Подготовка к анализу художественного текста

Для успешного выполнения лингвостилистического анализа художественного текста (всего произведения или его фрагмента) студент должен владеть знаниями по стилистике английского и родного языков, по литературоведению, уметь пользоваться стилистическим терминологическим словарем, профессионально ориентированной лексикой, или так называемой ESP лексикой, а также речевыми моделями (дискурсными маркерами), использующимися при построении устного или письменного аналитического дискурса. Анализ текста должен быть логичным и связным, раскрывать идейный замысел автора, освещать жанровые, композиционные и стилистические особенности текста, отличительные черты авторского стиля. Анализ художественного текста не должен сводиться к пересказу текста и перечислению стилистических средств. Студент обязан интерпретировать авторский замысел, раскрыть значение образных средств, выразить свое читательское мнение о прочитанном. При подготовке к анализу текста следует обратить внимание на содержание анализа (1), стилистический терминологический словарь, или ESP (English for Special Purposes) (2), а также дискурсные маркеры (3).

(1) The Outline of Literary Text Analysis (combining Literary Analysis and Linguistic-Stylistic Analysis of the text)

1. The genre and type of the given literary work (extract).

2. The theme of the given literary work (extract).

3. The main idea (and the rival ideas) of the text in question.

4. The system of personages (the main characters, the rival characters) and the conflicts these characters are involved in.

5. The plot structure (with the focus on the plot and emotional climaxes).

6. The composition (narration (1st-person, 3d-person, anonymous), description, interior monologue, dramatic monologue, dialogue). The author’s strategies (description, analysis, definition, reflection, argument, comparison and contrast, etc.) in case of the contemporary essay.

7. The imagery of the given literary work (extract). Stylistic devices and expressive means employed by the author. Linguistic-stylistic analysis proper ( should be focused on the reader’s personal interpretation of the author’s messages and images ).

8. The author’s style and manner.

Structuring the analytical discourse, be it written or spoken, is one of the most difficult tasks for students. To highlight the successive stages of the discourse, students are required to be able to use one of the following discourse-building elements:

The text under analysis is the extract from a famous novel by …

I’d like to begin with formulating the main idea of …

As far as the main characters are concerned, they are …

As for the rival characters, they are shown / represented …

I’d like to draw your attention to the unusual plot structure …

I’d like to dwell upon the stylistic peculiarities of the given extract …

My next observation concerns the emotional climax of the extract …

If we look at the first line / title / last paragraph of the story …

The author uses this bright epithet / hyperbole to show / emphasize / exaggerate, etc sth. …

To achieve humorous effect in his story, the author uses / employs …

The author’s original metaphor helps to create the central image of the story …

Let’s pay our attention to the syntactical expressive means and stylistic devices … The most striking among them all is parallelism / inversion / rhetorical questions, etc …

(2). ESP in Literary Text Analysis is the instrument of producing an accurate, relevant, and subject-focused analytical discourse by a student.

E.g.1. Suggested ESP Inventory List for Conflict (C).


We observe an obvious external conflict between the main character and her father. This conflict is as obvious as black and white. The main character is in constant conflict with himself. We see him trying to resolve the inner conflict… The main conflict arose from different ambitions within her family. He is in conflict with himself and the world … The war brought them into conflict with each other.


Obvious/hidden c External/internal c Unresolved/irreconcilable c Serious/sharp/direct c Emotional/ideological/personality/race/class/ethnic/family/social/religious c



bring smb into conflict withlead to unresolved conflict between two races … provoke a conflict betweenavoid conflict … resolve/settle the conflict …



Conflict is revealed by the author with the help of … The story / writer explores the conflict of parents and children … The author exposes the inner conflict of a talented novelist … This story provides an insight into the reasons and development of the family conflict. To make the conflict vivid in his story, the author uses rhetorical questions… The conflict is highlighted in the first passage …


E.g.2. Suggested ESP Inventory List for Metaphor (M).


original (poetic, novel) m dead m prolonged (sustained, extended) m mixed m root m theatrical (nautical, alimentary, corporal, personal) m sensory m
a/an appropriate m striking (expressive) m colorful (bright) m familiar to everyone m thought-provoking m unexpected m   the metaphor of life as a journey of love as a rose of the world as a stage of death as a sleep of the beauty as a flower
M is widely used (employed) by the author is frequently exploited in literature (poetry) plays a major role in structuring the way we think about the world helps the author portray the main character draws the reader’s attention to… contributes to the reader’s (the main character’s) understanding … creates a lyrical (dramatic, ironical) effect realizes the author’s vision of life renders the author’s sympathetic attitude towards… conveys the atmosphere of the whole extract sets the general tone of the extract unfolds the main idea to the reader calls forth a feeling of pleasure (disgust, sympathy, disdain, etc.) serves to describe the main character’s attitude … appeals to the reader… is derived from medicine (sports, music, etc.) is the key tool for the author.

(3). Discourse Markers are a tool of achieving logical cohesion of the student-produced discourse.


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