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Use the Internet to find some information about research postgraduate funding opportunities for international applicants. Choose a programme you are interested in. Fill in a research grant application form provided and present it to the class.
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1. Before you read Text 10A “Jobs for Postgraduates”, discuss these questions with your groupmates or teacher.
a) What are the advantages for recruiting those with postgraduate qualifications?
b) What employers of postgraduates do you know?
c) What do academic and non-academic postgraduate jobs include?
d) What are lecturers responsible for?
e) Where can you find information on postgraduate jobs?
Read and translate Text 10A. The Active Vocabulary List following the Text may be helpful. Find out if your answers a re right or wrong. Use the introductory phrases given in Unit 1.
More and more employers are recognising the advantages of recruiting those with postgraduate qualifications. These range from multinational organisations to small and medium enterprises. The UK Graduate Programme Study "What do PhDs do?” has found that a number of employers value PhD graduates for their maturity, independence, problem-solving skills, determination and innovative thinking. Although most employers do not have a specific postgraduate recruitment process, there are a number of opportunities requiring postgraduate qualifications. Higher education institutions are the largest employers of postgraduates in the region, offering a wide range of opportunities in a diverse range of subject areas. The universities within Yorkshire and Humber regularly recruit those with postgraduate qualifications. There are eight universities and three higher education colleges in the region.
Types of academic postgraduate jobs include a lecturer, a research associate, a research assistant, a research fellow, and a journal editor/ assistant.
Lecturers within higher education institutes are responsible for teaching academic courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, which, depending upon subject area, involves lectures, seminars, field work and practical demonstrations. Many lecturers pursue their own research outside of their teaching duties and contribute to other research activities in their department. Lecturers are often required to support other research projects and supervise PhD students and other post-doctorates. There is also a large amount of administration involved in lectureship posts.
A research associate is an academic research post requiring postgraduate qualifications to PhD level. Research associates are required to work on projects funded by employers in industry or a research council; therefore they do not have the opportunity to pursue their own research. These posts are usually on a fixed-term basis, lasting between one and three years.
Universities often advertise research assistant posts which do not carry as much responsibility as research associates. These posts usually require candidates to have obtained at least a Master’s level qualification.
Research fellowships allow post holders to engage in their own individual research project. These posts are usually full-time with no teaching duties although post holders may have responsibility for supervising students.
Many departments within Yorkshire Universities publish internationally recognised academic journals which require editors and assistants who are responsible for dealing with submissions, organising publication and attending international conferences for promotional purposes.
Students who have just spent four years earning a Bachelor’s degree plus two, three or more years earning a graduate degree might prefer a job that is not academically oriented. Working in a job that develops administrative, writing and organizational skills might benefit postgraduate students and help them gain experience needed to succeed in defending a dissertation or interviewing for a tenure-track position. Some postgraduates, especially those who do not intend to become university professors, might prefer to try something completely different from their field of study, such as retail, clerical, restaurants, the creative arts, publishing or even manual labour. This sort of a break from academics might help postgraduates hone in on abilities and skills they previously never realized they had.
Types of non-academic postgraduate jobs include: Arts and Humanities (journalist/broadcaster, journal/professional magazine editor, policy and research manager, policy adviser, project manager); Business and Finance (business adviser, marketing/market researcher, project manager, senior manager); Languages (project manager, translator); Science, Technology and Engineering (research associate, design engineer, development engineer, project manager, research and development scientist, scientific researcher, senior lab technician, senior scientist).
The UK Graduate and Research Council Programme provides information and personal development programmes to help PhD students gain the necessary skills for work outside of academia.
recruit [ri'kru:t] v — набирать (на работу, в организацию) recruitment [ri'knrtmant] п — набор кадров
post ['paust] п — должность, место
(бул.) position [pa'zif(a)n]
candidate for a post [’kaendidat] — кандидат (претендент) на должность occupation [,akju'peijn] n — профессия, род или занятий employment status [im'pbimant] — занятость
reader ['ri:da] n — ридер, лектор (второй по старшинству преподаватель университета после профессора)
lecturer ['lektj(a)ra] п — лектор (третий по старшинству преподаватель университета после профессора)
lectureship ['lektjafip] п — лекторство, чтение лекций
associate [a'saujiit] / [a'sausiit] n — научно-исследовательский работник; член научного общества; партнер
fellow [Telau] п — младший научный работник университета (занимается исследованием в какой-л. области, преподает или совмещает научную работу с педагогической)
tenure ('tenj(u)a] п — постоянная штатная должность; пребывание в должности; срок пребывания в должности
enterprise ['entapraiz] п — (промышленное) предприятие, завод, фабрика, фирма, компания
be responsible for smth. [ri'sDpnsab(a)l] — быть ответственным за что-л. advertise faedvataiz] v — рекламировать, помещать объявление advertisement [ad'va:tismant] п — реклама, объявление advert ['aedva:t]/ad [aed] — сокр. от advertisement promote [pra'maut] v — повышать в должности, продвигать по службе promotion [pra'mau)(a)n] п — повышение в должности, продвижение по службе
gain ['gein] v — получать, приобретать; выигрывать, добиваться
gain experience — приобретать опыт, набираться опыта
survey ['sa:vei] п — обзор; изучение, исследование; v — [sa'vei] рассматривать, исследовать, изучать; делать обзор
salary ['saslari] n — заработная плата служащего; жалованье, оклад
value ['vaelju] nv — ценность, важность; стоимость, цена; значение, величина; давать оценку, ценить; оценивать
valuable [ 'vaeljuab(a)l] adj — ценный, дорогостоящий; полезный
invaluable [in'vaeljuab(a)l] adj — неоценимый, бесценный
intend [in'tend] v — намереваться; иметь в виду; предназначать
clarify ['klaerafai] v — делать ясным, вносить ясность
clarification [,klaerafi'keifn] п — прояснение
advantage [ad'va:ntid3] п — преимущество; превосходство; выгода
disadvantage [,disad'va:ntid3] и — невыгодное положение; недостаток; неудобство, помеха
bear relation (to) [Ъеэ] — иметь отношение (к)
3. Complete the following sentences with details from the Text.
1. Multinational organisations and are recognising
the advantages of recruiting postgraduates.
2. Lecturers PhD students and research
3. Research assistants do not carry as much responsibility as
4. Editors and assistants of internationally recognised academic journals are responsible for organising publication,, and attending international conferences.
5. Students spend four years earning a Bachelor’s degree and years earning a graduate degree.
4. Locate the following details in the Text. Give the line numbers.
1. In which lines does the author explain the opportunities requiring postgraduate qualifications?
2. Where in the Text does the author first mention a research associate post?
3. Where in the Text does the author discuss research fellowships?
4. At what point in the Text does the author explain the functions of the UK Graduate and Research Council?
5. Underline the detail that is NOT mentioned in the Text in each of the sentences below.
1. Many employers are recognising the advantages of recruiting those with undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications.
2. Research associates usually work on projects funded by employers in industry and education or a research council.
3. Some postgraduates prefer to try something different from their field of study, such as retail, clerical, business or manual labour.
6. Answer the following detail questions.
1. According to the Text, who do the universities often recruit?
a) those with undergraduate qualifications.
b) those with postgraduate qualifications.
c) those with a university diploma
2. According to the Text, what academic degree is a research associate required to have?
a) a Bachelor’s degree
b) a Master’s degree
c) a PhD degree
3. According to the Text, research associates hold their posts
a) permanently.
b) temporally.
c) for five years.
4. According to the Text, working in an administrative job may help postgraduate students
a) gain experience.
b) defend a dissertation.
c) have a successful job interview.
5. According to the Text, a break from academics may be
a) useless for postgraduates.
b) helpful for postgraduates.
c) unnecessary for postgraduates.