First Time Flashing Ardupilot to the FC

Probably most Ardupilot users are familiar with the steps to load a non-Pixhawk FC with Arduxxxx the first time. The following are the steps for those who aren't familar or just need a refresher.

There are a few things you need on your computer to download and use Ardupilot. 1) Betaflight for the initial firmware load, 2) Mission Planner to setup/adjust the Ardupilot parameters, 3) The appropriate Ardupilot firmware, 4) Impulse RC Driver Fixer to install the DFU Driver needed to put the FC in bootloader mode for the initial firmware flashing, 5) STM32 Driver to connect the FC to Mission Planner after it is flashed with Ardupilot. I know it sounds like a lot, but it's really not that bad.

Ardupilot Wiki has some information on installing the firmware. It might be worth the short read:
The following are the procedures I've used successfully:

1) Download and install Betaflight: (Cleanflight and iNav may also work as they both load firmware via DFU mode)

2) Download and install Mission Planner:

3) Download and install the STM32 Drivers:

4) Download the Impulse RC Driver Fixer:

5) Download the ArduPilot firmware for your vehicle type and flight contoller:
1st: Select your vehicle type; Plane, Copter, etc,
2nd: Select the release type; Stable, Beta or Latest (Stable is preferred)
3rd: Find and select the board type, in this case you're looking for 'Matek H743-Wing'. Check in the 'Latest' folder if the board type isn't in the 'Stable' folder.
4th: Right click on the 'Arduxxxx_with_bl.hex' file, then select 'Save Link As'. Remember where you saved the file to, you'll need it later.

Okay, the initial downloads are complete, now let's get to work.

Part 1: Installing the DFU Driver(s)
A) Make sure you've already installed items 1), 2),and 3) above.
B) Run the Impulse RC Driver Fixer program (it's a stand-alone program, not an 'installed' program so it should be in your Downloads folder or wherever you download files to).
C) Close all other window on your PC, The Driver Fixer program runs in a small window that usually hides behind all other open windows.
D) The Driver Fixer window should show 'Searching for Device'
E) Hold in the 'Boot' button on the USB Remote Board and plug in the USB from the FC to your PC. You can release the 'boot' button after connecting the USB.
F) The Driver Fixer should find the FC and say 'Installing Drivers'
G) Wait until the Driver Fixer program indicates the drivers were installed.
H) You can now disconnect the FC from your PC. You PC should now have the drivers needed to connect the FC in 'DFU' mode required for flashing.

Part 2: First Time ArduPilot Flashing
edit: It's been reported flashing the F/C via Betaflight might not work (freezes up during the ERASE phase) when the Full Chip Erase option is selected. Try flashing w/o Full Chip Erase enabled. Also see the bottom of Post 1 for an alternative solution for first time flashing of Ardupilot firmware.
A) Run Betaflight
B) Hold the 'boot' button in on the remote board and plug the USB from the FC to the PC.
C) The Comm Port (upper right corner) should change to DFU. If it doesn't show DFU it won't flash.
Note: I used Betaflight Configurator 10.7.0 and connected the USB w/o pressing the Boot button in. The Comm Port showed the port number, not DFU. When I went to step D) (below) Betaflight asked if I wanted to go into DFU mode. I selected yes and it rebooted the board and entered DFU mode without me ever having to touch the Boot button. Just FYI...
D) Click the 'Firmware Flasher' (Sidebar on left side of screen)
E) Click the 'Load Firmware [Local]' (bottom right hand corner of screen)
F) Point it to and select the 'Arduxxxx_with_bl.hex' file you downloaded earlier
G) Click 'Flash Firmware' (bottom right hand side of screen)
H) Watch the progress bar. It should show 'Erase', 'Write', then 'Verify'.
I) Once complete you should hear the Windows USB disconnect/connect chimes. You will also probably get a pop-up on the bottom of the screen saying 'New Device Found, Installing Drivers'. It should now be installing the STM32 driver you loaded from step 3) above.
J) The COM port (upper right) should change from DFU to whatever Comm port your PC assigned. Do not attempt to connect to the FC as Betaflight won't recognize it...after all, you did install an Ardupilot firmware, not a Betaflight firmware.
K) Disconnect the FC and close Betaflight
Another Note: The above is only required the first time you install Ardupilot. Mission Planner will detect the board type after that and you can do future firmware updates/install via Mission Planner w/o having to use Betaflight.

Part 3: Connect to Mission Planner
A) Run Mission Planner
B) Connect the FC to the PC via USB cable. Wait until you here the second USB chime tone, the first will be the da-dee connect tone, then the dee-da disconnect tone
C) Select the appropriate COM port and baud rate (115200) (top right of screen). Several COM options will appear, COM1 always shows don't want that one. Select the other 'COM' option shown. If no other COM port is shown then you probably have the wrong driver installed (not the STM32 driver).
D) Click the CONNECT icon (top right corner) and it should read the board's parameters. If you got this far, CONGRATULATIONS, the worst is over.
NOTE: If you ever try to 'CONNECT' before hearing the two sets of USB tones you will get a 'CONNECTION FAILED' error. Just unplug the USB, plug it back in, wait for the second set of USB tones then CONNECT. Sometimes (rarely) I've had to shut down and restart Mission Planner to get it to CONNECT after a premature CONNECTION attempt.




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