A.V. Kochegura, M.V. Miroshnichenko.

UDC 633.853.52:631.5

The soybean cultivars differing in reaction on unstable rain fall were studied in comparative trials. Two cultivar groups relatively called as non-adaptive and adaptive were used as the objects for research. Morphological traits and biological qualities providing increased adaptability to water stress of soybean plants were revealed.


Classification of soybean varieties on precocity in Uzbekistan

D. E. Ermatova, A. Mamurov, M. V. Miroshnichenko.

UDC 633.853.52:631.521/523=590=82(575.1)

The detailed estimation of different maturity groups’ soybean varieties on time of formation and amount of branches, leaves and generative organs is lead. The analysis of the obtained data has shown that early maturing varieties of a soybean had the lowered reserve of beans setting because of smaller flowers amount on plants. In this connection it is drawn a conclusion on expediency of cultivation in Uzbekistan late-maturing varieties, both at spring, and at summer times of sowing. On the basis of the lead researches by authors the classification of soybean varieties on duration of the vegetative period is developed and offered.


Soybean productivity at foliar application of microfertilizers and growth stimulants

on leached chernozem

N. M. Tishkov, N. G. Mikhailyuchenko, A. A. Dryakhlov.

UDC 633.853.52:631.81+631.811

Micro- and complex mineral fertilizers, plant growth stimulants applying at the beginning of variety Delta flowering were studied. They positively influenced on grain yield, protein content, oil and protein yield and did not increase oil content in seeds. The usage of chelate mixtures Zn, Cu, Co, Mn with boric acid and MoO2(C5H7O2)2 as well as plant growth stimulants Emistim C and Silk have influenced maximally effectively on these components. Application of fertilizers and plant growth stimulants increases yield on 0.17-0.32 t/ha (7.6-14.3 %), protein content in seeds on 1.5-2.1 %, protein yield on 78-160 kg/ha (9.9-20.3 %), total yield of protein and oil on 100-204 kg/ha (8.3-16.8 %) and decreases oil content in seeds on 0.3-0.8 %.

Substantiation of soybean plants protection of acacia pichleworn and cotton noctuid

V. T. Piven, N. A. Bushneva.

UDC 633.853.52:632.9

The species set of soybean phytophags revealed on the territory of Krasnodar region is presented. The harmful species affected the generative plants parts are determined. Its harmfulness on different soybean cultivars is determined, plant protection measures including elements of agrothecnics, chemical and biological preparations are suggested. Chemical and biological preparations are the effective means for soybean plants protection.


Productivity of spring rapeseed on leached chernozem in conditions of unsteady

moistening in Krasnodar region

E. G. Ustarkhanova, V. M. Penchukov.

UDC 633.853.494:631.531.13(470.62)

The influence of planting dates, seeds planting rates as well as different dozes of mineral fertilizers on productivity of spring rapeseed variety Galant were studied at Armavirskaya experimental station in 2004-2006. It was determined that sowing after 20 March with seeds rate 2 million seeds/ha provides a maximal yield of seeds.

In trials with using of mineral fertilizers the maximal increase of seed yield was after applying of N60P60K60 under presowing soil treatment and N60 as foliar application in comparison with control; and the average extra yield for three years was 0.46 t/ha.


Dynamics of Alternaria brassicicola affection on mustard during vegetation in conditions

of Northern Precaucasus

V. T. Piven, O.V. Serdyuk.

UDC 633.853.483:632.9

The dynamics of A. brassicicola affection on mustard during vegetation in conditions of Northern Precaucasus is shown. It is revealed that the environment during vegetative period of plants and plant maturing phase are the main factors influencing on the dynamics of disease development and expansion. The best period for A. brassicicola inoculation is the phase of yellow-green pod coinciding with the mass spore flying.

The disease is developing intensively at hydrothermal coefficient > 0.8, air temperature 20-24 °С, and relative air humidity more than 60 %.

Creation of the initial material for coriander breeding by the method of chemical mutagenesii

V. A. Nemtse-Petrovsky.


UDC 635.751:581.154


The coriander breeding on the majority of economic traits is complicated according to its weak variability of morphophysiological traits. The method of chemical mutagenesis is more effective way of breeding improvement of a coriander. As a result of treatment by series of the mutagens in various concentrations the mutants differing with a complex of morphological traits and resistance to Ramularia coriandri Moesz et Smarods are created.


Perspectives of biodiesel production in Krasnodar region


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