Работа с текстом «Отец современного искусства

Дата: 1.06.2020

Преподаватель: Суховерша О.Н. suhoverscha.olesya@yandex.ru

Группа № 4, Техническая эксплуатация подъемно-транспортных, строительных, дорожных машин и оборудования (по отраслям),1 курс

Тема: Отец современного искусства

Форма работы: индивидуальная, электронное обучение.

Тип урока: урок изучения нового материала.

Цель урока: познакомиться с творчеством Поля Сезанна

Key words: bridged the gap, contribution, composition, perspective, depiction, legacy.

Используемая литература: Учебник Английский язык 11 класс: учебн. для общеобразоват. организаций: базовый уровень/ (О.В. Афанасьева, Д.Дули, И.В. Михеева и др.) – М.: Express Publisching: Просвещение, 2018.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

Мотивационный модуль. Формулируется тема урока

Ребята, на этом уроке вы познакомитесьс творчеством французского художника Поль Сезанне.

Основная часть

Объясняющий модуль.

Знакомство с творчеством французского художника.

План изучения:

1.Изучить биографию художника

2. Работа с текстом «Отец современного искусства

3. Обобщение изученного по теме

Изучить биографию художника


Paul Cézanne (1839-1906) was a French artist and post-impressionist who was influential to both impressionists and later fauvists, romanticists and cubists. Through his art, he endeavored to display the ‘simple beauty’ of the South of France using innovative, avant-garde techniques which captured the shapes and colours of the landscape.

Early life

Cezanne was born on 19 January 1839 in Aix-en-Provence, in the south of France. He was a childhood friend of the great French writer Emile Zola and they spent time walking together in the French countryside. His father was a successful banker, who wished him to pursue a ‘respectable’ career. To please his father, between 1859 and 1861, Paul attended the law school of the University of Aix. However, in 1861, he became disillusioned with this orthodox career path and dropped out to pursue his life’s passion – art.

With the encouragement of his great friend Emil Zola, Paul left for Paris and sought to further his artistic career. Initially, his father was upset at his son’s choice of career. But, on the later evidence of his talent, his father later became reconciled to his choice and on his death, Paul inherited a substantial sum which enabled him to pursue art without any financial worries.

In Paris, he met the Impressionist artist, Camille Pissarro. Pissarro acted as Master to the young Paul. Picasso was to prove an important inspiration to Cezanne. However, these years were challenging – like many other budding impressionists, it took time for his work to be accepted by the artistic establishment. Cezanne was rejected by not just the official Paris Salon but also the Salon des Refusés from 1864 to 1869. It was not until 1895 that he received his first solo exhibition.

In 1870, the Franco-Prussian war broke out, and Paul Cezanne fled with his mistress (Marie-Hortense Fiquet) to a village L’Estaque near Marseille in the hope of avoiding being called up. Towards the end of the conflict, he was caught as a draft dodger, but fortunately, as the war ended soon after, he was released. In this period, in the south of France, Paul drew an increasing number of landscapes and abandoned the dark colours which had dominated his rather sombre earlier paintings.


Cezanne suffered from diabetes during his final 15 years; his diabetes and blood sugar swings likely exacerbated his personal irritability. In October 1906, he caught a chill while working in the fields and died a day later, 22 October from pneumonia.

Работа с текстом «Отец современного искусства

Paul Cezanne is regarded 1..........the artist who bridged the gap between the school of Impressionism of the late 19th century and the beginning of Modern Art in the early 20th century. Both Picasso and Matisse, two of the greatest Modern artists of the 20th century, referred to Cezanne as 'The father of us all".
Cezanne's greatest contribution to painting 2.......)) his development of colour, composition and perspective in his search for the perfect balance 3.............nature and art and the way he changed forever how artists who followed after him approached 4............canvas.
Cezanne was born into a rich French family, so he never had to struggle for his art due 5..............financial difficulties. In fact, it was his wealth that allowed him to continue to work on his 6)))............ style of painting, even though it was largely ignored 7).............. the other French artists. It was not until the final years of his life that the art world finally began to recognise his talent.
Not long after his death, in 1906, a major exhibition of his paintings was held in Paris and it took the art world by storm. Cezanne's art led to artists becoming 8...........and more interested in using multiple views of the same subject. It also freed later artists 9).............. a dependence on natural and realistic forms in their depiction of the world around 10.....................
Cezanne was 11..............doubt a Titan of the art world. His legacy was to 12......... the artists who came after him the opportunity to look at the world in a completely new light.

1 as

2 was

3 of

4 a

5 to

6 own

7 by

8 more

9 from

10 them

11 without

12 give


bridged the gap (соединить разрыв): reduced/got rid of the gap (сократить/избавится от разрыва)

contribution (вклад): sth that you do or give to help make sth successful (что-то, что вы делаете или даете, чтобы помочь сделать что-то успешным)

composition (композиция): the technique or skill involved in creating a work of art (техника или навык, связанный с созданием произведения искусства)

perspective (перспектива): the art of making some objects or people in a picture look further away then others (искусство создания некоторых предметов или людей на изображении, чтобы оно выглядело дальше, чем остальные)

depiction (изображение): a picture or description of sth (изображение или описание чего-либо)

legacy (наследие): the direct result of sb's life and work which continues to exist after it is over (прямой результат чьей-либо жизни или работы, который продолжается после того, как она завершена)


3. Обобщение изученного. Выполнение тренировочного модуля.

Unconventional trends in painting (письменно в тетради)
XIX-XX centuries.
1. What genre did Paul Cezanne work in?
1. Still life
2. Landscape
3. Portrait

2. Which of the artists lived and worked in Tahiti?
1. Vincent Van Gogh
2. Paul Cezanne
3. Paul Gauguin

3. Whose self-portrait is depicted?
1. Paul Gauguin
2. Vincent Van Gogh
3. Paul Cezanne

4. In what order are the works?
1. Paul Gauguin, Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Cezanne
2. Paul Cezanne, Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Gauguin
3. Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Gauguin, Paul Cezanne

5. What direction are we talking about?
“A direction that has abandoned reality as an object of creativity. Image of non-objective compositions »
1. Fauvism
2. Abstractionism
3. Cubism

6. The most famous work of K. Malevich
1. Red square
2. The black circle
3. Black square

7. What work belongs to V. Kandinsky? 1 2 3
8. Who is the author of the picture “Girl on the Ball”?
1. A. Modigliani
2. P. Picasso
3. P. Cezanne

9. What areas are considered non-traditional?
1. Fauvism 5. Surrealism
2. Realism 6. Romanticism
3. Classicism 7. Empire
4. Cubism 8. Abstractionism

10. What painting does S. Dali own: “A dream caused by a bee flying around a pomegranate, a second before waking up”?
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4. Домашнее задание:


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