Вызов врача на дом
Вызов врача на дом, в общежитие осуществляется с 08-00 до 13-00 по телефонам: 8-495-137-85-31, 8-925-011-48-82.
Что делать, если болит зуб?
В случае острой зубной боли Вам необходимо позвонить по телефону 8-495-137-85-31, 8-925-011-48-82.
Вызов скорой помощи и организация экстренной госпитализации
Вызов скорой медицинской помощи осуществляется по телефонам 8-495-137-85-31, 8-925-011-48-82 (круглосуточно).
При разговоре с врачом-диспетчером следует назвать полностью имя, номер полиса ДМС, объяснить, что случилось и где Вы находитесь.
Организация экстренной госпитализации осуществляется строго через круглосуточный диспетчерский пульт (тел. 8-495-137-85-31, 8-925-011-48-82), в противном случае страховая компания не возмещает расходы на стационарное лечение.
Для получения услуг по репатриации необходимо в кратчайшие сроки связаться с сервисной компанией (тел. 8-495-137-85-31, 8-925-011-48-82) и согласовать действия для осуществления данных услуг.
Круглосуточный call-центр
Межвузовского медицинского центра «Медсанчасть 03»:
8-495-137-85-31, 8-925-011-48-82
Наша группа Вконтакте: vk.com/insstudent, https://medsanchast03.com
If you need to get medical chekup:
For medical chekup you should contact to Inter-University Medical Center «Medical unit 03» (31/1, Suschevskiy val, metro station «Mar’ina Rosсha», «Savelovskaya»).
Medical chekup is carried out from Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM STRICTLY BY APPOINTMENT.
You can make an appointment for medical chekup by phone 8-495-664-20-03, 8-495-137-92-03 or by website https://medsanchast03.com
You should not eat anything before the medical chekup.
Do not forget your passport and insurance certificate!
If you need to visit a doctor:
You can visit Inter-University Medical Center «Medical unit 03» (31/1, Suschevskiy val, metro station «Mar’ina Rosсha», «Savelovskaya»).
Please note that visit to the doctor is carried out STRICTLY BY APPOINTMENT.
You can find out the doctor's working hours and make an appointment by phone 8-495-664-20-03, 8-495-137-92-03 or by website https://medsanchast03.com
Do not forget your passport and insurance certificate!
If unable to provide medical care in the base clinic, you should call 8-495-137-85-31, 8-925-011-48-82 and inform the specialist about problems.
ATTENTION! Due to the difficult epidemiological situation, we ask you to come without friends and family members, including children, when visiting medical institutions. Only patients who need services are allowed on the territory of the clinic. The exception is for translators who help non-Russian speaking students.
Calling a doctor service
Calling a doctor service runs from 08:00 till 13:00 and available at phone: 8-495-137-85-31, 8-925-011-48-82.
What if the tooth hurts?
In case of toothache you should call 8-495-137-85-31, 8-925-011-48-82.
Calling an ambulance and organization of emergency care
To call an ambulance service you should call tel. 8-495-137-85-31, 8-925-011-48-82 (24-hour).
When talking with an operator doctor, you should pronounce your full name, your medical insurance policy number and explain what has happened and where you are.
Emergency care (admission to hospital) is provided strictly via the round-the-clock operator service (tel. 8-495-137-85-31, 8-925-011-48-82), otherwise insurance company will not reimburse for expenses of medical services incurred in connection with residential treatment.
For repatriation services insured person, a person acting on behalf of the insured person, should promptly contact the Service Company (tel. 8-495-137-85-31, 8-925-011-48-82) and coordinate their actions for data services.
Hour call center
of Inter-University Medical Center «Medical unit 03»:
8-495-137-85-31, 8-925-011-48-82