1. meet 2. distract 3. tend 4. scrutinize 5. anticipate | a. chances of getting a job b. to the same conclusion c. to complete on time d. a void e. the volume of trade |
f. the challenge
g. a proposal
h. a flaw in your reasoning
i. his attention
j. a favourable decision
11. Make the following sentences complete by translating the words and phrases in brackets.
1. This programme fosters the development and exchange of diverse and (перспективные идеи) about architecture and its role in the arts. 2. In spite of all her (недостатки) I still think she is one of the best teachers in the university. 3. You should read more about our (нынешний) research projects. 4. This dissertation focuses on the (расширение) of expertise in the governance of science and technology. 5. This paper sets out to examine methods that can be used to (повысить) the quality of dissertation assessment. 6. Prior to writing a PhD research proposal, it is crucial to develop a solid understanding of the question at hand by reviewing all (необходимый) academic literature. 7. A dissertation abstract gives а (краткий) overview about your research, data collection methods, and results. 8. Could you explain to me the (значимость) of this part of your presentation? 9. Don’t try to read your presentation (полностью) from paper. 10. You should recognise the purpose of a dissertation, the importance of working effectively with your supervisor and the (сложная задача) of managing your study time effectively.
Memorize the active vocabulary to Text 6A.
Read and translate the following international words. Look up their transcriptions in the dictionary if necessary. Mind the part of speech.
Culmination n, lead v, conference n, grant n, project n, business n, meeting n, communicate v, audience n, integrate v, relevant adj, illustration n, idea n, documentation n, manner n, focus n v, potential adj, resistance n, concept и, skeptical adj, individual n adj, minimize v, forum n, dialogue n, basis n, publicly adv, positive adj, technology n, originality n.
Read and translate the following word combinations which come from the texts of the Unit. Mind the use of nouns as attributes in preposition. Look up your dictionary if necessary.
A business meeting job opportunities, a subject area, a knowledge level, a communication strategy, problem description, a problem statement, key studies, the literature review, a research problem, a solution strategy, a research process, a research project, research sites, audience feedback, a future journal article, a research presentation, investigation findings, quality work, research skills.
15. Form the adjectives with the help of the following suffixes. Read and translate them into Russian.
a) -al: structure, digit, exception, origin, monument, segment, physics, practice, mechanics, mathematics, gravitation, axis;
b) -ous: advantage, fame, simultaneity, continue, vary, adventure, ambition, caution, courageous, danger, mystery, nerve, space;
c) -ary: supplement, custom, volunteer, imagine, benefit, discipline, fragment;
d) -able/ible: avail, accept, compress, deliver, recover, suit, flex, value, distinguish, notice, recognize, understand, access, convert, vary.
16. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the forms and functions of the Present Participle.
1. You didn’t say anything about the results demonstrating your solution of the problem. 2. In the introduction of your presentation, be sure to include a statement of the problem being solved. 3. Since your research presentation will most likely be part of your dissertation, you will also have talked about the material repeatedly, in different configurations, with different audiences and varying intents as your writing developed. 4. One of the most common mistakes I see in people giving presentations is that they present only information I already know. 5. The design being prepared by the highly skilled experts’ team will be completed next month. 6. He put up an outline slide giving the audience a road-map of his talk. 7. You should sketch out your presentation in draft form, using keywords and bullet points rather than complete sentences. 8. While reading he was making some notes 9. Having looked through all the documents and letters he called his secretary. 10. Having been in the building and construction business from the very beginning we have much previous experience from the building point of view. 11. He spent nearly all of the presentation going over the existing literature and giving background information on his particular case. 12. Having been repaired the device began working much better. 13. Being built of wood the bridge couldn’t carry heavy loads. 14. Sum up what you have told the audience, keeping your key message in mind.
17. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the forms and functions of the Past Participle.
1. During the question-and-answer session of the presentation you have no control over the questions asked, so you can’t really prepare the answers. 2. He answered that question based on the data he had presented. 3. He showed us some journals received by their library. 4. A well organized, practiced talk will always go well. 5. If there are particular details that you want to discuss, outline them on the slide and keep written notes for you to refer to in your talk. 6. Use images effectively in your presentation. You should have as little text as possible on the slide. One way to accomplish this is to have images on each slide accompanied by a small amount of text. 7. The trick to a relaxed delivery of your presentation is to know your material well enough that you know what to say without the need for prompts. 8. When questioned, I didn’t know what to answer. 9. Once certified, the engineer is designated the title of the professional engineer. 10. Design considerations will include strength, stiffness, and stability of the structure when subjected to loads which may be static, or dynamic. 11. When faced with unexpected events or delays, construction managers should be decisive and work well under pressure.
18. Mind the use of the Present and Past Participles in the pairs of the following sentences. Read and translate them into Russian.
1. Microcomputers invented in the 1970s help much in research work. Microcomputers helping much in research work were invented in the 1970s. 2. The report on new building methods made by Bob is being discussed now. The report on new building methods being discussed now was made by Bob. 3. The book written by this author describes new trends in mechanical engineering. The book describing new trends in mechanical engineering is written by this engineer. 4. Many plants producing cement are in operation in this country now. Many plants being in operation in this country now produce cement. 5. Materials behaving in this manner are called elastic. Materials called elastic behave in this manner.
19. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the Absolute Participle Construction.
1. They finished the experiment, the result being quite satisfactory. 2. The work having been finished, the workers left the construction site. 3. The weather being fine, we started for a walk. 4. My sister having come back, I went to see her. 5. Most industries make use of a variety of machines, each machine carrying out a different operation. 6. The new methods having been introduced, the labour productivity went up. 7. The student knowing English well, the examination did not last long. 8. An external force being applied, a deformation takes place. 9. The new method having been studied in detail, the plant management decided to introduce it at the plant. 10. Residential as well as all other types of construction generating a lot of waste, careful planning is needed in this area.
20. Define the part of speech and the function of the words with the -ed ending in the following sentences.
1. Your presentations were evaluated in writing by all seminar participants, as well as the instructor, and these evaluations were considered in your grade. 2. I have prepared a paper for publication. 3. Even if you only have seven minutes to present, you need to finish within the time allotted. 4. Take a few seconds to think about a question that is being asked before you answer it. 5. Some information presented here may be relevant to your whole research career, i.e. it is not just for the PhD thesis. 6. Remember that people recall only a small portion of what they hear during a presentation; some researchers say information is only remembered once it has been repeated five times. 7. Countries have an incentive to show they are Bologna-compliant because it is important for their own citizens seeking work abroad to have internationally recognised qualifications, and in order to attract international students, who need reassurance that the courses offered are equivalent to those elsewhere. 8. The trick to giving a great presentation is to be prepared, know your stuff, and practice your talk until it feels completely natural to stand up in front of an audience.
21. Translate the following sentences into English using the Present and Past Participles.
1. Некоторые выступающие используют слишком много компьютерной презентации, тем самым отвлекая внимание слушателей от содержания своего доклада. 2. Не рекомендуется при создании слайдов использовать маленькие картинки и подписи к ним, выполненные крупным шрифтом. 3. Вам следует подготовить доклад полностью на основе материалов опубликованной научной статьи. 4. Завершить презентацию следует кратким резюме, содержащим ее основные положения и важные данные. 5. Лучше построить выступление вокруг одной интересной идеи, используя все, что может наиболее полно раскрыть ее. 6. Мы присутствовали на презентации, посвященной современным образовательным технологиям. 7. После того как он собрал необходимый материал, он смог подготовить отчет о проделанной работе. 8. Зная хорошо английский язык, он может читать научные тексты без словаря. 9. Внимательно изучив материал данной презентации, они узнали много нового и важного о достижениях этого ученого. 10. Актуальные проблемы, затронутые в презентации, вызвали много вопросов из зала.