Ecology. Упражнения по теме «Экология. Экологические проблемы»

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык.

creature, extinct, species, endanger, damage, wildlife, habitat, destroy, cure, development, size, weight, cardboard, include, rainforest, mammal, insect

Упражнение 2. Подберите слово из упражнения 1 к определению ниже.

1. A kind of animal no longer existing

2. To cause danger to a living being

3. A group of plants and animals of the same kind

4. A place where an animal or a plant is found

5. An animal or being of some kind

6. To damage so much that it’s completely ruined

7. To put in smth else

8. To make a disease go away by medical treatment

Упражнение 3. Образуйте новое слово от данного в скобках

1. A hurricane is a ______________________wind or storm. (violence)

2. It was a _____________________disaster. (terror)

3. The _________________made by the fire was awful. (destroy)

4. It is __________________to be near the crater of volcano. (danger)

5. ______________disasters can damage houses and kill people. (nature)

6. Emergency _______________do their best to save people. (work)

7. Sometimes situations are very _________________ to solve.(difficulty)

8. The ocean is polluted with __________ waste. (chemistry)

9. We should solve ________________problems. (environment)

10. Air ______________is very dangerous for people. (pollute)

11. The _______________of scientists are alarming. (predict)

12. The earth has given us _____________ for thousands of years. (support)

13. The hurricane did a lot of _______________ to the house. (damage)

14. What are the most serious __________________problems now? (ecology)

Упражнение 4. Вставьте подходящее слово в предложение ниже.

1. Many ……of animals can become extinct in the near future.

2. Nowadays many scientists say that some chemicals can……human life.

3. Nelly’s pig was a funny …., with short legs, small ears and not much hair on its skin.

4. Lakes and ponds are natural …….for frogs.

5. Don’t worry, I will…….your little rabbit.

6. Fires often ……..forests.

Упражнение 5. Употребите правильную форму глагола в предложениях ниже.

Вариант 1.

1. Now human beings _____________(to kill) our planet.

2. People usually_______________(not to care) about the environment.

3. The builders have ___________________(to cut down) a lot of trees in the forest.

4. As a result many animals were to ______________(to die out).

5. When did the destruction of this countryside _____________(to start)?

6. _____he ____________(to plant) a tree at that time yesterday?

7. _____he _____________(to plant) down the tree by 6 o’clock yesterday?

8. According to the forecast a disaster _________(to happen) soon.

Вариант 2.

1. Rain forests ___________________(to disappear) nowadays.

2. People have ________________(to destroy) a lot of wildlife.

3. They ________________ (to collect) the litter at the seaside last month.

4. We must _______________(to pay attention to) these problems as soon as possible.

5. We are happy to ____________(to survive) on the earth.

6. The children _____________(to water) the trees by the moment it got dark.

7. I ________________(to walk) on the beach when I saw a big jelly fish.

8. Our problems _______________(not to disappear) in future.

Remember the phrases:

1. Keep your country tidy. — Береги природу.

2. Keep off the grass. — По газонам не ходить.

3. Put litter in the bin. — Не сорите.

4. RRR. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. — Сокращайте. Используйте повторно. Перерабатывайте.

Упражнение 6. Составьте предложения в пассивном залоге.

Упражнение 7. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Does this businessman realise the damage these chemicals do to the (environmental / environment) _____________ in our town?

2. Local government (местные власти) should support the idea of recycling and provide each house with bins for different types of (to waste / waste) ________________.

3. If we want to protect our environment, lots of things should be changed in our life, but first of all we should improve (ecological / ecologist) ____________ education.

4. To reduce (Чтобы уменьшить) air (to pollute / pollution) ______________ people should use public transport. Too many people use their own cars.

5. If we want to keep our beautiful beaches as the main tourist (to attract / attraction) ____________ we must protect them from litter pollution.

6. If you care about the protection of the environment and you want to be healthy, you should buy only (nature / natural) ______________ food with no added chemicals.

Упражнение 8. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. _______ is threatening the lives of animals and plants (dirty air, pollution, poisonous air)

2. An earthquake is a __________ event (physical, natural, real)

3. Anything will grow in this dark rich ________. (soil, land, ground)

4. “Let’s take the baby outside,” she suggested. “We all need some ________ air” (pure, clear, fresh)

5. There is world wide concern about the desctruction of the __________. (tropical woods, rainforests, rainy forests)

6. Tigers ___________because hunters kill them in order to sell their skins (run the risk, are insecure, are in danger)

7. Instead of dropping litter in the streets, we should use litter _________. (bags, bins, baskets)

8. ___________, air and water pollution are among the most serious environmental problems. (The warming of the planet, The world’s warming, Global warming)

9. Greenpeace try to prevent a lot of environmental _________. (disasters, tragedies, accident)

10. We should save energy by using ________ power and wind power. (solar, sun, sunny)

Упражнение 9. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Animals are losing their ________ as growing cities cause the countryside to disappear (habitats, places of living, living spaces)

2. In remote regions, the air is pure and the crops are free of poisonous _________. (chemistry, ingredients, insecticides)

3. Many species of animal life have been shot to the verge of _______. (extinction, destruction, elimination)

4. ________ rain is mostly found in North America and Europe. (c hemicals, sour, acid)

5. In my family we always take empty bottles to a ____________ bin. (recycling, reusing, reprocessing)

6. Yesterday I read a very interesting newspaper article about ____________ mountain gorillas. (dangerous, endangered, damaged)

7. Dangerous chemicals from factories are ________ into oceans, rivers and streams, killing fish. (thrown, poured, splashed)

8. People say that fewer than 1,000 blue whales __________ in the Southern Hemisphere. (survive, remain alive, cling to life)

9. People who live in a big city continuously suffer from car exhaust _______. (smoke, gases, fumes)

10. If people refuse to buy_____ or other goods which come from species of animals, we could save their lives. (furs, wool, skin)


Упражнение 10. Переведите на русский язык.

Accident, disaster, amount, atmosphere, development, environment, ecological balance, industry, living being, recycling, packing, industrial waste, drinking water, chemical, chemicals, wastes, global, harmful, scientific, rare, nuclear, to increase, to contaminate, to pollute, to protect (from), to solve, to vanish (disappear), to die out, to endanger, to conserve, to exhaust


Упражнение 11. Переведите на английский язык.

живое существо, окружающая среда, защита окружающей среды, количество, авария, бедствие, атмосфера, развитие, экологическое равновесие, промышленность, промышленные отходы, переработка, упаковка, питьевая вода, химический, ядерный, химикаты, отходы, вредный, редкий, научный, глобальное, увеличивать, вымирать, исчезать, истощаться, загрязнять, заражать, подвергать опасности, защищать, сохранять, сберегать, решать

Упражнение 12. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Smoking … your health. (dangers, endangers)

2. Greenpeace works to … awareness of the dangers that threaten our planet today.(promote, improve)

3. Apes are on the … of extinction (edge, verge)

4. Losing twenty million acres of tropical rain for­ests every year is a …. (disadvantage, disaster)

5. Tigers are … and killed for their body parts which are used in medicine. (hunted, haunted)

6. Oceans are currently a big dumping ground for tons of toxic… and sewage. (waste, packing)

7. There are no more than two hundred and fifty … of sharks in the world.(species, kinds)

8. Storms and heavy rains often cause great … to property. (damage, loss)

9. Some factories and plants … poisonous substances into the atmosphere.(increase, release)

10. People are not doing their best to … an ecological ca­tastrophe. (avoid, prevent)


Упражнение 13. Вставьте предлоги with, about, by, from, of, on, at, of, about, from, —

1. Ecology deals … the relationships of man and na­ture.

2. The whole world is threatened … an ecological catastrophe.

3. All countries ought to join the efforts to save the Earth … an ecological disaster.

4. Sustainable development is the one that doesn’t deprive future generations … the same type of op­portunities we have now.

5. More than two hundred million people depend … the tropical forests for shelter and food.

6. Trees are being cut down … an alarmingly high rate.

7. People are becoming more and more aware … eco­logical problems.

8. Pollution of water and air is one of the main prob­lems people are concerned … today.

9. How can we protect our soil… further waste?

10. If we don’t think hard of ecology we must be ready to face … the consequences.


Упражнение 14. Образуйте существительные от данных ниже глаголов

1. to damage —

2. to pollute —

3. to release —

4. to astonish —

5. to breathe —

6. to measure —

7. to preserve —

8. to purify —

9. to conserve —

10. to poison —

11. to remove-

12. to exist—

13. to lose —

14. to choose —


Упражнение 15. Составьте цепочки: причина — следствие (reason — effect) по образцу:

ОБРАЗЕЦ We leave a burning fire in the forest. — We can cause fire in the forest.

A. If we leave a fire in the forest, we can cause fire and damage the forest. (Active voice)

B. If a fire is left in the forest, the forest can be damaged. (Passive voice)

1. We pollute the air.

2. We throw away plastic bottles.

3. We leave litter and rubbish in the forests.

4. We don’t recycle paper. —

5. We break trees. —

6. We throw litter in the rivers.

Possible effects: change the climate, damage nature, hurt animals, cut down trees, disturb birds, cause water pollution, etc.


Упражнение 16. Передайте повелительные предложения в косвенной речи, ответив на вопрос: What are you asked to do?

ПРИМЕР. Take litter out. — I am told (asked) to take litter out.

1. Please, be quiet.

2. Do not pick up flowers and plants.

3. Do not disturb birds.

4. Help to plant the trees.

5. Please, don’t leave litter on the beach.


Упражнение 17. Подготовьте сообщение про аварию на Фукусиме, которая случилась в Японии в 2011 году согласно плану:

  • what has caused the accident at the nuclear power station;
  • what has gone wrong and why people couldn’t prevent the radioactive contamination;
  • the consequences of this accident for the whole world

Use the word-combinations: cause the radioactive contamination of the water in the Pacific Ocean; can’t stop pollution; have to dump the radioactive water into the ocean; endanger people’s lives; fish and seafood in the ocean is contaminated with the radiation; some fishing companies have stopped catching fish in the ocean; urgent measures should be taken; safety of nuclear power stations; the whole world is threatened by an ecological catastrophe; feel secure about my future

Use linking words: besides, more than that, what is more, as for me, I think that, I can never understand, I strongly believe, I am sure


Text 18. Переведите текст на английский язык.

Наш мир чудесен. Земля поддерживает все формы жизни: человека, птиц, зверей, насекомых, рыб. Но многим людям нет дела до (don’t mind) красоты природы (природной красоты). Они бросают мусор на пляжах и упаковку на улицах. Люди не заботятся об окружающей среде. Они вырубают леса (cut down), загрязняют места обитания животных. В результате (As a result) животные погибают. Заводы и фабрики загрязняют воздух и воду (with) химическими отходами. Загрязнение очень опасно для человека, дикой природы и окружающей среды. Ученые предсказывают международную катастрофу. Мы должны заботиться о природе и о себе.



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