Познакомьтесь со словами и словосочетаниями, которые помогут вам понять текст:
1) a first-year student – студент первого курса
I am a first-year student.
2) a day-time department – дневное отделение
a correspondence department – заочное отделение
My friend studies at the day-time department.
I study at the correspondence department.
3) at the end of – в конце
At the end of each term students take (have) exams.
4) as a rule – как правило
There are 30 people in each group as a rule.
5) to attend – посещать
We attend lectures and practical classes.
6) different subjects – различные предметы
We study different subjects.
7) to read up – готовиться к чему-либо
I read up for seminars at the library or at home.
8) spare (free) time – свободное время
We have little (much) spare time.
9) by education – по образованию
He is a builder by education.
She is an economist by education.
10) a head of sales department – руководитель отдела продаж
My brother is a head of sales department.
11) to be responsible for – нести ответственность за …
A monitor is responsible for the group.
12) to be busy with – заниматься чем-либо
She is busy with the housework.
He is busy with his work.
13) studies – учебныезанятия
Our studies begin at half past eight.
14) university fees – плата за учебу в университете
Students of our group pay the university fees.
15) a part of – некоторое количество
A part of students rent a flat, it is very expensive.
16) roller-skating – катание на роликовых коньках
17) biking – катание на велосипеде
My brother likes roller-skating and biking.
18) weekdays – рабочие дни
On weekdays I have to get up at seven o’clock.
19) to get tired – устать
By the end of the week I get very tired.
Прочитайте текст к теме «Student Life».
I am Alexander. I am 17 years old. I was born on the 5th of March 1992 in Kursk. Now I study at the State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. I am a first-year student and study at the correspondence department.
My parents are economists by education. My father works as a head of sales department at a book publishing house. He is responsible for sales strategy of books. My mother is a journalist at a local newspaper. She specializes in economics. She is often busy with her work.
As for me I entered the Institute of Economics, Management and Information Technologies. I study Economics. I like my studies a lot now.
Now let me describe my student life. The academic year at the University is divided into two terms: from September to January and from February to July. At the end of each term students take several exams and credit tests. A part of the students have to pay the university fees.
Students are divided into academic groups. There are 20 people in our group.
We have lectures and practical classes. We study different subjects such as: Maths, Economics, English, Physics, Management, Statistics, Theory of Economic Science, Information Technology and others.
During sessions we spend from six to eight hours at the University. From time to time I go to the library to read up for seminars or to write a report. As a rule I have little spare time on weekdays because I work at the company. So by the end of the week I get very tired.
I live (not) far from the University. I rent a flat with my friend, it is very expensive.
In the evenings and on Sundays (Sunday is my day off) when I have free time I go out. I go for a walk with my friends, go to the cinema. When the weather is fine I like a ride in the country to have a picnic.
I'm fond of reading books. Books help me to continue my education. And of course I like music! It gives me much delight and pleasure. I enjoy playing the guitar. I am also a great theatre-goer. I'm not keen on television.
I also like roller-skating and biking. I want to learn mountain skiing and snowboarding for health and pleasure.
I hope to have a very successful career.
Speak about your student life.
Прочитайте и запомните английские названия университета, институтов и специальностей, которым там обучают.
Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
1. The Civil Engineering Institute (строительный институт) – civil engineers, real estate management engineers, land management engineers
2. The Institute of Engineering Systems in Construction (институт инженерных систем в строительстве) - sanitary technical engineers, fire safety engineers, engineers of urban construction and utilities
3. The Institute of Architecture and Town Planning (институт архитектуры и градостроительства) – architects, designers
4. The Institute of Transportation and Traffic Science (дорожно-транспортный институт) – road and bridge builders, mechanic engineers
5. The Institute of Building Technology (строительно-технологический институт) – technologists, public relations managers
6. The Institute of Economics, Management and Information Technologies (институт экономики, менеджмента и информационных технологий) – economists, managers, computer programmers
7. The Institute of Master Degree (институт магистратуры) – masters
Познакомьтесь со словами и словосочетаниями, которые помогут вам понять текст:
1) to establish (found) – основывать
The university was established (founded) in 1930.
2) day-time, evening, correspondence departments – дневное, вечернее,
заочное отделение
The university has day-time and correspondence departments.
3) a full-time student (a part-time) – студент дневного (заочного) отделения
I am a part-time student.
4) to occupy – занимать
The university occupies seven buildings.
5) equipment – оборудование
The lecture rooms have modern equipment.
6) at the disposal of – в распоряжении
At the disposal of the students there is a well-stocked library.
7) a hall of residence – студенческое общежитие
A number of students live in the halls of residence not far from the university.
8) a graduate – выпускник
Our graduates can get well-paid jobs.
9) to be fond of – увлекаться, любить
Many students are fond of sports.
10) to train – готовить, обучать
Our Institute trains economists.
11) to confer – давать, предоставлять
The University confers a good standard of education.
12) a bachelor’s (master’s) degree - степень бакалавра (магистра)
My bachelor’s degree is in Economics.
13) e-learning – электронное обучение, обучение с использованием электронных технологий, в первую очередь Интернета
Teaching is carried out through distance learning or e-learning.
14) a construction job site – строительная площадка
15) an enterprise - предприятие
Our graduates work at different construction job sites and enterprises.
Прочитайте текст к теме «Our University».
I study at Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. It is a large scientific and educational centre. It was founded in 1930.
The University trains specialists at 7 institutes: the Institute of Civil Engineering, the Institute of Engineering Systems inConstruction, the Institute of Architecture and Town Planning, the Institute of Transportation and Traffic Science, the Institute of Building Technology, the Institute of Economics, Management and Information Technologies and the Institute of Master Degree.
I study at the Institute of Economics, Management and Information Technologies. I’m a part-time student. Our education combines classical university education with special courses on Economics. Among them are money economics, international economics, labour economics, industrial economics, construction economics, agricultural economics, etc. Our University offers courses for training experts in a variety of fields, such as civil engineers, architects, technologists, sanitary-technical engineers, road builders, economists, managers and others.
More than 7000 students (including foreign students) study at the day-time and correspondence departments. The University confers different bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
Students actively participate in all types of scientific work and research. Knowledge of English and other foreign languages is very important for the international exchange and scientific work. Good education is very important in the “information age”.
Now the University occupies seven buildings. Its research laboratories and lecture rooms are equipped with modern facilities. Students have facilities to use the Internet.
At the disposal of the students there is a well-stocked library, halls of residence, five gyms, a swimming pool for the students who are fond of sports.
Teaching at our University can be carried out through distance learning or e-learning.
Our graduates work at construction job sites, at different building companies and enterprises, in design and scientific research institutes.