Present Continuous

Задания по английскому языку для 9 класса


Задание 1. Выучить лексику из Unit 6 и Unit 7 “It’s a long story”. Уточнить произношение слов можно по ссылке:

Unit 6 first class – место в самолете первого класса tourist class – место эконом-класса to checks in – зарегистрироваться на рейс to go through the passport control – пройти паспортный контроль departure gate – выход на посадку to be interested in smth./smb. – интересоваться к.-л./чем-л. a straight nose – прямой нос strong brown hands – сильные загорелые руки long sensitive fingers – длинные чувствительные пальцы incredibly handsome–невероятно красивый Unit 7 to smiled at smb. – улыбнуться кому-либо an incredibly attractive smile – невероятно красивая улыбка calm – спокойный a surgeon – хирург an artist – художник a gun – пистолет a pocket – карман

Задание 2. Прослушать Unit 6 и Unit 7 “It’s a long story” по ссылкам:

Unit 6 (время просмотра: 1.00-1.54),

Unit 7 (время просмотра: 1.57-3.07)

и письменно выполните задания:

Unit 6 Ответьте на вопросы: 1. Describe the man who sits down by Judy on the plane. 2. 2. Does Judy like him? Unit 7 Образуйте 4 формы глаголов: Напр.: give – gave – given – giving have – take – stand – be – look – smile – walk –

Задание 3. Переведите письменно следующий текст:


What Determines Supply?

The quantity supplied is the amount of a good or service that producers are willing and able to sell at the current price. Higher prices cause the quantity supplied to increase. Conversely, lower prices cause the quantity supplied to decrease.

When price increases, producers often respond by offering more for sale. As price goes down, quantity supplied also goes down. This direct relationship between price and quantity supplied is the law of supply. The law of supply states that, all other things being equal, the quantity supplied increases when the price rises, and the quantity supplied falls when the price falls.

A supply schedule is a table that shows the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied. A supply curve is a graph of the relationship between the prices in the supply

schedule and the quantity supplied at those prices.

When a variable other than the price changes, the entire supply curve shifts. For instance, suppose that beverage scientists at Starbucks discover a new way to brew a richer coffee at half the cost. The new process would increase the company’s profits because its costs of supplying a cup of coffee would go down. The increased profits as a result of lower costs motivate Starbucks to sell more coffee and open new stores. Therefore, overall supply increases.

Задание 4. Решите следующие задачи. Аргументируйте Ваш ответ на русском или английском языке.

Ice Cream: Supply and Demand

Question: Which one of the following will increase the demand for ice cream?

a. A decrease in the price of the butterfat used to make ice cream.

b. A decrease in the price of ice cream.

c. An increase in the price of the milk used to make ice cream.

d. An increase in the price of frozen yogurt, a substitute for ice cream.

Question: Which one of the following will decrease the supply of chocolate ice cream?

a. A medical report finding that consuming chocolate prevents cancer.

b. A decrease in the price of chocolate ice cream.

c. An increase in the price of chocolate, an ingredient used to make chocolate ice cream.

d. An increase in the price of whipped cream, a complementary good.


Все ответы на задания 2, 3, 4, пожалуйста, направляйте на электронную почту преподавателя Мироненко Елены Станиславовны: !!!


По грамматике рекомендуем повторить следующие темы:

Present Simple

Present Continuous

Past Simple

Past Continuous

Unit 6 “It’s a long story”

"Single to Rio de Janeiro, please," says Judy.

"First class or tourist?"

"Oh, tourist, please."

Judy checks in and goes through the passport control to the departure gate. On the plane she finds a seat by the window. A young man comes and sits down by her. Judy looks at him. He is tall and dark, about 25, and very well dressed. Judy is not interested in him.

He has dark brown eyes, a straight nose, a wide humorous mouth, and strong brown hands with long sensitive fingers. He is incredibly handsome. Judy looks out of the window.

Unit 7 “It’s a long story”

"Excuse me. Would you like a drink?"

"Oh, er, yes. Thank you very much. A whisky, please."

The young man gave Judy her drink and smiled at her. He had an incredibly attractive smile. He really looked very nice: calm, friendly and kind. "Perhaps he's a doctor," she thought "a surgeon, with those strong sensitive hands. Or perhaps an artist, or a musician." Yes, he looked like an artist. She looked at him again and smiled.

"What time is it, please?" he asked.

Judy looked at her watch. "Two thirty five."

"Thank you," he said, and smiled at her. She smiled back at him. He smiled again. He took a gun out of his pocket, stood up, and walked to the front of the plane.


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