Write the parts of the human heart.


Video tasks:

1. Name the four components of the circulatory system.
2. Describe the size and location of the heart.
3. Outline the route of blood circulation.
4. Name the primary components of the cardiac conduction system.
5. Outline the route of a cardiac impulse through the heart.
6. Discuss the role of each of the three types of blood vessels.
7. Describe the four main components of blood.
8. Differentiate between blood and lymph




pharynx – глотка larynx - гортань trachea - трахея bronchi - бронхи bronchiole - бронхиола alveoli - альвеола lungs - лёгкие entrance - вход to humidify - увлажнять esophagus - пищевод vocal cords – голосовые связки breathing - дыхание swallowing - глотание tubelike - трубкообразный diverging - расходящиеся sac – мешочек, киста elastic fibers – эластичные волокна inverted-cone - конусообразный carbon dioxide – углекислый газ oxygen - кислород

1. Read and translate the text.

Respiration occurs in all living things, both plants and animals.The proper function of this system is perhaps the most important one in the sustaining of life. Interruption of breathing for only a few minutes by suffocation or strangulation causes death. In the human organism, res­piration consists of those processes by which the body cells and tissues make use of oxygen and by which carbon dioxide or the waste products of respiration are removed.

Inhaled air contains about 20 per cent oxygen and four hundredths of one per cent carbon dioxide. Exhaled air consists of approximately 16 per cent oxygen and 4 per cent carbon dioxide. Nitrogen, which makes up about 79 per cent of the atmosphere, is not involved in the breathing process. When air is inhaled into the lungs, a portion of the oxygen is passing into the blood and is being circulated through the body. At the same time, carbon dioxide is being diffused out of the blood into the lungs and exhaled.

The respiratory system is divided into two parts: the upper respiratory tract and the lower respiratory tract. The following are the organs of the upper and the lower respiratory tract.
The Upper Respiratory Tract
Nose - It is the entrance of the respiratory tract and helps in allowing air to flow in and out. It humidifies, warms, and filters the air that comes in.
Pharynx (throat) - It is located at the back of the mouth, and connects the mouth to the esophagus (food pipe). It is a passage for air and food.
Larynx - It is present at the top of trachea and contains vocal cords. It is also known as the voice box. It helps in controlling breathing and swallowing.
Trachea (windpipe) - It is a tubelike structure that helps in passing air from larynx to bronchi. It also warms the air and prevents foreign bodies from entering lungs.
The Lower Respiratory Tract
Bronchi - These are the airways of the lungs diverging from the trachea. They carry air in and out of the lungs.
Bronchioles - These are branches of the bronchi that conduct air into the lungs. They perform the same function as the bronchi.
Alveoli - These are sacs in the lungs and contain elastic fibers. The exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen occurs here.
Lungs - These are the two inverted-cone shaped organs present in the chest of human beings. The function of lungs is to take in oxygen into the body and expel carbon dioxide.


Learn the diagram of the respiratory system.


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