The domination is manifested through government (the form of the adjunct changes, but is different from the head-word).

Seminar 9



1. Блох, М.Я. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка / М.Я. Блох. - М.: Высшая школа, 2003. – С. 247-254.

2. Блох, М.Я. Теоретические основы грамматики / М.Я. Блох. - М.: Высшая школа, 2004. – С. 66-69.

3. Блох, М.Я. Практикум по теоретической грамматике английского языка / М.Я. Блох, Т.Н. Семенова, С.В. Тимофеева. – М.: Высшая школа, 2004. – С. 245-249.


4. Бурлакова, В.В. Синтаксические структуры современного английского языка / В.В. Бурлакова. - М.: Просвещение, 1984. - 112 с.

5. Гуревич, В.В. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. Сравнительная типология английского и русского языков / В.В. Гуревич. – М.: Флинта: Наука, 2003. – C. 64-67.

6. Иванова, И.П. Теоретическая грам­матика современного английского языка / И.П. Иванова, В.В. Бурлакова, Г.Г. Почепцов. - М.: Высшая школа, 1981. – С. 100-163.

7. Ильиш, Б.А. Строй современного английского языка: учебник / Б.А. Ильиш. – Ленинград: Просвещение, 1971. – С. 171-181.

8. Кобрина, Н.А. Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка: учебное пособие / Н.А. Кобрина, Н.Н. Болдырев, А.А. Худяков. – М.: Высшая школа, 2007. – С. 170-183.

9. Левицкий, Ю.А. Основы теории синтаксиса: учебное пособие / Ю.А. Левицкий. - 3-е изд., испр. и доп. – М.: КомКнига, 2005. – С. 97-103, 145-151.



Get ready to answer the questions below.

1. What is a phrase and why is it called a polynominatlve lingual unit?

2. What is similar and what is different between the phrase and the word?

3. What are the differences between the definitions of the phrase given by V.V. Vinogradov and V.V. Burlakova?

4. What does agreement as a syntactic relation consist in? What differentiate government from agreement? Why is adjoining more typical of Russian and enclosure of English?

5. What principle is the traditional classification of phrases based on?

6. What principle is the nominative classification of phrases based on?

7. What differentiate equipotent from dominational phrases?

8. What do we call the constituents of the dominational phrases and why?

9. What means are used to achieve dominational connection in the phrase?

10. What differentiate coordinative from cumulative equipotent phrases?

11. What differentiate consecutive from cumulative dominational phrases?

12. What differentiate monolateral from bilateral dominational phrases?

13. What differentiate objective from qualifying connections in monolateral phrases?

14. Why are predicative connections of words called bilateral domination?

Find Russian equivalents for the following terms; give definitions.

phrase, polynominative lingual unit, polydenoteme (monodenoteme), notional phrase, formative phrase, functional phrase, equipotent (paratactic) and dominational (hypotactic) connections, consecutive equipotent (coordinative proper) and cumulative equipotent connections, dominational consecutive (subordinative proper) and dominational cumulative connections, kernel (kernel element, key word, head word), adjunct (adjunct word, expansion), monolateral (one-way) domination, bilateral (reciprocal, two-way) domination, agreement, government (prepositional and non-prepositional), adjoining, enclosure, interdependence, regressive and progressive phrases


Draw a diagram representing the classification of phrases.

4. Name the type of phrases below depending on the kernel.

Rich in minerals, extremely young, a little box, write letters, very quickly, types of rules, run fast, fond of books, some of them, nothing of interest, the trees of the park, politically active, neither of the boys.

5. Spilt the phrases below into 6 groups:

1) coordinative (consecutive) equipotent connection;

2) cumulative equipotent connection;

3) consecutive dominational connection;

4) cumulative dominational connection;

5) bilateral dominational connection;


Add 2 or 3 examples of your own to each group.

clever remarks; allowed, but reluctantly; safe and sound; her quick and lively gestures; paper money; John stayed; helpful, at least sometimes; silent, gloomy, upset; informed, though at short noti­ce; a woman of strong character; nice to look at and pleasant to talk to; (I heard) them talking

6. Define the kernel and the adjunct of the dominative phrases below:

to build new houses, pretty late, a book of stories, letters to the editor, holidays abroad, to go to the south in summer, to see her for the first time that day

Describe the phrases below using the model.

Model: to wait for her

1) a verbal phrase (the kernel – verb to wait );

2) the progressive phrase (the adjunct follows the kernel);

3) the notional phrase with consecutive dominational connection;

4) objective phrase (the adjunct refers to object of the action and is expressed by the objective pronoun her );

the domination is manifested through government (the form of the adjunct changes, but is different from the head-word).

these questions, to resemble them, he yawns, to see a figure, the many gestures, better days




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