London School of Business and Finance (LSBF)

LSBF is recognized as a global centre of excellence for business management, finance and marketing.

BA Business Administration (Human Recourse Management)

Human Resource Management is the strategic approach to the management of a company’s most valuable assets – its people. With modern businesses understanding the importance of attracting, training and retaining the best workforce within their organizations, HR Management is an ever-changing discipline, with numerous job prospects.

Our address:

London School of Business and Finance [Электронный ресурс]: LSBF – Undergraduate Programs, cop. London school of Business and Management 2003-2012. - Режим доступа:, свободный. – Загл. с экрана.


International School of Management (ISM)

The ISM MBA program provides an intensive learning environment where young and dynamic professionals are grounded in the vital disciplines of business management. Throughout their studies in Paris and New York, students work with their Thesis Supervisor to prepare a project tailored to their professional interest sand aspirations, working together to ensure their competitive advantage in today’s international job market.

The ISM MBA is designed for young professionals who combine a strong academic record with some business experience, and who want an opportunity to go global. Young professionals come to ISM to get the edge in the job market that only an international education can bring.

ISM’s intensive one-year MBA grounds students in the vital disciplines of management, provides opportunities to net work with other international managers, and includes the opportunity to partake in ISM’s New York program for no additional cost. Students also have the opportunity to specialize by choosing a topic for their MBA thesis that is particularly relevant to their careers.

In addition to the seminar component, students will complete two Professional Assessment Case Study analyses as well as a Master’s Thesis. As the culminating portion of the MBA program, the Master’s Theses is a research project that is both original and pertinent to international business theory and practice.

Our address:

International School of Management [Электронный ресурс]: International School of Management, cop. ISM 2012. – Режим доступа:, свободный. – Загл. с экрана.


Yale School of Management (SOM)

Today, managerial careers cross functions, organizations, and industries, as well as cultural and political boundaries. Yale SOM teaches management fundamentals in an integrated way – the way successful managers must function every day.

The heart of the first-year curriculum is a series of multidisciplinary team-taught courses, called Organizational Perspective. To focus on organizational role, instead of disciplinary topic, creates a richer, more relevant context for students to learn the concept to succeed as leaders. The Integrated Leadership Perspective class gives students practical experience in synthesizing the lessons of the core through the case studies and group projects involving organizations of varying scale and purpose.

Our address:

Yale School of Management [Электронный ресурс]: Yale University, cop. Yale University 2007. – Режим доступа:, свободный. – Загл. с экрана.


Credit 5

Supplement 5

Test Yourself

Reading 1. Mayor

Reading 2. City Manager

Reading 3. City Government




Распределение вариантов контрольной работы. Выбор варианта контрольной работы осуществляется в соответствии с двумя последними цифрами номера зачетной книжки по таблице.


  Последняя цифра номера
Предпоследняя цифра номера                      


Требования к оформлению контрольной работы:

Контрольная работа должна быть оформлена в компьютерном или рукописном варианте (как исключение) на бумаге формата А4.

Оформления титульного листа:


Faculty of Management


English for Managers

Credit 1






Рукописный вариант работы должен быть разборчиво написан и легко читаем. Компьютерный вариант работы должен быть оформлен следующим образом:

- текст набирается на одной стороне листа;

- стандартная страница формата А4 имеет следующие поля: правое — 15 мм, левое — 25 мм, верхнее и нижнее — 20 мм;

- выравнивание текста — по ширине;

- межстрочный интервал — полуторный;

- гарнитура шрифта —Times New Roman;

- кегль (размер) шрифта —14;

- абзацный отступ — 1,25 см.


Контрольная работа должна быть выполнена самостоятельно и вовремя представлена на проверку.


1. The Art and Science of Management

2. Leading and motivating

3. Management styles

4. Autocratic Management style

5. Democratic Management style

6. Participative Management style

7. Laissez Faire Management style

8. Work culture

9. Corporate culture

10. Global Entrepreneurship Examples

11. Successful Business Stories

12. Corporate social responsibility

13. The role of business in environmental affairs

14. A future political/ social problem in my country

15. Doing business with people from other cultures

16. International Business Style

17. Learning to cope with corporate culture clashes

18. Recent developments in my professional area

19. My main functions and responsibilities

20. My country/ city: trends in economic and financial indicators — past, present and future.

21. A social or environmental issue that is currently in the news.

22. A new infrastructure project in my country/ city that is being planned.

23. Functions of management, its style and skills.

24. Motivation theories.

25. International management and multinationals.

26. Production. Products and brands.

27. Marketing.

28. Promotional tools and PR.

29. Advertising.

30. Problems of employment.

31. Career perspectives.

32. Recruitment.

33. Preparing for an interview.

34. Ethical problems in business.

35. Cross-cultural Diversity


1. What is a Manager?

2. Senior Management Level Jobs

3. Management: Art or Science?

4. Management Skills

5. Managing People

6. What is a Leader?

7. Leadership

8. Motivating Employees

9. Management Careers

10. Managing Costs

11. Leading and motivating

12. Management styles

13. Autocratic Management style

14. Democratic Management style

15. Participative Management style

16. Laissez Faire Management style

17. Business Ethics

18. Women in Management

19. Work/ Life Balance

20. Strategy Plans Organizations

21. Management Theory

22. Systems Theory

23. Work culture

24. Corporate culture

25. Defining Economics.

26. General Issues of Economics.

27. History of Economic Thought.

28. Goods and Services.

29. Global Entrepreneurship Examples

30. Successful Business Stories

31. Corporate social responsibility

32. The role of business in environmental affairs

33. A future political/ social problem in my country

34. Doing business with people from other cultures

35. International Business Style

36. Learning to cope with corporate culture clashes

37. Motivation theories.

38. International management and multinationals.

39. Production. Products and brands.

40. Marketing.

41. Promotional tools and PR.

42. Advertising.

43. Problems of employment.

44. Career perspectives.

45. Recruitment.

46. Preparing for an interview.

47. Ethical problems in business.

48. Cross-cultural Diversity


Final Tests


Test 1


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