Goldilocks and the three bears

Chairpersons of the concert

1) - Hello, Ilya!

- Hello, Masha! The weather is good, what about your mood?

- Oh, it’s sunny and cloudless! I’m always in high spirits when the weather is wonderful.

-The harder it rains, the better I like it.

-You must be an optimist.

- No, I’m an umbrella seller.

-You always joke, Ilya.

- Oh, yes. But there are always some people, not umbrella sellers, who are happy even in rainy weather.

- Why?

- Guess from the song!

Crocodile Gena’s Song.

Music by V. Shainsky, words by A. Timofeyevsky,translated by L.Shturman.

1. Let pedestrians hurry

Down the streets full of rain pools,

Let them awkwardly pick out their way.

All the same they’ll not find it –

How can I be so happy

On a gloomy and dull, rainy day?

I am playing my garmoshka,

For all passers–by to hear.

It’s a pity we’ve a birthday

Only once a year.

2. Then a wizard comes flying

In a blue helicopter,

He will show me a film, and no pay.

Several hundred sweet ices

He will give me and wish me

Many happy returns of the day.

I am playing my garmoshka,

For all passers–by to hear,

How I wish we could have birthdays

More than once a year!

2) - Now I see what you meant. I agree with you that a birthday is a magic day, when people give you a lot of smiles and make you happy at any weather.

- I have great news for everybody here! John, our beloved English guest, had a birthday on the second of October. He was 75!

- Oh, it’s a round date! I suggest presenting him with a huge smile. He will never forget it.

- That’s a good idea!

The poem of a huge Smile

In spite of snow, in spite of rain

I smile again, I smile again!

In spite of frost and clouds above

I smile again, again I laugh.

The song “SMILE”

Music by V. Shainsky, words by M. Plyatskovsky, translated by L. Cherepanova (from a cartoon film “A Tiny Racoon”)

1. With a smile a gloomy day is bright,
And a rainbow in the sky at once appears.
Share your smile and everything’s all right,
And it will return to you and will be near.


Then for sure clouds in sky
Will be merry, dancing high,
A grasshopper’ll take at once a tiny fiddle.

From blue streams all rivers start, Give a smile from all your heart! Give a smile from all your heart, Just from the middle! (twice)

2. Give a sunny, friendly, open smile,
And the rain will stop immediately crying.
And a sleepy wood’ll part for a while
With its calm and clap green hands, so gladly sighing.


3. And the smile will warm both great and small,
Both an elephant and even a tiny hare.
Let them smile and give your smiles to all,
Let all smiles look like bright lamps both
Here and there.


3) - Smile plays a very important role in our lives!

- Yes, but it should be natural of course, not like in this case. Let’ see.


Stephen: I want my photograph taken.
Photographer: Sit there and wait.
(A man waited an hour. After an hour the photographer opened the inner door.)
Photographer: Come in. Sit down. (He looked very grave and shook his head.)
The face is quite wrong.
Stephen: I know. I have always known it.
Photographer: I think the face would be better three-quarters full.
Stephen: I’m sure it would.
Photographer: I don’t like the head. Open the mouth a little. Close it. (He twisted his head as far as it would go and sighed.) The ears are bad. Droop them a little more. Thank you. Now the eyes. Roll them in under the lids. Put the hands on the knees, please, and turn the face just a little upward. Yes, that’s better. Now just expand the lungs! So! And hump the neck, that’s it, and just contract the waist, ha! And twist the hip up towards the elbow, now! I still don’t like the face, it’s just a trifle too, but---
Stephen: Stop! This face is my face! It is not yours, it is mine! I have lived with it for forty years and I know its faults. I know it’s out of drawing. I know it wasn’t made for me, but it’s my face, the only one I have such as it is, I’ve learned to love it. And this is my mouth, not yours. These ears are mine, and if your machine is too narrow----(Here he started to rise from the seat.)
(Snick! The photographer had pulled a string. The photograph taken.)
Photographer: (with a pleasant smile) I think that I caught the features just in a moment of animation.
Stephen: So! Features, eh? You didn’t think I could animate them, I suppose? But let me see the picture.
Photographer: Oh, there is nothing to see yet. I have to develop the negative first. Come back on Saturday and I let you see a proof of it.
ON SATURDAY. A photographer unfolded the proof of a large photograph, and they both looked at it in silence.
Stephen: Is it me?
Photographer: Yes, it is you.
Stephen: The eyes don’t look very much like mine.
Photographer: Oh, no, I’ve retouched them. They come out splendidly, don’t they?
Stephen: Fine, but surely my eyebrows are not like that?
Photographer: No, the eyebrows are removed.
Stephen: What about the mouth? Is that mine?
Photographer: It’s adjusted a little, yours is too low.
Stephen: The ears, though, strike me as a good likeness, they’re just like mine.
Photographer: Yes, that’s so, but I can fix that all right in the print and---
Stephen: Listen! I came here for a photograph, a picture, something which would have looked like me! I wanted something that my friends might keep after my death. It seems that I was mistaken.
What I wanted is no longer done! Take your negative and keep it for yourself and your friends. And this photograph! Look! (He tears the picture and leaves.)
Photographer: People don’t understand what real art is!

4) - Oh, people should treat each other kindly and carefully, with great respect and try to understand each other.

- We should treat in such a way not only people but all living creatures in the world.

DO NOT TEASE DOGS! (Music by E. Ptichkin words by M. Plyatskovsky, translated by L. Cherepanova).

Do not tease little dogs! (La...)

And take care of kittens.

And feed birdies and birds, (La...)

Bring them crumbs in mittens.

They will merrily sing (La...)

After having eaten.

Children will be neither scratched (twice)

Nor they will be bitten. (La...)

2.. If you're talking a lot (La...)
At the bear's lair,

Change your walk to a trot, (La...)

Or you'll meet the bear.

And the same with a bee... (La...)

Can it sting for nothing?

All the animals and birds (twice)

Are not falsely fussing. (La...)

3..It's unjust to offend (La...)
Butterflies in the air,

They make our land (La...)

Bright and very fair.

Don't frighten the bugs (La...)

With the longest feelers,

They will crawl just up to you, (twice)

If you're friends, not killers. (La...)

4. People have to enjoy (La...)

Beauty everywhere,

Land will bring lots of joy, (La...)

Handle it with care! We'll be surely then (La...)

Real friends forever. Sing this merry song with us (twice)

Here and wherever (La)

5) – I love to watch all living creatures!

- And I’m sure they like to watch us. Imagine such a bird talk:

“Think…,” said the Robin,
“Think…,” said the Jay,
sitting in the garden,
talking one day.
“Think about people –
the way they grow:
they don’t have feathers
at all, you know.
They don’t eat beetles,
they don’t grow wings,
they don’t like sitting
on wires and things.”
“Think!” said the Robin.
“Think!” said the Jay.
“Aren’t people funny
to be that way?”

6) - Oh, I imagine how strange people are for animals!

- By the way, sometimes animals can teach people to behave properly. Let’s see the play.

Goldilocks and the three bears

Златовласка и три медведя
Действующие лица:
Goldilocks Златовласка
Bear 1
Bear 2
Bear 3
Сцена первая
На сцену выходят все действующие лица.
- Hello! I’m Goldilocks.

Look at my nice dress,

My shoes and my socks!

Указывает на родителей:
This is my mum and this is my dad.
- We live all together with our cat.

Mummy and daddy (показывают на свой дом):
-We live in this house.
This house is ours!
Bear 1:
- Hello! We are the three bears.

Bear 2
- We are brothers.

B ear 3:
- We live in the forest. We live over there.

Bear 1:
- Under the sign:

Все медведи хором:
- “Be careful!!! BEAR!”

Все действующие лица хором:
- Welcome to our fairytale! Listen and look! Today you will hear

What happened to us there and here.

(Показывают поочередно на дом Златовласки и дом медведей).
Сцена вторая
Daddy (Моет пол и напевает (Песня из учебного курса “Pingue Loves English” DianaWebster and AnneWorrall):
-Look at me I’m cleaning the floor, cleaning the floor, cleaning the floor,

Look at me I’m cleaning the floor like this, and this, and this.

Mummy (Моет посуду и напевает)
- Look at me I’m washing the dishes, washing the dishes, washing the dishes,

Look at me I’m washing the dishes, like this, and this, and this.

Mummy and daddy (хором):
– Goldilocks, come and help us, please!

- I won’thelp. I want to play

From morning to night, all day!

Mummy: -
- What a nаughty girl! Oh, my!
No help! I want to cry!

-Daughter, come to me! Let’stalk!

-No time! I gonna walk!
Сцена третья

- What a nice bird! What a funny mouse!
The forest is great! But where’s my house?

Where’s the way? Left or right?

May be behind? Oh! I can’t find!

I’m lost!!! Help! Help! But… - I can see a small hut!

(Подбегает к дому медведей, стучит в дверь)
- Is anybody home?

- Nobody! What a pity!

(Входит в дом, принюхивается.)
- Mmm. It smells good! It looks pretty.

-I’m so hungry!
-Porridge. Yuk!
(Садится на другой стул и заглядывает в тарелку поменьше. Нерешительно)
-Mmm. Porridge… I’m so hungry!
-Oh! Porridge! Yummy!
(Начинает есть с энтузиазмом. Съедает все, сонно потягивается. Падает со стула, «ломая» его. Садится на самую большую кровать.)
- I’m so tired! But this bed is too hard!
-And this bed is better for me but too soft! Oh! This bed is the best!

(Устраивается на самой маленькой кроватке)
I gonna sleep, I wonna rest.
Сцена четвертая
(Бодрым шагом входят медведи, декламируя на ходу хором)
- We are hungry. Let’s wash hands.

Lunch’s on the table. Let’s eat, friends!

(Подходят к столу, замирают в растерянности)
Bear 1:
- Oops! Who ate from my plate?

Bear 2:
- Oops! Who ate from my plate?

Bear 3:
- Oops! There’s nothing in my plate!

Somebody ate my porridge and bread!

Bear 1 (Заглядывая в свою кровать и хватаясь за голову):
- Oh, dear! Oh, dear! Who slept in my bed?
Bear 2:
- Who slept in my bed? A rabbit?A rat?

Bear 3 (Видит спящую Златовласку):
- Who’s sleeping in my bed?

Bear 1:
- Wake up!
Bear 2:
- Get up!
- Hands up!
- You ate our food!

Bear 3:
- You broke my chair!
Goldilocks (Протирая глаза):
- Am I still sleeping? Are you a bear?

Bear 2 (Потрясая кулаками):
- Let’s hit her!
Bear 3:
- Let’s eat her!
Bear 1:
- Stop acting like people!
Don’t push! Don’t fight,
Be polite!
We won’t hit her,
We won’t eat her!
We’ll make her tidy everywhere.

Will you tidy?

- Thank you, Bear! I will tidy, I will cook,

I’ll wash up, then read a book!

Bear 1: (Грозно подступая к Златовласке)
- And my chair?
- I’ll repair!
Promise! Don’t eat me, bear!

All bears in chorus:

- OK! Let’s be friends!
(Все вместе принимаются за уборку.

Златовласка, вначале выглядевшая очень радостной, постепенно становится грустной. Медведи замечают это, оставляют дела, обступают ее.)
Bear 2:
- Why are you quiet?
Are you tired?
- No, I’m missing my mum, I’m missing my dad, Яскучаюпопапе,
I’m missing my home and my nice little cat!

(Начинает всхлипывать, медведи гладят ее по голове.)
Bear 1:
- Don’t be so sad, don’t cry!

Bear 3:
- We’ll show your way home.

(Выводят Златовласку из дома, «провожают» и на полпути к ее дому прощаются все хором.)
- Goodbye!
Сцена пятая
Goldilocks: (вбегает в дом, оглядывается):
- Home! Sweethome! You’re so nice,

Mummy, daddy!

- I can’t believe my eyes! We’re glad to see you, take a seat.
Dinner is ready. Let’seat.

Goldilocks (садится к столу, с охотой ест):
- Tasty meat with tasty peas! Yummy!
- I can’t believe my ears!
Goldilocks (закончив кушать, убирает со стола):
- I’ll wash up, then feed a cat.

And at nine I gonna bed.
Daddy (недоверчиво):
- Go to bed at nine o’clock?

Is it our Goldilocks?

Mummy (поворачиваясь к папе):
- Are you sure it’s our daughter?

- I don’tknow. Let’s look at the photo.
(Берет со стола фотографию дочки, сравнивает, пожимает плечами.)
- Don’tworry! This is me.

I’m getting better, you will see!

Все действующие лица выходят на сцену, обращаются к зрителю хором:
-That’s theend. We hope, my dear

From our story you’ve got the idea:
«Animals or people, no matter,
Help each other and become better!»

7) – Children don’t know for sure what they’ll be in future but the main thing is to become a good person.

- By the way, it would be interesting to know what we could be in future.

- Let’s try to imagine and our schoolmates will sing a song “In 10 years”.

8) – What were you dreaming about, Masha?

- About my marriage. I hope I’ll meet a prince someday like in a fairy tale “Cinderella”.

- Oh, it would be interesting to watch it.

9) - All’s well that ends well.

- And what were you dreaming about, Ilya?

- About my birthday.

The song “Let’s celebrate!”

10) – A good song, but we can’t have our birthdays every day!

- Well, I know! We can have good mood every day not only once a year.

- Yes! Just one piece of advice from Sonya:


Use some bright and happy song,

You can sing all day long

Morning, night and afternoon,

Come on, sing the prettiest tune.

The prettiest tune can make you glad,

You will forget that you were sad.

The prettiest tune has a way

Makes you happy every day.

(A sweet melody…

+ merry dance)

11) - Thank you, girls and boys. You’ll be popular one day.

- And maybe you’ll travel to some wonderful country in a blue train one day. That will be interesting!

The song “A Blue Train”

12) – I have travelled by train several times and once by plane.

-It’s high time to think about the sea voyage. Imagine! The ship is on the sea. The sailor is on the ship. Thestars are in the sky. The ship is passing by.

- Wonderful! AndI want to listen to The Captain's Song. It can make me smile.


Once there lived a captain brave,
And he crossed the ocean wave,
And he called on many lands
On his way

Fifteen times he tried to sink,
Sharks could catch him on the brink,
But he never, really never gave a wink!

And in trouble, and in war
Always sang the captain brave on sea and shore:
Captain brave, captain brave,
Give a smile, sir.
For a smile is like a flag of a ship.
Captain brave, captain brave,
Cheer up, sir,
For the sea surrenders only to the quick!

Песенка о капитане
сл. В.Лебедева-Кумача, муз. И.Дунаевского, к/ф "Дети капитана Гранта"
Жил отважный капитан,
Он обьездил много стран
И не раз он бороздил океан.
Раз пятнадцать он тонул,
Погибал среди акул,
Но ни разу даже глазом не моргнул.
И в беде, и в бою
Напевал он всюду песенку свою:
Капитан, капитан, улыбнитесь
Ведь улыбка это флаг корабля,
Капитан, капитан, подтянитесь,
Только смелым покоряются моря!

12) -Dear John! You are like the captain for us. You visited many countries. And you were the captain on the ship, called “Education”. It’s great! We invite you to the stage and ask you to answer the questions of curious children and teachers.


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