Задание 1. Напишите вопрос к каждому ответу.

For example:


A: What last night?

What did you do last night?

B: I watched television and went to bed early.


1. A: You nice weekend?.


B: Yes, I went to Paris!


2. A: Oh! Who / go with?


В: With my brother, Jim.


3. A: Be / good?


В: Yes, it was fantastic!

4. A: What / do?


В: On Saturday we walked around the city centre and we had a wonderful meal at a little restaurant.


Задание 2. Закончите вопрос, начиная данным вопросительным словом: Who What Where How How much

How many How often When

For example:

Where are you from?


1..........children has Eleanor got?

2........was your holiday? B: It was brilliant!

3 ………. did you do last night?

4……..coffee do you drink in one day?

5.........did you and your husband first meet?

6.........is in the film? B: Harrison Ford, I think

К таблице 10.1.1: Формы и функции причастий и их перевод

Задание 1. Определите функцию Participle I и II. Предложения переведите.

1. A group of laughing people came up to us. 2. Everything written here is quite right. 3. He stood talking to her in a soft voice. 4. Not understanding what they wanted he repeated his question. 5. The house surrounded by tall threes is very beautiful. 6. Travelling all over the world the scientist saw many interesting things. 7. Having slept two hours he felt rested. 8. The inner gate was locked. 9. When questioned, Annie had answered at once. 10. Being tired they decided to rest a little.


Задание 2. (Нередко причастие употребляется с предлогом as if или as though в функции придаточного предложения сравнения, например:


— She kept silent as if (as though) waiting for further examinations –

Она молчала, как будто ждала объяснений.

— He kept silent as if (as though) puzzled by her behaviour. – Он молчал, как будто был озадачен ее поведением.)


Задание 3. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. Она остановилась, будто не знала дорогу домой. 2. Она посмотрела на меня, будто хотела мне что-то сказать. 3. Они разговаривали так громко, как будто старались перекричать друг друга (to shout one another down). 4. Он посмотрел на меня так, как будто не понял моего вопроса. 5. Он выглядел так, будто был до смерти испуган (frightened to death).


Задание 4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя соответствующую форму причастия. Предложения переведите.

1. (Take off – Participle I) our shoes we crept cautiously along the passage. 2. (Hold– Participle I) the rope with one hand, he stretched out the other to the boy in the water. 3. A man (carry – Participle I) a large parcel got out of the bus. 4. Jones and Smith came in (follow – Participle II) by their wives. 5. (Think – Participle I) he was asleep, I walked on tiptoe.


Задание 5. Прочитайте предложения. Составьте одно предложение, используя while или when + Participle I. Предложения переведите.

Например: Nick was shaving. He cut himself. – While shaving, Nick cut himself.

1. Bob was running down the street. He waved to his friends. 2. He was waiting for the train. He read a newspaper. 3. Helen was shopping. She bought some books. 4. Dick was driving. He didn’t look at the scenery. 5. Ann was going home. She met some of her friends.


Задание 6. Замените придаточные предложения конструкциями Perfect Participle Active или Passive. Предложения переведите.


Например: After he had received all the necessary documents, he went to the police station. – Having received all the necessary documents, he went to the police station.

1. After Mary had passed all her examinations, she went to the seaside. 2. After he had returned from the expedition he made a very interesting report. 3. As they had lived in Spain for four years, they knew Spanish very well. 4. After Mary had arranged everything, she went home. 5. As she had read much on this question, she wrote a very interesting essay.

Задание 7. Выберите подходящую по смыслу форму при­частия из предложенных в скобках.

1. On the tower of Westminster Palace there is a big clock (A — calling; В — called) Big Ben and (A — knowing; В — known) all over the world. 2. Glasgow has the Art Gallery (A — containing; В — contained) fine collections of painting. 3. Twenty bridges (A — crossing; В — crossed) the Thames connect the two parts of London. 4. The legendary Liverpool musicians (A — knowing; В — known) as "the Beatles" were a great success in Great Britain. 5. The Tower of London (A — building; В — built) nine centuries ago was used as a strong fortress. 6. The national flag of Great Britain (A — knowing; В — known) as the Union Jack is made of three flags (A — representing; В — represented) England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. 7. Camera Obscura (A — housing; В —housed) at the Outlook Tower in Edinburgh gives a (A — moving; В — moved) panorama of the (A — surrounding; В — surrounded) city. 8. The laboratory (A — founding; В — founded) by Maxwell in 1871 made Cambridge (A — well-knowing; В — well-known) in the field of experimental physics.

К таблице 10.1.2: Participle Constructions – Причастные обороты

Задание 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на оборот Сложное дополнение - Objective Participle Construction.

1. I heard his named called. 2. Can you smell something burning? 3. We found the house deserted. 4. We found him working in the garden. 5. Where did you have your article printed?

6. She wants to have her piano tuned. 7. I saw him running across the field. 8. He watched the luggage registered. 9. As soon as I was outside the door I heard her talking to herself. 10. Mary found the child crying bitterly.


Задание 2А. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на оборот Сложное дополнение - Objective Participle Construction.

1. Мама наблюдала, как дети переходили улицу. 2. Мы видели, как машина поворачивала за угол. 3. Вечерами мы всегда слышали, как он играет на скрипке. 4. Все хотели, чтоб работа была выполнена вовремя. 5. Я видела, как вы входили в кафе. 6. Мы видели, как вы покупали книги. 7. Он выглянул в окно и увидел, что собираются тучи. 8. Он мог ощущать, как дрожали ее пальцы. 9. Мне переделали мое пальто. 10. Ему принесли несколько книг.


Задание 3. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на оборот Сложное подлежащее - Subjective Participle Construction.

1. People were seen running up the path. 2. He was found singing in the room. 3. The girl was watched crossing the street and turning round the corner. 4. The door was found locked. 5. The children were seen jumping in the yard. 6. They were heard talking together.

Задание 4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на место (в начале или конце предложения) независимого причастного оборота.

1. The rain having stopped, they went on with their work. 2. Time permitting, I’ll come next week. 3. My work having been finished, I left the office. 4. The moon being bright, we could see the path. 5. He went to the door and opened it, there being no one in the hall. 6. It was very dark, there being no stars in the sky. 7. The meeting being over, the concert began. 8. The children having come home, we sat down and began to eat. 9. He turned and went, we, as before, following him. 10. The window being open, we looked in. 11. Maggie sat down again, with her heart beating violently. 12. And then she was gone, with Eddie following her.

К таблицам 10. 2. 1: Герундий и его функции

10.2.2: Gerundial Construction – Герундиальный оборот

10.2.3: Gerund or Participle – Герундий или причастие

Задание 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Подчеркните герундий и определите его функцию.

1. Reading French is easier than speaking it. 2. Looking after children requires patience. 3. I’m sorry for keeping you waiting. 4. If we buy plenty of food now it will save shopping again this week. 5. Mr. Spencer often goes hunting without catching any animal. 6. Try to avoid traveling in the rush hour. 7. Do you mind my closing the window? 8. After (On) returning home I found that the mail had not been delivered. 9. Learning is useful. 10. I’m sorry for being late.


Задание 2А. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя герундий.

1. Мне нравится ваша идея провести лето на юге. 2. Я не могу перевести этот текст по химии, не пользуясь специальным словарем. 3. Понимаете ли вы, насколько необходимо изучить этот вопрос. 4.Я собираюсь принять участие в этом деле. 5. Я поблагодарила ее за то, что она купила мне билет на этот концерт. 6. Существуют специальные институты для проведения таких операций (to perform an operation). 7. Он ушел, не оставив свой адрес. 8. Джон пил свой кофе, не отвечая на мой вопрос.


Задание 3А. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод герундиального оборота.

1. I don’t like your going off without any money. 2. Do you mind my smoking? 3. I hope you will forgive me disturbing you. 4. I object to Mary going out on such a windy day. 5. I said nothing about my clock being slow. 6. His being a foreigner was bad enough.


Задание 4А. Определите, является ли выделенное слово герундием или причастием. Объясните свое решение.

1. Mr. Smith kept yawning at the fire-place. 2. Taking off his Monk’s garb, he dressed himself, and without seeing her again drove home. 3. Forgive me for keeping you waiting. 4. I was playing tennis when the bell rang. 5. She has an excellent chance of winning the game. 6. Sam continued his jumping until he was near the fire. 7. Mr. Rochester sat quiet, looking at me gently and seriously. 8. Having taken the key, she led the way upstairs. 9. I heard the rain still beating on the window, and the wind blowing. 10. The crying child was comforted by his nurse.


К таблицам 10. 3. 1: Инфинитив и его функции

10.3.2: Infinitive Constructions – Инфинитивный оборот

Задание 1. Определите функцию инфинитива в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. To greet the famous guests was a great honor for the students. 2. The lecture to be attended is of a great importance. 3. These devices are used to help people to see. 4. We are to wish your friends every success. 5. You must do this task in time. 6. Our aim is to fulfill this task completely.7. We decided to leave the country. 8. She put her hand into the bag to find the key. 9. There are some letters to post. 10. She was happy to be invited to the party.


Задание 2А. Определите время, вид и залог инфинитива.


I’m glad to teach English – Indefinite, Indefinite, Active Voice.

1. My daughter is glad to be taught English. 2. She is glad to be teaching such clever students.

3. You must be glad to have taught this subject before. 4.I am sorry not to have helped you. 5. He seems to be waiting for us. 6. I must post these letters. 7. It is so glorious to love and to be loved.


Задание 3. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на оборот Сложное дополнение с инфинитивом –Complex Object.

1. I wanted him to be present at the lecture. 2. He wanted the work to be done properly. 3. I know the student to live in Baker’s Street. 4. He knows them to have met by accident. 5. I haven’t heard anyone call me. 6. I felt the blood rush into my cheeks. 7. Everybody expected her to marry Pete. 8. Light steps made him turn his head. 9. He intended me to go with him to India. 10. I dislike you to talk like that.

Задание 4. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на оборот Сложное подлежащее с инфинитивом –Complex Subject.


1. I seem to be unable to solve this problem. 2. We happened to be in London on that day. 3. The playwright is supposed to be working at a new comedy. 4. They are sure to reach the shore safely. 5. The weather is not likely to change. 6. They are said to have been in London last month. 7. He seemed to be enjoying the performance. 8. The President is reported to have left Moscow for London. 9. I happened to hear this yesterday. 10. The picture is believed to have been painted by Repin.


Задание 5. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на оборот for + “to” Infinitive.

1. I think it is a shame for people to spend so much money this way. 2. He waited for her to speak. 3. He asked for the papers to be brought. 4. The best thing for you to do is to wait here. 5. There’s nobody here for him to play with. 6. He had a comfortable house for her to live in. 7. He stepped aside for me to pass. 8. He spoke loud enough for you to hear.


Задание 6А. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Participle I, Gerund или Infinitive с частицей «to» или без нее. Объясните свой выбор. Предложения переведите на русский язык.

A. 1. Stop (make) _____ that dreadful noise. 2. I like (bathe) _____ in the sea. 3. You must (do)___ what I tell you (do)_____ without (ask)_____ why. 4. Let him (come) ______ again tomorrow. 5. What made you (think) ______ so? 6. He came down to tea after (wash) _____ his face. 7. (Play) _____ the piano requires skill. 8. (Live) ______ long, you should (take) ______ regular exercises. 9. Try (solve) _____ the puzzle without (look) ______ at the answer. 10. I saw a man (stand) _____ at the street corner (sell) _____ newspapers. 11. Every evening we used (sit) ______ at the fire-place (speak) ______ about our friends. 12. I tried (amuse) ______ the baby (keep) _____ it from (cry) _____. 13. Would you like (see) _____ them? 14. Would you like (visit) _____ London? 15. I stopped for a moment (speak) ______ to him.

B. 1. Every car manufacturer in the world will be here either by (bring) ______ vehicles here from Japan or from the U.S. or by (manufacture) ____ vehicles here in Europe. 2. The Japanese are expected (increase) ______ their current 10 % European market share. 3. Japanese car manufacturers are (become)_____ more internationally minded and acquiring greater international sensibility. 4. Japanese car manufacturers don’t want (conquer) ______ the European market by (beat) _____ the local manufacturers. 5. Germany has (emerge) ______ as the main early target for manufacturers. 6. Ford of Europe is now (develop)______ the successor to the Sierra. 7. Foreign car sales in Japan are (grow) _____ fast. 8. Five or six years ago you could not (go) ____ to the bank for a loan for a foreign car. 9. Japanese manufacturers have recently seen the potential (offer) _____ a greater choice by marketing foreign models. 10. We'll invest a total of £ 840 million ($ 1.59 billion) in our U.K. plants (produce) ______ 200,000 cars and engines (employ) _____ 3,300 local workers there. 11. BMW believes 75 % of a car can be (recycle) _____. 12. A plasma furnace would be able (recover) _____ the rare metals from the exhaust system's catalytic converter. 13. Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen – like BMW – are already (talk) ____ openly about disassembly plants. 14. The next step will be to eliminate combining plastics to make individual parts so that (recycle) ______ can be quicker. 15. Volvo has already introduced a solvent-free underseal for (protect) ______ the underside of the body shell from corrosion.

Задание 7. Назовите конструкции, содержащиеся в следующих предложениях: А – Объектный падеж с причастием, Б –Самостоятельный причастный оборот; В – Герундиаль­ный оборот; Г – Оборот «for + сущ. / местоимение + инфинитив»; Д – Объектный падеж с инфинитивом; Е – Именительный падеж с инфинитивом.

1. The work finished, we went to have dinner. 2. I must have my luggage sent to the station. 3. He is likely to know some foreign languages. 4. He was expected to arrive in the evening. 5. She wants to have the walls of this room painted. 6. I saw the child run in the park. Later I saw him running along the street. 7. The weather being fine, we went for a walk. 8. I heard his name mentioned several times.

9. There was no hope of our getting the tickets to the theatre. 10. We know of Newton's having developed the principles of mechanics.


Задание 8. Определите неличные формы глагола, содержа­щиеся в следующих предложениях, и переведите их.

1. The problems to be studied are of great importance. 2. The problem studied helped us to understand many things. 3. To study the problem we must make some experiments. 4. To study the problem means to give answers to many questions. 5. Having studied the problem we could answer many questions. 6. The problem studied is unlikely to be of great interest. 7. Scientists studying the problem made a lot of experiments to get answers to those questions. 8. The experiment being successfully made, the scientists solved some important problems.


К таблице 11: Sequence of Tenses – Согласование времен

Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант глагола-сказуемого. Предложения переведите на русский язык.

1. He said he (is staying, was staying) at Hilton Hotel. 2. They said that they (lost, had lost) their way in the dark. 3. Sam hopes that he (will pass, would pass) his driving test. 4. We didn’t expect that Sam (will be, would be) absent from the lesson. 5. He said he (works, worked) as a manager. 6. He says he (worked, had worked) as a builder two years ago. 7. Bill says he (will come, would come) at 6 if nothing (happens, will happen). 8. The professor said that liquid (freezes, froze) at – 20 degrees centigrade. 9. He asked me where I (study, studied). 10. I thought that I (shall finish, should finish) my work at that time. 11. We are sure he (is, was) never late for his lesson. 12. They said we (должныпереведите на английский язык) follow their instructions. 13. The teacher said he (will ask, would ask) us next time. 14. I have no idea if any of them (will be, would be) present there. 15. Mike realized that he (broke, had broken) his leg.


Задание 2. Выберите правильный вариант глагола-сказуемого. Предложения переведите на русский язык.

1. She scarcely realized what (is, was) happening. (Dreiser). 2. Rosa told herself that this (is, was) the day that (will, would) decide her fate. (Murdock). 3. She realized that he (is, was) trying to convey to her that he (is, was) lonely. (Dreiser). 4. He didn’t feel so hungry as he thought he (shall, should) be. (Jerome K. Jerome). 5. She knew that he (has, had) been to college. (Warren).


Задание 3А. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Он был уверен, что они работают вместе. 2. Он думал, что его друзья работают с утра. 3. Он знал, что они никогда не работали раньше. 4. Она не знала, что они ждут ее. 5. Она не знала, что он уже купил словарь. 6. Он сказал, что профессор читает лекцию. 7. Мне сказали, что лекция начнется в 7 часов. 8. Я считала, что моя сестра хорошо их знает. 9. Она знала, что мальчик интересуется историей. 10. Я не знал, что вам нравится эта музыка.


Задание 4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Simple или Future Simple -in-the Past.

1. I know we (not to be) late. 2.1 knew we (not to be) late. 3. I want to know whether he (to be) at home. 4. I wanted to know whether he (to be) at home. 5. "When you (to be) ready?" he asked. 6. He asked when I (to be) ready. 7. I can't say whether Bob (to do) the work perfectly, but he (to do) his best. 8. He asked me whether he (to see) Olga there. Are you sure that we (to have) time to do that? 10. I was afraid he (to say): "I don't think I (to be) able to come."

Задание 5. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на время глагола в главном предложении.

1. Я знаю, что он скоро придет. 2. Я знал, чтоон скоро придет. 3. Я думаю, что она будет спать в это время. 4. Я думал, что она будет спать в это время. 5. Она думает, что сделает всю работу пяти часам, 6. Она думала, что сделает всю работу к пяти часам. 7. Я был уверен, что к девяти часам он уже выучит стихотворение. 8. Я знал, что к девяти часам мама уже приготовит ужин и в девять часов вся семья будет сидеть за столом. Я боялся, что приду слишком поздно. 9. Она боя­лась, что ее друг не придет. 10. Они написали, что скоро приедут.

К таблице 12: Direct and Indirect Speech – Прямая и косвенная речь

Задание 1. Запишите следующие предложения в косвенной речи. Начинайте предложения словами, данными в скобках.


“I am going to the theatre.” (She says).

She says she is going to the theatre.

1. “We are going to the cinema with our groupmates.” (They say).

2. “I will be in 5 minutes.” (Ann says).

3. “My friend has not finished her work yet.” (Bobby tells me).

4. “I have written letters to my cousins.” (She tells me).

5. “I have seen this film” (Mary says).

Задание 2. В следующих предложениях используйте глаголы say или tell в нужном времени. Предложения переведите на русский язык.

1. Peter ______ that he understood my explanation. 2. Nick _______ Sam that he had seen Marry. 3. Grace _____ her mother that she had torn her new dress. 4. She ______ that she had to visit her friend. 5. Please, ______ me about the book which you borrowed yesterday. 6. Mike didn’t ______ us where he was going. He simply _____ that he wouldn’t be back before midnight. 7. Mr. Sawyer _____ us not to come to him that day.


Задание 3. Запишите следующие предложения в косвенной речи. Предложения переведите на русский язык.

1. “Close the door, please”, the conductor says to a passenger. 2. “Bring me a sheet of paper”, Mike said to Ann. 3. The teacher said to the students, “Don’t make such a noise”. 4. The secretary said to me, “The delegation arrived yesterday”. 5. I said, “I shall make breakfast myself”. 6. “Will you open the window, please?” she said. 7.”Have you received a message from your boss?” they asked me. 8. Steve asked me, “How long are you going to stay here?” 9. “Have you seen Sam recently?” She asked me. 10. The doctor asked, “Which of you is waiting for me?”

Задание 4А. Запишите следующие предложения в прямой речи. Предложения переведите на русский язык.

1. Hans said it was very difficult to play the role. 2. He asked why there were so many people in the street. 3. The inspector asked Miss Black if she knew where Mr. Stone lived. 4. The teacher told him not to worry and go home. 5. The children said that they would sleep in the open air. 6. He asked if I was going to leave Paris the next day. 7. He told me that he had bought the newspaper the day before. 8. His neighbour asked him to leave the mail at his brother’s. 9. Mary says she wants to travel abroad. 10. Mary said she loved chocolate.


Задание 5А. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, придерживаясь, правил согласования времен и передачи прямой речи в косвенную.

1. Она спросила меня, нравятся ли мне эти кассеты.

2. Она часто говорила, что хотела бы увидеть Черное море.

3. Она не говорила мне, что разговаривала с вами.

4. Она всегда говорила, что хорошо знает их

5. Мы спросили, где он купил словарь.

6. Он спросил меня, читала ли я Диккенса в оригинале или в переводе.

7. Я спросила сестру, почему она не хочет идти со мной в театр.

8. Он спросил меня, видела ли я его сестру.

9. Он сказал, чтоб она не закрывала двери.

10. Мы сказали ему, чтоб он не ждал нас.

11. Доктор посоветовал мне поехать на юг.

12. Она предложила перевести статью для нас.

13. Мы сказали ему, чтоб он пришел в 5 часов.

14. Она отрицала, что разговаривала с Джоном.

15. Мы сказали, что вернемся через час.

К таблице 13: Conditional Sentences – Условные предложения

Задание 1. Раскройте скобкии поставьте глагол в правильную форму. Определите тип условного предложения. Предложения переведите на русский язык.

1. If I (to know) mathematics well, I would help you to solve this problem. 2. They won’t conduct their experiment tomorrow unless the device (to be) ready. 3. If you (to run) into him in the street, you would not recognize him, he’s changed a lot. 4. If Steve (not to be) so lazy, he would not have failed in the examination. 5. If she (to be) well, she could be present at the meeting. 6. If I (to be) you, I shouldn’t do that. 7. Would you mind if I (to come) a little later next Friday? 8. I wonder what (to happen) if you told him what you thought of him? 9. I (to help) him if I thought it was necessary. 10. I should accept their offer if I (to be) in your place. 11. We (to be) disappointed if there is no snow for winter holiday. 12. If it rains this afternoon, I (to take) my coat. 13. What shal l I do if the bus (to be) late? 14. I (to go) to see my dentist if I had toothache. 15. The milk (to boil) over unless you keep an eye on it. 16. I shouldn’t have touched it if I (to be) you. 17. What we (to do) if the train had been later? 18. They (to go) at once unless it had been too cold. 19. I should have been much obliged if you (to do) that for me. 20. You would have laughed if you (to see) us.

Задание 2. Заполните пропуски союзами if или unless. Предложения переведите на русский язык.

1.He will not learn much____ he works harder. 2.____ you send a telegram now, he’ll get it this evening. 3. ____ he started immediately, he would arrive by midday. 4. He won’t speak French ____ he goes to France. 5. I’ll go to the door ____ I hear the bell. 6. I shan’t go to the door ____ I hear the bell. 7. I shan’t write to him ____ he writes to me. 8. ____ my watch hadn’t been slow, I shouldn’t have been later. 9. I shouldn’t have thought it possible ____ I had seen it. 10. ____ the dinner is not ready, I’ll go without it.

Задание 3. Составьте одно предложение из двух, соединяя их союзами if и unless. Предложения переведите на русский язык.

1. The weather is fine. I’ll go to town.

2. I have time. I’ll write some letters.

3. You turn this switch. The motor will start.

4. You study hard. You will get a scholarship.

5. It rains. We can’t go to the lake.


Задание 4А. Ответьте на вопросы, используя предложения в скобках. Ответы переведите на русский язык.


Will you go to college in the fall? (if I’m accepted). – I’ll go to college in the fall if I’m accepted.

1. Will you finish in time? (if you stop interrupting me). 2. Did you go to college last year? (if I had been accepted). 3. Won’t there be a picnic tomorrow? (if the weather is fine). 4. Won’t he graduate next June? (unless he passes all his exams). 5. Won’t he get well quickly (unless he follows the doctor’s orders). 6. Did you enjoy the movie? (if we had arrived on time). 7. Did they learn to speak English quite well? (if they had spent a year in England).

Задание 5. Переделайте следующие предложения, используя инверсию. Предложения переведите на русский язык.

1. If she were in Moscow now, she would pay you a visit. 2. The work would have been done long ago if they had been prepared for it properly. 3. If she should send them the explanation of her absence, I think they will forgive her. 4. If the weather had been fine, the children could have played in the garden. 5. If Nora had known English well, she could have got this job. 6. If it had happened, I should have phoned you. 7. We should have had dinner at home if we hadn’t missed the bus. 8. I should be myself if I were once again in those hills. 9. If I were a stranger in a city, I should stay up at a hotel. 10. I would have gone to college last year if I had been accepted.


S T O P & C H E C K Y O U R S E L F

Test 1

1. Please, don’t put ____ salt on the meat.

a) a/an b) the c) 0 (артикль отсутствует)

2. W. Shakespeare is ____ greatest English playwright.

a) a/an b) the c) 0 (артикль отсутствует)

3. Tom is __________ than Joe.

a) small b) smaller c) the smallest

4. I have a _____ sister.

a) little b) less c) the least

5. What’s _____name?

a) you b) your c) yours

6. There are _____ people in the park because it is cold.

a) some b) any c) no

7. We can agree __________ your new prices.

a) on b) in c) with

8. What do you like doing ____ free time?

a) in b) at c) on

9. You ____ come to your lessons in time.

a) can b) may c) must

10. A fool ___ ask more questions than a wise man can answer.

a) can b) may c) must

11. They hoped you ______ help them.

a) will b) should c) would

12. We _____ English for 7 years already.

a) have studied b) have been studying c) had studied

13. When we came into the hall, they ____ this problem.

a) were discussing b) discussed c) have discussed

14. They _____ the Institute three years ago.

a) have entered b) entered c) had entered

15. I ____ Dick today.

a) haven’t seen b) hadn’t seen c) didn’t see

16. Were you tired after the skiing trip yesterday? – Yes, I ____.

a) were b) did c) was

17. Will you be here next weekend?

a) No, I won’t. b) No, I don’t. c) No, I’m not.

18. Have you got any time for me?

a) Yes, it is. b) Yes, there is. c) Yes, I have.

19. Do you like hot tea?

a) Yes, I’d like. b) Yes, please. c) Yes, I do.

20. ____ is it from here to Kiev?

a) How far b) How long

21. ____ would you like to drink?

a) Which b) What

Test 2

1. Pushkin is ____ outstanding Russian poet.

a) a/an b) the c) 0 (артикль отсутствует)

2. There are ____ flowers in the garden.

a) a/an b) the c) 0 (артикль отсутствует)

3. It’s warm because ____ sun is shining brightly.

a) a/an b) the c) 0 (артикль отсутствует)

4. Of the three dogs, Bobo is the _______.

a) big b) bigger c) biggest

5. They have _____ white paper than we have.

a) much b) more c) the most

6. This isthe _____ chair.

a) comfortable b) more comfortable c) most comfortable

7. ____ likes her friends.

a) I b) he c) she

8. I haven’t seen him ____.

a) somewhere b) anywhere c) nowhere

9. Look at them! ____ are playing like kids.

a) we b) you c) they

10. The letter grading system is widely used ___ the USA.

a) in b) at c) on

11. Young people can call special phone numbers to ask_____help.

a) of b) for c) with

12. I’m going to visit my friends ____ Sunday.

a) in b) at c) on

13. ____ I see what book you are reading?

a) can b) may c) must

14. He ____ join the sport section as soon as he passes his medical examinations.

a) can b) could c) will be able to

15. She ____ send a telegram because it was too late to send a letter.

a) must b) had to c) was to

16. Mother was cooking supper while father _____ his favourite newspapers.

a) read b) was reading c) had read

17. Young artists _____ good training in art school.

a) received b) are receiving c) receive

18. Take your umbrella. It _____ cats and dogs.

a) rains b) is raining c) will rain

19. My sister ____ the result of her exam in English in three days.

a) will know b) will have known c) will be knowing

20. Sorry, I can’t stop now. I ____ to an important meeting.

a) go b) am going c) have gone

21. Mr. Brown rose from the comfortable armchair in which he _____.

a) sat b) had sat c) had been sitting

22. Are you married?

a) Yes, I do. b) Yes, I am. c) Yes, I was.

23. Are there a lot of students in your group?

a) No, they aren’t. b) No, they don’t. c) No, there aren’t.

24. Can I give you a lift?

a) Yes, you can. b) Yes, please. c) Yes, of course.

25. He can play golf well, ____?

a) doesn’t he b) can he c) can’t he

26. ___ is Peter’ssister? – She’s a secretary at our college.

a) What b) Who c) Where

Test 3

1. I get up at 7 o’clock in ___ morning.

a) the b) a/an c) 0 (артикль отсутствует)

2. ___ great English playwright W.Shakespeare was born in 1564.

a) the b) a/an c) 0 (артикль отсутствует)

3. I’m reading ____ good book at the moment.

a) the b) a/an c) 0 (артикль отсутствует)

4. The rabbit is __________ than the turtle.

a) quick b) quicker c) quickest

5. My bed is _______ than your bed.

a) soft b) softer c) softest

6. My sister is ___ than you.

a) young b) more young c) younger

7. I know this man. He works with ___.

a) I b) my c) me

8. Alice, ____ wants to talk to you.

a) somebody b) anybody c) nobody

9. Mother gave us ____ apples.

a) much b) a few c) a little

10. In private schools the cost for education is paid____ parents.

a)of b) for c) by

11. The classrooms in American schools are well equipped_____ visual and technical aids.

a) of b) for c) with

12. We usually go to the Lyceum ___ bus.

a) by b) on c) in

13. They arrived ___ the hotel in the morning.

a) at b) in c) to

14. I ___ finish the work tomorrow if no one bothers me

a) can b) may c) must

15. He ____ be at home, but I am not sure.

a) must b) could c) might

16. You ___ to learn all the new words for the next lesson.

a) must b) have c) are

17. I ___ not go to the theatre yesterday because I was busy.

a) had to b) can c) could

18. He was so tired that he couldn’t _____ with us.

a) to go b) went c) go

19. We _____ to stay at home because it was raining.

a) has b) will c) had

20. The composition ___ ready by 6 o’clock yesterday.

a) was b) has been c) had been

21. At 3 o’clock yesterday I ____ to the local library to take a book in history.

a) was going b) was gone c) go

22. They ____ the car now.

a) repair b) are repairing c) has repaired

23. The work ___ when the guests came.

a) finished b) was finished c) had been finished

24. ___ are you today? – Fine, thanks.

a) What b) How c) Why

25. Have you been to London?

a) Yes, I did. b) No, I didn’t. c) Yes, I have.

26. Will you come to the concert next weekend?

a) No, I won’t. b) No, I don’t. c) No, I’m not.

27. ____are you doing? – I’m reading.

a) Where b) Why c) What

Test 4

1. My aunt and my uncle are ___ doctors.

a) a/an b) the c) 0 (артикль отсутствует)

2. Is there ____ sofa in your room?

a) a/an b) the c) 0 (артикль отсутствует)

3. ____ problem you work at is very interesting.

a) a/an b) the c) 0 (артикль отсутствует)

4. Kate is the __________ girl of all.

a) small b) smaller c) smallest

5. He plays tennis as ____ as I do.

a) good b) better c) the best

6. ____ late than never.

a) good b) better c) the best

7. Has he brought ___ for us?

a) something b) anything c) somebody

8. ___ works very much and is always for her lesson.

a) I b) she c) he

9. These are my books, and those are ____.

a) our b) your c) yours

10. In America, grandparents can’t take care _______ their grandchildren.

a)of b) for c) with

11. They got married ______ the 12th of March.

a) in b) at c) on

12. We’ have to go ___ foot.

a) in b) on c) by

13. Let’ go ____ an excursion to the planetarium.

a) on b) to c) at

14. It’s raining. You ____ to put on your raincoat.

a) must b) have c) are

15. It is already twenty minutes past eight. You ___ go or you will be late for the lesson.

a) must b) can c) may

16. ______ do this work tomorrow?

a) Can you b) Will you be able to c) Could

17. He jumped as high as ever he ____.

a) can b) could c)may

18. How long ___ you staying here? – a) are b) do c) did

19. By the fifteenth of January the students ____ all the examinations.

a) will pass b) will be passing c) will have passed

20. If you work hard, you __________ your exams well.

a) pass b) will pass c) have passed

21. She is going to read a letter she _____.

a) receives b) received c) has just received

22. The sun ___ a long time ago and it began getting really cold.

a) had set b) has set c) set

23. How long ______ for me? I am really sorry.

a) do you wait b) are you waiting c) did you wait

24. When __________ her homework?

a) Ella usually does b) does Ella do usually

c) usually does Ella d) does Ella usually do

25. I didn’t hear you come home last night. ____ time did you get in?

a) what b) which c) how

26. Are you feeling OK? – a) Yes, it is. b) Yes, I do. c) Yes, I am.

27. Do you like reading science fiction?

a) Yes, I am. b) Yes, I do. c) Yes, I will.

Test 5

1. The Queen of Great Britain is not ___ absolute monarch.

a) a/an b) the c) 0 (артикль отсутствует)

2. Open ___ door, please.

a) a/an b) the c) 0 (артикль отсутствует)

3. There is ___ picture on page 20.

a) a/an b) the c) 0 (артикль отсутствует)

4. I met my ___ fiend yesterday. – a) goodest b) better c) best

5. The new cinema in our district is much ___ than the old one.

a) big b) bigger c) the biggest

6. Bob is ______ than his brother.

a) polite b) more polite c) the most polite

7. Do you know that man? – Yes, I know ___. – a) he b) him c) his

8. We haven’t got ___ milk. – a) some b) any c) no

9. They are busy with ____ lessons.

a) his b) theirs c) their

10. He has been ______ Washington, D.C. twice.

a) in b) to c) on

11. ______ my opinion the film wasn’t very good.

a) in b) to c) on

12. Why are you standing in the corridor? Come ___, please.

a) of b) out of c) in

13. Every time I have to speak ___ English, I remember my first English teacher.

a) with b) to c) 0 (отсутствует)

14. ___ yousee anything in this darkness?

a) can b) may c) are you able to

15. You ___ take care of your parents.

a) must b) should c) are to

16. You ___ not make notes in the books.

a) can b) may c) must

17. My sight (взор) is getting worse. I’m afraid, next year I ___ read without glasses.

a) can not b) may not c) shan’t be able to

18. We were watching TV while the children ____ in the garden.

a) will be playing b) played c) were playing

19. Oh, I’m sorry. I haven’t _____ you first.

a) understanding b) understood c) understand

20. He was so tired that he couldn’t _____ us.

a) to join b) joined c) join

21. We shall ______ the results when we finish our experiments.

a) to be discussing b) to discuss c) discuss

22. We ____ to the theatre this month.

a) are not b) have not been c) were not

23. Have you written the letter yet? – No, I haven’t. I____it.

a) have written b) am still writing c) was writing

24. ______ you written the letter to our teacher?

a) Shall b) Will c) Have

25. What time __________ lunch?

a) does Jack has b) do Jack has c) does Jack have

26. Samdoesn’t work hard, _____?

a) is he b) does he c) doesn’t he

27. Bob and Alice got married in 2001.

a) How long have they been married?

b) How long is it since they got married?

c) When did they get married?

Test 6

1. There are ____books on the table.

a) a/an b) the c) 0 (артикль отсутствует)

2. Where is ___ your plan?

a) a/an b) the c) 0 (артикль отсутствует)

3. What colour are ____ waals in your room?

a) a/an b) the c) 0 (артикль отсутствует)

4. He is one of the ____ writers in the world.

a) famous b) more famous c) most famous

5. We should eat _____ food.

a) healthy b) more healthy c) most healthy

6. Mike is as ___ as Pete.

a) tall b) taller c) the tallest

7. Bob always likes ___ sugar in his coffee. – a) some b) any c) no

8. They live in the country. ____ house isn’t very big.

a) they b) them c) their

9. Do you like this picture? – Yes, ___ do. – a) I b) me c) my

10. Who is ___ today? – a) of b) in c) on

11. I’m fond of listening ___ these tapes.

a) 0 (отсутствует) b) to c) of

12. There is a picture ____ sofa.

a) around b) in c) over

13. In winter I usually go ___bed at ten o’clock.

a) to b) in c) at

14. Don’t you see I’m tired? You ___ me, you know.

a) could help b) may help c) might have helped

15. We ___ commemorate (чтить память) great people.

a) must b) need to c) may

16. Can he ____________ English?

a ) speaks b) speaking c) speak

17. We ___ learn from the past.

a) may b) need c) must

18. When we _____ our work, we shall go home.

a) shall finish b) will finish c) finish

19. I _____ to the engineer before I read [red] the article about him in the newspaper.

a) had spoken b) have spoken c) spoke

20. Did she ____ her plan last month?

a) fulfills b) fulfill c) fulfilled

21. Does your son ___ to watch TV?

a) likes b) liked c) like

22. We shall be glad if we ____ to take our exams in advance.

a) are allowed b) shall be allowed c) shall have

23. My father ____ home at 5 o’clock yesterday.

a) was coming b) had come c) came

24. Tom neither wrote nor phone, did he?

a) Yes, he didn’t. b) No, he didn’t. c) Yes, he had.

25. Are you a student?

a) Yes, it is. b) Yes, I do. c) Yes, I am.

26. John speaks English, but __________?

a) does Margaret b) Margaret speaks c) Margaret does

27. You can have a photo. ____ one would you like?

a) What b) Which

Test 7

1. Can you play ___ guitar

a) a/an b) the c) 0 (артикль отсутствует)

2. Little Mouse, Little Mouse! Where is ___ your house?

a) a/an b) the c) 0 (артикль отсутствует)

3. Today the streets aren’t as ___ as they used to be.

a) clean b) cleaner c) the cleanest

4. Nevsky prospect is much ______ than our street.

a) beautiful b) more beautiful c) the most beautiful

5. Don’t tell___ about it. It’s a secret.

a) something b) anything c) nothing

6. That man drank so ___ wine.

a) much b) many c) few

7. Are ___ an engineer? – No, I am not.

a) I b) you c) we

8. Mary is writing ____ chalk on the blackboard.

a) for b) with c) of

9. The desk is ___ the wall.

a) with b) on c) at

10. I have a few books ___ modern writers.

a) at b) by c) after

11. I ___ get up early on Mondays.

a) am able to b) may c) must

12. Little children like books with large print. They ___ read them more easily.

a) can b) may c) must

13. Excuse me, ___ you tell me the way to the Houses of Parliament, please?

a) could b) may c) will

15. ___ you like a cup of coffee?

a) Should b) Would c) Could

16. Can you come to me on Friday? – Sorry, I’d love to, but I _______ for Paris tomorrow.

a) leave b) am leaving c) will leave

17. Let’s go to the snack bar (столовая). – What ______ for lunch?

a) are we going to have b) are we having c) shall we have

18. Have you finished translating the text yet? – I _______the translation by nine o’clock (It’s 5 o’clock now).

a) shall have finished b) have finished c) had finished

19. Your answer ______ to that question is incorrect.

a) give b) given c) gave

20. We ______ from the Institute in five years.

a) have graduated b) graduated c) shall graduate

21. Does the professor ____ a lot of experiments?

a) makes b) make c) made

22. She’d written that before, _______?

a) didn’t she b) wouldn’t she c) hadn’t she

23. I went to bed late last night. And you?

a) So, did I. b) So I did. c) And I did.

24. ____ of brothers Grimm was the eldest?

a) Who b) What c) Which

Test 8

1. I have ___ lot of English books.

a) a/an b) the c) 0 (артикль отсутствует)

2. His father is ___ old.

a) a/an b) the c) 0 (артикль отсутствует)

3. The plans are on ___table.

a) a/an b) the c) 0 (артикль отсутствует)

4. Our house isn’t as ____ as yours.

a) big b) bigger c) the biggest

5. This student is the ____ in our group.

a) attentive b) more attentive c) most attentive

6. She speaksItalian ____ than English.

a) good b) better c) the best

7. There is too ___ space in my room.

a) many b) few c) little

8. What’s ____ phone number? May I phone you?

a) you b) your c) yours

9. I can’t find my book ____.

a) somewhere b) anywhere c) nowhere

10. ______ my opinion the film wasn’t very good.

a) in b) to c) on

11. They got married ______ the 12th of March.

a) in b) at c) on

12. He arrived ___ Great Britain half a month ago.

a) to b) at c) in

13. We can agree __________ your new prices.

a) with b) in c) on

14. Must we ______the poem by heart?

a) to learn b) learning c) learn

15. ___ you tell me where you have bought yours clothes?

a) Can b) May c) Will

16. He ___ go home if he likes.

a) can b) may c) must

17. A fool ___ ask more questions than a wise man can answer.

a) can b) may c) must

18. Has Fred got his books now? Yes, my brother ______yesterday.

a) has given them to him b) gave them to him c) gave to him them

19. Did he ____ the week-end in the country?

a) spent b) spend c) spends

20. I shall ring you up as soon as I ____ home.

a) came b) come c) shall come

21. The report ____ ready by 6 o’clock yesterday.

a) was b) has been c) had been

22. The meeting _____ at 5 o’clock.

a) has begun b) began c) was beginning

23. At 5 o’clock yesterday I ______ to the station to catch the 5.30 train.

a) was going b) was gone c) went

24. Had Jenny rung before she came?

a) Yes, she did. b) Yes, she rang. c) Yes, she had.

25. Mr. Black is speaking over the phone, ____?

a) is he b) isn’t he c) doesn’t he

26. ____ does it cost to stay at the Hilton Hotel?

a) How many b) How much c) What

27. ____ is John’s sister? – She’s a secretary.

a) What b) Who c) Where

Test 9

1. I’d like to have ___ hamburger for breakfast.

a) a/an b) the c) 0 (артикль отсутствует)

2. Can you play ___ piano?

a) a/an b) the c) 0 (артикль отсутствует)



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