Г. Иностранный язык
Тема урока: Экологическое образование. Альтернативные источники энергии. Составление тезисов устного выступления.
- познакомить обучающихся с альтернативными источниками энергии, ввести термины и выражения по теме, практиковать их употребление в речи; анализировать преимущества и недостатки альтернативной энергии.
Упражнение 1
Which words do you already know? Which are new words?
Nowadays more and more people believe that we should stop using coal and oil to get energy. Instead we should use the renewable sources of energy. To talk about them we need some words.
alternative energy – альтернативный источник энергии,
coal - уголь,
dam – дамба, плотина,
flow - течь,
fossil fuels – ископаемые виды топлива,
fuel - топливо,
gas - газ,
generator - генератор,
lake - озеро,
oil – нефть, масло,
pie chart – круговая диаграмма,
pollute - загрязнять,
power – снабжать энергией,
reservoir - водохранилище,
rooftop - крыша,
solar cell – элемент солнечной батареи,
solar power station – солнечная электростанция,
tower - башня,
trap – запирать, улавливать, западня, ловушка,
waste - отходы,
wind turbine – ветряная турбина.
Упражнение 2
Match words from each box to make new phrases (you can use some words more than once)
major energy carbon nuclear greenhouse wind reducing | farms power gas supply demand choices emissions |
Gap fill: Complete the text below using some of the phrases from the boxes
The UK is committed to reducing its __________ _________ emissions by at least 80% by
2050, compared to 1990 levels. We need a transformation of the UK economy while
ensuring secure, low carbon energy supplies to 2050. We face __________ __________
about how to do this: should we rely more on cutting energy demand, or on increasing and
decarbonising _________ _________? How should we produce our electricity – should we
build more _________ _________, rely on nuclear power or build up other sectors?
Упражнение 3
Read and translate the texts
1. Nuclear power
Nuclear power is a form of alternative energy derived from controlled use of energy produced in nuclear reactions. Nuclear fuel, most often uranium or plutonium, is used in a reactor to produce these reactions. The heat this generates is used to heat water and turn it into steam, which then powers electric turbines. As they turn round, these turbines generate electricity. The first nuclear reactor was built in 1941 by Enrico Fermi, and the first nuclear power plant was established in Obninsk, near Moscow in Russia.
Although nuclear power is a form of energy that produces little greenhouse gas, nuclear reactions can be unstable. There have been a number of disasters involving nuclear reactors, such as at Chernobyl in 1986 and Fukushima in 2011. Nuclear reactions also produce radioactive waste which can harm the environment if not stored safely.
2. Wind power
Wind power works by converting the energy in wind into electricity. This is done using large windmills that turn when the wind blows at them. When the blades of the windmill turn, they move a turbine that turns a magnet inside a coil of wire. This generates electricity as the magnet makes electrons move in the wires.
Wind power is a form of renewable energy that produces virtually no greenhouse gases. Some people who live close to wind farm have claimed they have experienced negative effects from the noise made by the windmills, but usually research has not supported this viewpoint.
3. Hydroelectric power
Hydroelectricity is electricity produced by the movement of water. Huge dams are built to block rivers and collect water. This water is then released and forced through shafts that lead to a turbine. As the water turns this turbine, electricity is made. Hydroelectricity is much friendlier to the environment than fossil fuels like coal or oil, and is very easy to produce quickly. The way the water can be ‘let go’ means that the electricity can be made in a short space of time.
Despite the advantages of hydroelectric power, the building of these huge dams can cause damage to the environment. Because the natural flow of water is stopped, large areas can be flooded, affecting the people and wildlife that live there.
Домашнее задание.
Choose the right answer.
As we all 1. ______ there are 2. ______ sources of energy. One of them is the energy of the wind. To get this kind of energy we need a device 3. _______ is called a wind turbine. This device is especially designed to convert the kinetic energy of the wind into electricity. The first wind 4. _______ that generated electricity was installed in 1887 in Scotland. It was used to charge batteries. By the 1930, wind generators for electricity were 5. _____ used on farms.
- widely
- turbine
- know
- which
- renewable
Критерии оценивания (оценка вычисляется исходя из процента правильных ответов):
Вид работы | Оценка «3» | Оценка «4» | Оценка «5» |
Вставьте пропущенное слово | От 50% до 69% | От 70% до 90% | От 91% до 100% |
2. Составьте письменно тезисы к текстам упражнения 3.
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