Работа с текстом «Приключения Гулливера

Дата: 2.06.2020.

Группа № 86. Повар, кондитер. 2 курс

Преподаватель: Суховерша О.Н. suhoverscha.olesya@yandex.ru

Тема: Урок-чтение. Приключения Гулливера

Форма работы: индивидуальная, электронное обучение.

Тип урока: урок изучения и закрепления нового материала.

Цель урока: познакомиться с английской классикой, закрепление нового материала

Ключевые слова: Particulars, suffice, driven, spied, split, became of, assume, attempted, fastened, slender, cords, bending.

Используемая литература: Учебник Английский язык 11 класс: учебн. для общеобразоват. организаций: базовый уровень/ (О.В. Афанасьева, Д.Дули, И.В. Михеева и др.) – М.: Express Publisching: Просвещение, 2018.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

Мотивационный модуль. Формулируется тема урока

Ребята, на этом уроке вы познакомитесь с литературным творчеством Джонатана Свифта.

Основная часть

Объясняющий модуль.

Знакомятся с биографией Джонатана Свифта новой лексикой.

План изучения:

1.Изучить биографию данного писателя

2. Изучить новый лексический материал

3. Работа с текстом «Приключения Гулливера»

4. Обобщение изученного по теме

Изучить биографию данного писателя

Посмотрите на название и опишите картинку. Вы читали этот роман? Кто те люди, которые поймали Гулливера? Прочитайте биографию, чтобы узнать.

Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)

He was born in Dublin, Ireland. At school, he was described as headstrong and not a very good student. Later, however, he became a popular satirical author and journalist, and one of the most important figures in literary and political life in London during the reign of Queen Anne (1702-1714. Some of his most famous works include The Battle of the Books (1697) and A Tale of a Tub (1704).
Swift's best known work is Gulliver's Travels (1726), the story of a surgeon's adventures in strange lands. Swift's descriptions of Gulliver's journeys often seemed so realistic that many readers believed that they were true! In the first part, Gulliver is shipwrecked on the island of Lilliput, where the people are only six inches tall.

Изучить новый лексический материал

Particulars Детали
suffice удовлетворять
driven гонимый
spied замеченный
split расщепленный
became of выйти из
assume предполагать
attempted делать попытку
fastened привязанный
slender cords тонкие канаты
bending нагинаясь

Работа с текстом «Приключения Гулливера

For some reason, it would be inappropriate to trouble the reader with a detailed description of our adventures in these seas; suffice it to say that when we moved to the East Indies, we were relegated by a terrible storm to the northwest of Vandymena Land. According to observations, we were at 30 degrees and 2 minutes south latitude. Twelve people of our crew died from overwork and bad food; the rest were extremely weak. November 5, 1) (the beginning of summer in these places) there was a thick fog, so that sailors only at a distance of half-cable from the ship noticed a rock; but the wind was so strong that it bore us right on her, and the ship instantly crashed. Six of the crew, including myself, managed to lower the boat and move away from the ship and the cliff. According to my calculations, we went on oars for about three leagues, until we were completely exhausted, as we were already overworked on the ship. Therefore, we surrendered ourselves to the will of the waves (we therefore trusted ourselves to the mercy of the waves), and 2) (after half an hour the boat was overturned by a sudden gust of wind from the north). What happened to my boat mates, as well as to those who took refuge on a rock or stayed on a ship, I cannot say; I think that they are all lost. As for myself, I swam where my eyes look (I swam as fortune directed me), driven by the wind and tide. I often lowered my legs, but could not feel the bottom; when I was completely exhausted and unable to fight the waves anymore, I felt the ground under my feet, and the storm, meanwhile, had considerably calmed down. The bottom in this place was so sloping that I had to walk about a mile before I reached the shore; according to my assumptions, this happened around eight o’clock in the evening. I walked another half a mile, 3) (but could not reveal any signs of housing and population); or at least I was too weak to distinguish anything. I felt extremely tired; from fatigue, heat, as well as from a half-pint drunk on the ship, cognac strongly drove me to sleep. I lay down on the grass, which was very low and soft here, and 4) (I fell asleep as fast as I had never slept in my life, about nine hours); because when I woke up it was already quite light. I tried to get up, but could not move; I was lying on my back and found that my arms and legs on both sides were firmly attached to the ground; and my hair, 5) (which was long and thick), tied in the same way. In the same way, I felt that my body, from armpits to hips, was entangled in a whole network of thin twine. I could only look up; the sun began to burn, and his light blinded his eyes. Around me some kind of dull noise was heard, 6) (but the position in which I was lying did not allow me to see anything but the sky). Soon, I felt something living moving along my left leg, crawling softly across my chest and stopped at the very chin. Lowering my eyes as low as possible, I discerned before me a human being, no more than six inches tall, with a bow and arrow in his hands and a quiver behind him.
At the same time, I felt like at least about forty other similar creatures climb on me after him. In amazement, I cried out so loudly (I was in the utmost astonishment) that they all ran back in horror (ran back in fright); some of them, as I later found out, jumping and falling from my torso to the ground, received severe bruises. However, they soon returned, and one of them, daring to come so close (ventured so far) that he could see my whole face, in surprise (by way of admiration) raised his hands and eyes up and shouted in a thin but distinct voice: "Gekina Degul"; the rest repeated these words several times, but then I did not know what they meant. The reader can imagine in what uncomfortable position I lay all this time. Finally (At length), after much effort, I was fortunate enough to break the ropes and pull out the pegs to which my left hand was tied; bringing it to my face, I realized how they tied me up (the methods they had taken to bind me). At the same time, bursting with all my strength and causing unbearable pain, I slightly loosened the shoelaces that attached my hair to the ground on the left side, which allowed me to turn my head two inches.

A. but did not see any sign of houses or inhabitants- 3
C. which was the beginning of summer in those parts- 1
D but in the position I lay, could see nothing except the sky- 6
E.which was long and thick- 5
F. where I slept more soundly than I ever remembered having done in my life for about nine hours- 4
G. and in about half an hour the boat was overturned by a sudden strong gust of wind from the north -2


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