Diplomatic correspondents.

1. One major and, in fact, increasingly important aspect of diplomatic work is the drafting of diplomatic documents. There are many different forms of official diplomatic documents. A considerable proportion consists of documents that are of a purely intradepartmental nature. Another category of diplomatic documents are those through which official international intercourse goes on in written form.

2. Until recently diplomatic practice distinguished the following five forms of written official communications: (1) personal notes, (2) verbal notes (notes verbales), (3) aides-memoire, (4) memoranda, and (5) semi-official letters.

3. A personal note takes the form of a letter drawn up in the first person on behalf of its signatory. It begins with a salutation and ends with a complimentary phrase, that is, a standard expression of polite respect. A verbal note is considered to be the most commonly used form of diplomatic communication. It is drawn up in the third person and is not usually signed. It begins and ends with standard formulas of courtesy.

4. The aide-memoire. Diplomatic practice knows two types of aides-memoire: (a) handed over personally and (b) delivered by a courier. The purpose of transmitting an aide-memoire is to facilitate the further progress of a transaction and to prevent the subject of a personal conversation or an oral statement from being misinter-preted or misunderstood.

5. A memorandum may be a separate and independent document or it may be appended to a personal note or a verbal note. In the latter case the memorandum elaborates and justifies the subject matter dealt with in the note. The distinguishing feature of a memorandum is a detailed exposition of the factual or legal aspects of a particular question. Interoffice memoranda are used for correspondence within the Secretariat. They are appropriate for correspondence both within a given duty station and with other duty stations. They are used to record facts, decisions or opinions to which reference may be necessary later, to make or respond to proposals or to convey information. They are incorporated in the official files kept by individual departments or offices.

6. As the name itself suggests, the purport is the principal part of a diplomatic document. In extent it may be very short as compared with the other parts. Yet it is the purport that carries the main idea of the document and is, in fact, a concentrated expression of a state's position on the main issue under discussion. To point out the purport correctly means to correctly grasp the meaning of n diplomatic document.

7. By their content diplomatic documents, whatever their form (notes, declarations, aides-memoire, etc.), may be classified as follows:

a) documents containing proposals;

b) documents registering a protest;

c) documents warning of possible measures of retaliation;

d) documents establishing a political or international legal position in respect of an act committed by another state or states or in respect of an international event;

e) documents announcing measures contemplated or implemented, which are of international significance;

f) documents recording an agreement or a degree of accord reached.


2. Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Of Spain

September 2, 2010

Dear Mr. Secretary General,

I have the honor to notify you of the adoption by the Government of Spain of the European Agreement on International Main Railway Lines of May 31, 2010 with the following reservation:

«Spain does not consider itself bound by the article of the European Agreement on Main International Railway Lines dated May 31, 2010 and declares that, to submit to arbitrators, any dispute between the Contracting Parties regarding the interpretation or application of the European the agreement requires, in each individual case, the consent of all parties to the dispute, and that only persons appointed by the parties to the dispute by common consent may be arbitrators."

In accordance with Article 13 of the European Agreement, I inform you that proposals for amendments to the annex to this Agreement should be addressed to:….

I should like to request You, Mr. Secretary General, to consider this letter as an official document of acceptance of Spain of the above Agreement.

Yours faithfully,

Minister of Foreign

affairs of Spain

His Excellency


To the Secretary General

The organization

United nations

New York, USA




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