Ex. 9. Fill in with an appropriate past form.

1. By 8 o’clock yesterday I (to do) my homework and at 8.15 I (to play) the piano. 2. By 6 o’clock he (to come) home and at 6.05 he (to have dinner). 3. When I (to come) home my sister (to read) a book which she (to bring) from the library. 4. When I (to ring) up Mike he still (to learn) the poem which he (to begin) in the morning. 5. When I (to open) the door of the classroom I (to see) that the teacher already (to come) and my group mates (to write) a test. 6. Mr. Bond (to want) to visit the place where he (to live) in the childhood. 7. The telegram (to come) some minutes after he (to leave). 8. I (to sit) in an armchair and (to think) of my coming trip when the door suddenly (to open) and an old friend of mine whom I (not to see) for a long time (to enter) the room. 9. When I (to come) up to my door I (to see) Pete who (to stand) at the door of the room. He (to wait) for me as he (to lose) his key and couldn’t get in. 10. He (to leave) the house before I (to have) time to ask him anything. 11. She (to tell) me that she (to learn) it from the newspaper. 12. There (be) two men in the room. One of them (to write) something while the other (to read) an article. 13. He (to enter) the room, (to take) something from the desk and (to go) out. 14. She (to ask) me if I (to play) tennis the day before. 15. I (to say) that Mike (to give) me the wrong address. 16. There (be) an examination in that room. One student (to answer) while the others (to prepare).


Ex. 10. Choose the correct word or phrase.

1. While I had waited / was waiting / waited at the bus-stop, I had noticed / was noticing / noticed a new shop which hadn’t been / wasn’t in the street the day before.

2. I had gone / went out / was going out into the garden to fetch my bike, but found / had found / was finding that someone stole / was stealing / had stolen it.

3. When George met / had met / was meeting Diane for the first time, he knew / was knowing / had known that he met / had met / was meeting her somewhere before.

4. Helen got off / was getting off / had got off the bus, and walked / was walking / had walked into the bank when she realized / had realized / was realizing that she left / had left / was leaving her handbag on the bus.


Ex. 11. Translate into English.

1. Я не знал, что Анна никогда не была в Москве. 2. К трем часам они уже подготовили машину и упаковали вещи. 3. Он боялся, что с его другом что-то случилось. 4. К 1979 году он проработал на заводе около 10 лет. 5. Лекция уже началась, когда открылась дверь, и вошел Питер. 6. Я позвонил ему после того, как договорился о встрече с м-ром Блэком. 7. Мы приехали на вокзал за несколько минут до того, как подошел поезд. 8. Они не пробыли там и нескольких минут, как пошел дождь. 9. Я прочитала роман до того, как посмотрела фильм. 10. Это произошло до того, как ты вернулся из поездки.

Прошедшее совершенное длительное время

(The Past Perfect Continuous Tense)

Прошедшее совершенное длительное время образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в форме Past Perfect Tense (had been) и Present Participle (Participle I) смыслового глагола.


Past Perfect Progressive Tense = had been + Participle I(V + ing) Negative form = had not (hadn’t) been + Participle I В вопросительных предложениях вспомогательный глаголhad ставится перед подлежащим.


I, you, had been working since 9 o’clock.

He, she had not been working for five hours.

We, they hadn’t been working

Had you (he, she, they …) been waiting for a long time?

How long had you been waiting there?


Past Perfect Continuous употребляется для обозначения действия, которое началось до определенного момента (или другого действия) в прошлом и продолжалось до этого момента (действия). В таких предложениях, как правило, указывается или период (обстоятельством времени с предлогом for) или начальный момент (обстоятельством с предлогом since).

They had been waiting for two hours before the manager came. – Они прождали 2 часа, пока пришел менеджер.

I couldn’t believe that he had been working since 6 0’clock. – Я не мог поверить, что он работал с 6 часов.


В отличие от времени Past Perfect глагол в Past Perfect Continuous подчеркивает длительность или незавершенность действия.

Tom had been doing his homework for two hours when I came. – Когда я пришел, Том уже два часа делал домашнюю работу. (т.е. он начал делать уроки 2 часа назад и все еще не закончил работу.)

She had been saving every penny she could for months. – Она экономила каждый пенс в течение нескольких месяцев. (т.е. постоянно пыталась экономить.)

Примечание: в Past Perfect Continuous, как правило, не употребляются глаголы умственного, чувственного и эмоционального восприятиия, а также глаголы состояния.

В отрицательных предложениях вместо Past Perfect Continuous обычно употребляется Past Perfect.



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