Match the verb on the left with a suitable item on the right. Use each item once only.

1. refer a. at a conclusion
2. draw b. the programme as effective
3. arrive c. out a hypothesis
4. collect d. a reference letter
5. spell e. to new theories
6. entail f. a plan
7. set out g. the literature on research
8. write h. a conclusion
9. review i. your learning this problem
10. evaluate j. data


23. Make the following sentences complete by translating the words and phrases in brackets.

1. PhD dissertation (план) is an effective way to simplify the process of organizing dissertation materials. 2. I have found that the most important elements that (прогнозировать) whether a disserta­tion will be completed and how good it will be are: your goal; your process — what to do, how to do it, when to do it; and your disci­pline. 3. What is your (подход) to solving this problem? 4. А (обзор литературы) gives an (обзор) of the field of inquiry. 5. He decided to (предложить) dealing directly with the suppliers. 6. In Master’s thesis, you have to utilize the research work in order to (доказывать) your point; in case of PhD dissertation, you have to add (новый) findings to existing literature. 7. When creating your (постановка проблемы), try to be very creative but at the same time be consider­ate on how significant your problem is. 8. The (рецензенты) of a doctoral dissertation must provide their statements within six weeks from the date when they were informed about their task. 9. You should use some basic (научные методы) to help you with your dis­sertation. 10. The (библиографический список) will contain the articles and books 1 have read.

Memorize the active vocabulary to Text ЗА.

Read and translate the following international words. Look up their transcriptions in the dictionary if necessary. Mind the part of speech.

Monograph n, motivate v, contribution n, hypothesis n, combination n, theoretical adj, analysis n, collection n, limitation n, format n, formal adj, start v, specification n, process n, actually adv, introduction n, journal n, summarize v, comparative adj, regression n, methodology n, author n, address v, interpretation n.

Read and translate the following word combinations which come from the texts of the Unit. Mind the use of nouns as attributes in preposition. Look up your dictionary if necessary.

Data collection, data analysis, future research directions, a research dissertation, a study paper, research questions, research study, background work, a subject matter, a review chapter, a thesis work, a research topic, a PhD thesis statement, a regression analysis.

27. Form the nouns with the help of the following suffixes. Read and translate them into Russian.

a) -age: cover, break, store, stop, waste, pack, use, carry, dose, pass, post, sew, block, drain, leak, link, marry, waste;

b) -al: remove, propose, dismiss, deny, arrive, withdraw, approve, renew;

c) -ant: assist, consult, occupy, inhabit, account, attend, contest, defend, depend, serve, claim, descend, inform, inhabit;

d) -ity: complex, functional, causal, available, possible, reliable, valid, applicable, original, productive, fatal, secure, formal, diverse, creative, familiar, responsible, able, electric, popular, authentic.


16. Read and translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the predicates used in the Passive Voice.

1. Candidates are strongly advised to discuss with their supervisor(s) the style of writing to be used in the thesis before writing begins. 2. The supervisor has been consulted at the beginning of the work. 3. The stages of investigation and writing will be worked out in consultation with the supervisor. 4. The candidate is being asked to make a public presentation of his research findings at the University now. 5. The candidate’s writing abilities had been assessed by the supervisor. 6. The opportunity to take part in a completion seminar gives the candidate the opportunity to receive constructive feedback from informed and experienced researchers. 7. The supervisor is usually brought papers to sign at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. 8. She has been offered a new job. 9. The thesis summary and chapter outline were presented to the members of the panel. 10. The candidate was told to submit an 80-word summary of the thesis to the School of Graduate Research. 11. The final decision was arrived at after two hours’ discussion. 12. This method will be dealt with at the next stage of research. 13. This author was referred to in that journal. 14. This specialist was sent for as he was the only one to do that job. 15. Each postgraduate student was spoken to separately.

17. Rewrite the active sentences as passive ones and translate them.


We will compare the research results. — The research results will be compared by us.

1. New approaches give new insights to old problems. 2. He was applying some new methods and techniques in the execution of the work. 3. You have proposed some new models of computation. 4. He wrote some joint papers with people who had substantial writing experience. 5.1 had published the most important results in some journals by that time. 6. The qualified person beyond your advisor is discussing your work now. 7. They will have planned the job by the end of the month. 8. The examiners will consider the thesis solely on its merits as an independent piece of supervised research.

18. Complete the following sentences. Use the passive form (Simple, Continuous or Perfect) of the verbs in the brackets.

1. The basic concept of my thesis_________________ (work out)

now. 2. The first buildings__________________ (construct) by hand or

with simple tools. 3. A lot of dissertations__________________ (defend)

by 2010. 4. He (transform) into a professional researcher by the time he defends his dissertation. 5. In the near future, the present structure of Building Construction studies (modify) by the implementation of Bologna Process. 6. All the methods he used in the thesis work(describe) in the thesis recently. 7. The hotel(build) on the edge of the lake at that time last year. 8. The implementation for a thesis research is interesting only if it(use) to validate some theory.

19. Most of these sentences contain one mistake. Correct each one or, if there is no mistake, write right.

1. The work are judge by the thesis committee, and this produces anxiety. 2. After he presented his material, it was checked out carefully. 3. The initial draft of the paper is written by the candidate now. 4. The pages are numbered consecutively and clearly in his report presented last time. 5. A Ph D. thesis is treated very seriously at leading universities. 6. The correctness of the results is checked at that time yesterday. 7. The presentation material use in future. 8. All candidates were just required to prepare at least one substantial piece of work. 9. The problems in later stages of writing a thesis are usually rooted from a weak thesis proposal. 10. Acquiring expertise in writing are often see as important professional development for postgraduates.

20. Read and translate the following sentences with emphatic inversion.

1. Included in this development of individuals are basic technical skills coupled with an understanding of the economic and social process that influences the building industry. 2. Attached to the office building are a laboratory, a workshop and a canteen. 3. Completed properly and expeditiously is every phase of the project. 4. Never before had we received such results. 5. Working at this design are many consultant experts.

21. Translate the following sentences into English using the correct tenses (the Passive Voice).

1. Когда я вошел в аудиторию, уже обсудили первую главу диссертации. 2. Когда я вошел в аудиторию, обсуждали первую главу диссертации. 3. Диссертация была защищена в 2009 году. 4. Сейчас обсуждается новый подход к изучению этой пробле­мы. 5. Научная новизна диссертации определяется комплексным и всесторонним исследованием данной проблематики. 6. На эту публикацию еще не ссылались. 7. В работе показана практиче­ская значимость результатов исследования. 8. Рекомендательное письмо уже было получено. 9. Было внесено предложение об изменении темы диссертации. 10. Эта проблема будет решаться сотрудниками нашей лаборатории.



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