliers. The study of the activities and potential of suppliers allows the organization to ensure the effectiveness of its work, reduce the likelihood of dependence on unscrupulous suppliers, to ensure the necessary level of cost and product quality;

3) competitors. With them the organization is fighting for resources, markets. It is important to take into account the successes of both intra-industry competitors and competitors producing replacement products.

4) the labor market ensures the organization of the necessary specialty and qualifications, level of education, etc.

5) laws and state bodies. A set of laws and other regulatory acts establishing legal norms and frameworks of relations, as well as their practical implementation by state authorities (allows us to determine the permissible boundaries of actions and relationships with other actors);



1 К.Б. Бердалиев. Менеджмент: лекциялар курсы. - Алматы: Экономика, 2016. - 190 б.

2 Под редакцией профессора К.Е. Кубаева. Теория и практика менеджмента. Учебник. - Алматы: Казак Университет!, 2008. - 486 с.

3 М.Х. Мескон, М. Альберт, Ф. Хедоури. Основы менеджмента [пер. с англ. О.И. Медведь]. - М.: Вильямс, 2012. - 672 с.

4 О.С. Виханский, А.И. Наумов. Менеджмент. Учебник - 5-е изд. - М.: ИНФРА-М, 2014. - 576 с.

5 Ричард Дафт. Менеджмент. - Спб.: Питер, 2012. - 863 с.

6 К.Е. Ахметов. Менеджмент непздерг Оку куралы. - Ак- тобе-Орал: А-Полиграфия, 2006. - 519 б.

7 Л.И. Дорофеева, М.В. Бгашев. Менеджмент: Учебник для студентов. - Саратов: изд-во Саратовского университета, 2008. - 403 с.


Test questions:

1. Explain what an organization is. With what signs can I give a description of the organizations?

2. List the factors that form the internal environment of the organization and expand their features in relation to a particular organization.

3. Explain why management is required to consider the relationship of internal variables?

4. What are the main elements of the external environment?

5. Highlight the differences between the direct exposure environment and the indirect exposure environment.

6. Explain what an organizational culture is and how it arises.

7. List the features of the interaction of management and culture.

8. Analyze the situation in your study group: whether the culture was formed here, what characteristics it has.



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