Выполнение контрольных упражнений

Дата: 01.06.2020

    01.06.2020 01.06.2020

Группа № 91 профессия машинист крана (крановщик) 1 курс

Тема: Работа с рабочей тетрадью (1 урок)

Форма работы: индивидуальная, электронное обучение.

Тип урока: урок закрепления нового материала

Цель урока: повторить пройденный лексический и грамматический материал

Используемая литература: Учебник Английский язык 10 класс: учебн. для общеобразоват. организаций: базовый уровень/ (О.В. Афанасьева, Д.Дули, И.В. Михеева и др.) – М.: Express Publisching: Просвещение, 2018.

Интернет- ресурсы:

1. Времена английского глагола. https://skyeng.ru/articles/vse-vremena-glagola-v-anglijskom-yazyke

Ход урока

Организационный момент. Обучающиеся записывают в тетрадях число, дату.

Выполнение контрольных упражнений

1 a. Fill in the adjective to complete the table.

Adjectives from nouns: Adjectives from verbs:  
beautiful aggressive dreamy selfish funny passionate caring active creative trusting annoying fearful  

1b. Use the words from the table to complete the sentences 1-12.

1. I enjoy making things because I’m a (n)...........person.
2. Stop being so........... and try to think of others for a change.
3. My best friend is a very and kind person.
4. John is always angry. I wish he wasn’t so
5. The dog next door barks all the time. It’s so
6. He is very........... about football. He watches every game he can.
7. The bride looked...........in her wedding gown.
8. The little boy was...........of monsters.
9. She had a...........faraway look on her face.
10. He paid the man before the job was done. He is very............
11. Jack is always telling jokes. He’s so............
12. He is very............ He rides his bike, runs and plays sports.

2. Fill in: chat, grab a bite, watch, hanging out, surf, do, catch, send, run, check out, go.
1. A: What are you doing this weekend?
B: I’m...........with my friends at the mall.
2.A: How do you spend your free time?
В: I like to...........online.
3. A: I have to call my mum and ask her if I can go.
B: Why don’t you her a text message?
4. A: What should we do tonight?
B: I’d like to...........a DVD.
5.A: These shoes look nice in this magazine.
B: Yes1 but you should........... window shopping and see them yourself.
6.A: How will you find the information you need?
В: I can...........the Internet and find it.
7.A: Do you do any voluntary work?
B: Yes. We errands for elderly people.
8. A: How do you spend your weekends?
В: I........... a lot of voluntary work at the hospital.
9. A: Do you have plans for Friday night?
В: I am going to...........the new Bond film at the Odeon.
10. A: lneed a new winter coat.
B: You should...........the shops in town.
11. A: I am hungry.
B: Shall we...........to eat?

3. Fill in: loyal, patient, moody, dishonest, jealous.
1. John cannot be trusted. He is very............
2. He goes to all of his teams’ matches. He is a...........fan.
3. Sara is a good teacher. She is very...........and kind.
4. She never says anything nice to her. I think she is...........of her.
5. One minute she is happy and the next she is sad. She is quite............

4. Fill in the verbs fit, suit, try, match, go with in the correct form.
A: Look at that lovely skirt.
B: The grey one?
A: Yes. I think I’ll 1)...........iton.
B: It’s a 10. I’m sure it will 2)........... you perfectly.
A: You’re right. It’s perfect.
B: Why don’t you take the jacket that 3) it.
A: I think I will actually.
B: Yeah1 you should. It will 4)...........your grey blouse.
A: Yes, I think grey 5)...........me, doesn’t it?

Ребята данную работу выполняете в тетрадях, фотографируете и отправляете мне на электронную почту yulechka_plotnikova_1994@mail.ru

Преподаватель Плотникова Ю.В. yulechka_plotnikova_1994@mail.ru

Конспект урока английского языка

Дата: 01.06.2020

Группа № 91 профессия машинист крана (крановщики)1 курс

Тема: Работа с рабочей тетрадью (2 урок)

Форма работы: индивидуальная, электронное обучение.

Тип урока: урок повторение изученного материала

Цель урока: обобщение пройденного материала по данной теме

Используемая литература: Учебник Английский язык 10 класс: учебн. для общеобразоват. организаций: базовый уровень/ (О.В. Афанасьева, Д.Дули, И.В. Михеева и др.) – М.: Express Publisching: Просвещение, 2018.

Интернет- ресурсы:

1. Таблица времён в английской грамматики. https://langformula.ru/english-grammar/vremena-v-anglijskom-yazyke/

2. Употребление герундия и инфинитива. https://engblog.ru/gerund-or-infinitive-verb-lists



Ход урока

Организационный момент. Обучающиеся записывают в тетрадях число, дату.

Выполнение контрольных упражнений

1. Put the words in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the ing form.
1. A: Do you want me (to) give you a lift?
B: No, thanks. I'd rather (to) walk.
2. A: Would you like me (to) cook dinner tonight?
B: OK, but how about is (make) something light, like soup?
3. A: Do you fancy (watch) a DVD?
B: Good idea. Let me make some popcorn.
4. A: I don't remember (to lock) the door.
B: There's no point worrying about it. I've locked it.
5. A: Don't forget (to) call the doctor to make an appointment.
B: Oh yes. Thanks for (remind) me.
6. A: It's no use (to try) to park there. The space is too small.
B: You're right. I'll have (to drive) around the block again.
7. A: I was glad (to hear) you passed your exams.
B: Yes. I was the only one in my class (to pass) all of them.
8. A: We'd better (to go) now.
B: Can't we (to stay) a bit longer?
9. A: Please let me go to the party.
B: Sorry, you must study for the exam.
10. A: Do you know how (to play) the piano?
B: No, but I'd like (to learn) one day.

2. Fill in: lend, spent, earned, save, waste, cost.

1. Can you tell me how much these two books will...........me?
2. I am happy I’ve...........enough money to go on a nice holiday this year.
3. We would have to........... a long time to afford that car.
4. Could you........... me some money to pay for this now? I promise to pay you back!
5. He...........most of his money last weekend at the fair.
6.There is nothing I want to buy and I don’t want to...........my money.

3 Fill in: cash, credit, afford, pay, cost, waste, borrow, student.

1. A: Come out with us tonight, will you?
B: Sorry, I cannot...........to go out tonight.
2. A: Do you like my new watch?
B: Wow! It must have...........you a fortune.
3. A: Good morning. I would like to...........this cheque, please.
B: Yes, of course. Sign it on the back, please.
4. A: Why have you not bought a new car yet?
В: I would have to...........the money and I don’t want to do that.
5. A: How would you like to pay for this?
В: I will use my...........card, please.
6. A: How many bills do you pay every month?
В: I pay for my rent and my...........loan.
7. A: Let me...........for dinner.
B: Thank you.
8. A: I would like to buy two mirrors.
B: One is enough. Don’t........... money on something we don’t need.

4. Fill in the gaps with the phrases below and translate.
• Make ends meet • digging deeper into their pockets • catching up quickly • can’t afford to splash out • pocket money • shopping spree • handing out • household chores

1. My parents give me...........every week.
2. The number of girls playing video games is...........to the number of boys playing.
3. Many teenagers are........... to pay for all the things they want.
4. Many parents are........... more and more money to their teenagers each month.
5. Some people are working two jobs to...........these days.
6. I think children should do........... to help their parents and earn a little extra money.
7. He went out on a...........and got everything he wanted for himself.
8. My parents...........yet spend a lot of money on extra things for my sister and me.


Ребята, тестовую работу выполняете в тетрадях, фотографируете и отправляете мне на электронную почту или в ВК yulechka_plotnikova_1994@mail.ru



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