Exercise 6. Translate into Russian.

Exercise 1. Put in suitable words

Your father’s brother and sister are your ___ and your ___

Your parents’ parents are your ___ and your ___

Your aunt’s and uncle’s children are your ___

Your children’s children are your ___ and your ___

Your brother’s son and daughter are your ___ and your ___

Your father and your mother are____

Your father is your mother’s_______

Your mother is your father’s_________

Your aunt’s children are_____



Exercise 2. Translate into English

1.Моя семья состоит из 5 человек: моей мамы, моего папы, моего младшего брата, бабушки и меня. 2. Мы с моей сестрой очень хорошо ладим. 3. Им очень нравится заниматься спортом. 4. Думаю, он довольно добродушный человек. 5. Мои тетя и дядя крайне редко ссорятся. 6. Мне нравится собирать разные коллекции. 7. Это семейное хобби. 8. Мы не живем с ними, но часто их навещаем. 9. Химия, биология, история - мои любимые предметы. 10. У него есть кошка. 11. Они показывают друзьям все ценные достопримечательности. 12. Они очень любят друг друга. 13. Когда ты приедешь в мой родной город? 14. Его семья живет в многоквартирном доме, а ее семья в таунхаусе. 15. Мне нравятся шотландские овчарки. 16. Спорт всем помогает поддерживать себя в форме. 17. Семья – важная часть общества. 18. Подростки часто обманывают друг друга. 19. Когда у тебя нет хобби, жить становится скучно. 20. Важно делиться своими мечтами и надеждами в семье. 21. Это не то, чего я хочу.


Exercise 3. Translate into Russian

1. There’re (there are) a lot of problems in his family. 2. People always cheat people. 3. Not so many people think that privacy is impossible in extended family. 4. Besides, they don’t (do not) understand this way of life. 5. They say that one of the well-known Moscow museums is the Memorial Museum of Astronautics. 6. Besides, I’m (I am) good at skating. 7. One day I collect stamps, on the other day I prefer to collect toys. 8. These twins both go to the swimming pool every week. 9. There are 6 rooms in their flat! 10. All people admire this grandma. 11. I’m (I am) not very good at French, but I’ll try my best to improve it. 12. They especially like night walks with their friends. 13. That dog wears a collar with its name. We should call this phone number.

Exercise 4. Put in suitable words



1. She is the daughter of my mother. She is my…

a) aunt c) grandmother

b) sister d) cousin

2. He is the father of my father. He is my…

a) grandfather c) uncle

b) grandson d) cousin

3. He is the father of my brother. He is my…

a) uncle c) father

b) son d) grandfather

4. He is the son of my uncle. He is my…

a) cousin c) grandfather

b) father d) brother

5. She is the sister of my mother. She is my…

a) grandmother c) aunt

b) daughter d) cousin

6. He is the son of my brother. He is my…

a) cousin c) uncle

b) nephew d) father

7. He is the brother of my mother. He is my…

a) nephew c) uncle

b) son d) cousin

8. He is the husband of my aunt. He is my…

a) uncle c) cousin

b) father d) brother

9. She is the mother of my mother. She is my…

a) aunt c) daughter

b) niece d) grandmother

10. She is the daughter of my sister. She is my…

a) niece c) mother

b) aunt d) cousin

11. She is the wife of my uncle. She is my…

a) mother c) aunt

b) daughter d) niece

12. She is the daughter of my aunt. She is my…

a) cousin c) mother

b) niece d) grandmother


Exercise 5. Change into Past Simple and Future Simple Tenses (where it’s possible), Translate into Russian


1.I live in a small town. It’s my native town. 2. I’m a student of 11th grade. 3. We are a family of eight: my mother, my father, my aunt, my grandmother, my grandfather, my elder brother, my younger sister and me. 4. We live in a block of flats 5. We get on very well with my brother. 6. They are fond of sports. 7. I’m quite easy-going. 8. We have a pet. 9. I’m good/bad at English. 10. There’re a lot of problems. 11. They don’t understand each other. 12. My friends are fond of collecting coins. 13. it’s made in France. 14. They describe the history of our city. 15. I share a room with my friends. 16. As for me, I am fond of collecting merchandise. 17. I have two hundred T-shirts in my collection. 18. I’m very proud of you. 19. She is very friendly to all.


Exercise 6. Translate into Russian.

1. Let me introduce myself. 2. My name is… … for short. 3. I’m…years old. 4. I live in Tver. 5. He doesn’t have any secrets from others. 6. They have some secrets from each other. 7. We hardly ever quarrel. 8. I don’t know. 9. I often visit them. 10. They are very much in love. 11. It’s a dog. 12. She always treats them badly. 13. On the one hand, there is (something)… 14. On the other hand, there is (something)… 15. Firstly a family is (something)… 16. Secondly a family is (something)… 17. It’s not what we want. 18. I think that it’s necessary to do something… 19. We must come to an agreement. 20. We have things shared together like hopes and dreams. 21. Tastes differ. 22. Besides, I’m good at skating and swimming, playing the guitar etc. 23. There are nine rooms in their flat! 24. I will try/do my best to improve my skills.


Что подготовить на тестирование: выучить лексику (мама, папа, бабушка, дедушка, тетя, дядя, двоюродные братья и сестры, племянники (свекровь, мужа, жену, приемных детей и т.д. не трогаем), повторить количественные и порядковые числительные (дроби не трогаем), повторить все то, что выделено красным, личные местоимения, конструкции this is/these are, that is/those are. Времена Simple.


Вторые формы неправильных глаголов будут выписаны на доске (для перевода предложений из Present Simple в Past Simple). Телефоном и тетрадками пользоваться запрещено, можно принести словарь. Вопросы во время тестирования (Как перевести слово?, Что значит…? и т.д. и т.п.) преподавателю задавать нельзя, но можно задать вопрос перед написанием и после написания всеми теста.



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