Classification, Biodiversity and Evolution

Molecules and Cells


Nucleic acids

Replication and protein synthesis


Cell structure and

cell membrane

Cell organelles

Chromosome structure and mitosis

Gene technology

This topics you already know and can study from different sites that I have already gave you

Exchange and Transport

Movement of molecules Here you should know diffusion, osmosis

Gas exchange in plants and simple organisms

Gas exchange in mammals

Transport in mammals: blood

Transport in mammals: vessels

Transport in mammals: heart

Transport in plants

Transport of water through the plant; Transpiration

Translocation in plants

3. Energy and the Environment

Autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition

Energy flow in the ecosystem

Food chains and food webs

Ecological pyramid


Recycling of nutrients

Population growth and control

Resource management and human influences

4. Metabolism, Respiration and Photosynthesis

The role of ATP in metabolism

Aerobic respiration

Aerobic respiration and energy budgets


Biochemistry of the light dependent stage

Biochemistry of the light independent stage

Regulation and Control


The kidney

Functioning of the kidney

Plant growth substances

Effect of light on plant growth



The central nervous system

Sensory receptors


Types of microorganisms

Growth and culture techniques


Pathogens and human disease

Protection against disease

Applications and contemporary issues

Reproduction and Genetics

Pollination and fertilization; Book: zambak Botany p 36-40 P 54-67

Seed development and germination

Human reproduction

Hormonal control of reproduction

Fertilization and development



Mendel’s laws

Deviations from Mendel’s laws and sex linkage


Genetic counselling and gene therapy

Classification, Biodiversity and Evolution

Principles of taxonomy

The five

kingdom classification

Population genetics

Evolution and selection

Isolation and speciation

Human influences as a selection pressure

Biodiversity and causes of extinction

Speaking in general, try to cover all biology topics from this site or at least make sure that you know them well



SET Chemistry

As usually you should do diagnostic test using this reference

We will use the same references

The good one periodic table that you can use

A good source for study is Factshhets. I could not download it but if you can try to study all topics with factsheet as in biology section and make quiz after each section from this site




Or you can use this one:



Question number Topic Where you can study
1;2 Chemical Elements Introduction to chemistry p28-41 Quizzes:  
  Atomic structure Introduction to chemistry zambak p50-63 Quiz:  
  Groups of elements and general trends    
  Chemical reactions: acid+bases   Zambak To learn 2book: chemical compounds and reactions p56-79
  Displacement reactions or what is reactivity(look explanation in the end of table)   Zambak To learn 2book: chemical compounds and reactions p56-79 P14-30  
  Organic chemistry;   Homologous series N.B Here you should know that SET chemistry does not contain a lot of organic chemistry questions. It usually ask questions of 8,9 and 10th grades. So you don’t have to study it in detail. However 1 or 2 questions from org.chem may appear.    
  Isotopes,isomers Isotopes To learn 1 folder: Introduction to chemistry p 55-63 Isomers:  
  Chemical formula Naming compounds intro to chemistry p74-76
  Reactivity of alakali metals Zambak To learn 2book: chemical compounds and reactions P 23-59 See vide:  
11-14 Types of molecule and forces Introduction to chemistry p67-79  
  Ionic compounds Introduction to chemistry p67-79
16,17 pH concept To learn 2book: chemical compounds and reactions p56-79  
18;20;21 Stoicheometry or chemical calculations   Folder: to learn 1: Introduction to chemistry zambak p 82-95
  Organic chemistry Oxidation of organic compounds  
23,24 Chem calculations problems with volume To learn 3 folder Chemical compounds and reactions topic stoichiometry p34-49
25-29 Chemical calculations To learn 3 folder Chemical compounds and reactions p34-49
  Cathode; anode  
Additionally, you have to know:
  Oxidation-reduction reactions  
  Atomic radius  
  Electronic configuration
  Electron shells and nobble gases Introduction to chemistry p 54
  Metals As they constitute the majority of periodic table you have to know them. Their chemical and physical property. It is not important to know where they are used. To learn 2book: chemical compounds and reactions Learn topics such as alkali metals, alkali earth metals transitions metals.
  Atomic radii  


Some explanations of concepts that took me a lot of time to understand:

what is reactivity: When one element is more reactive than other it can substitute it. So, when is reactivity is then? Reactivity is the ability of the element to attract electrons. The most reactive element in periodic table is fluorine. So lets consider any example

CaBr2+2Na=2NaBr+Ca in this basic example, sodium is more reactive than calcium so, it substituted it. However, if we see vise versa example, for example

NaBr+Ca calcium can not substitute Na so CaBr2 will not form!


Why do we put certain elements in one group and other elements in other groups?

That is because certain group of elements number of electrons on the outer shell is the same. For example if we look to the elements of first group here, we can see that there is 1 electron on its outer shell, elements in the second group has 2 electrons on its outer shell, third group elemets have 3 and so on. 8th group elements have 8 electrons on its outer shell and it is complete set of electrons. So these elements do not need to participate in reactions in order to loos or gain electron so that is why they are called nobble gases-means inactive.



In this section I want to talk about IELTS. I am not going to give advise or strategy because I understood that every candidate has his own strategies and we have a lot of advices from the internet like skimming and scanning reading passage, make plan for writing part and etc. I am not going to cover all this stuff as you can google that information I just want to tell you and give most efficient books in preparation for IELTS because every book has its specialization. Some books are good to practice reading and some for listening.

For those who wants to improve their reading skills:

Start with Barons essential words for IELTS-easy book but it can enhance your vocabulary

Continue with new insight into IELTS. Then practice improve your IELTS writing skills and end up with Cambridge IELTS 7,8,9

For those who wants to improve their writing skills:

I do not know but the best book for me was improve your writing skills and 202 useful hints for IELTS

Wyyat check your vocabulary for IELTS

And if you have grammar problems+you have to pass IELTS

Cambridge grammar for IELTS is irreplaceable book for you

For those who wants to improve their listening skills:

202 useful hints for IELTS

Cambridge vocabulary for IELTS

Improve your listening skills



This is quite interesting and difficult for some students section. However for me it was the most easiest one. I took 7 three times in this section and I have never prepared for this section. I think reading, listening and writing sections are more about practice. However, speaking come naturally.

So, here I want to give you some piece of advise

1) Be positive during the interview. Smile. The examiner is not going to kill you.

2) Ask question if you do not understand. You will not loose points for that action.

3) Use conditionals, idioms, phrasal verbs to enhance your speech

4) I know it is difficult but try to be fluent it is very important!!!

5) When you are given a card and notebook to write notes, please write notes and make brief plan. So that your speech will have introduction, body and if possible conclusion

6) Do not stop during 2nd part speak as much as possible.

Exam day

Dear student, you do all this stuff that I gave you do not worry you will pass your exam. Study hard before the exam but when 1 day left study nothing. Relax. Forget that you have exam. Try to do your favorite things. Do not drink too much water it will interrupt you. Do not ask anything from your neighbor you can be disqualified. It is true! Do not worry if you did everything you will pass everything. Other exam rules NU will send to you before the test day. Good luck!




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