Unit Two
Components of the Automobile
engine (power plant) —двигатель(силовая установка)
chassis — шасси
body — кузов
power train — силовая передача
running gear — ходовая часть
steering system – рулевое управление
brakes — тормоза
clutch - сцепление
gearbox — коробка передач
propeller shaft — карданный вал
final drive - главная передача
differential - дифференциал
rear axle — задний мост
axle shafts — полуоси
frame with axles — рама с осями
wheels and springs — колеса с рессорами
hood — капот
fenders — крылья
heater - отопитель
windshield wiper — стеклоочиститель
include — включать в себя
consist of — состоять из
as well — также
in turn — в свою очередь
source of power — источник энергии
fuel — топливо
cooling — охлаждение
lubricating — смазка
Components of the Automobile
The automobile is made up of three basic parts: the power plant, or the engine, the chassis and the body.
The engine is the source of power that makes the wheels rotate and the car move. It includes fuel, cooling, lubricating and electric systems. Most automobile engines have six or eight cylinders
The chassis includes a power train (power transmission), a running gear, steering and braking systems as well.
The power train carries the power from the engine to the car wheels.
The power transmission, in turn, contains the clutch, gearbox, propeller or cardan shaft, final drive, differential, rear axle and axle shafts. The running gear consists of a frame with axles, wheels and springs.
The body has a hood, fenders and accessories: the heater, stereo tape recorder, windshield wipers, conditioner, speedometer and so on.
Unit Three
Principle of Operation of the Four-Stroke Petrol Engine
bottom dead center - нижняя мертвая точка
charge of fuel — заряд топлива
combustion — сгорание
combustion chamber – камера сгорания
compression stroke — такт сжатия(смеси)
connecting rod - шатун
crankshaft — коленчатый вал
cylinder - цилиндр
diesel engine — дизельный двигатель
engine — двигатель
exhaust stroke — такт выпуска
four-stroke cycle — четырехтактный цикл
fuel injection — впрыск топлива
ignite — воспламенять
ignition — воспламенение
intake (inlet) stroke — такт впуска
internal combustion engine – двигатель внутреннего сгорания
mixture — смесь
operating cycle - рабочий цикл
petrol engine — бензиновый двигатель
piston — поршень
power stroke — рабочий ход
pressure - давление
reciprocating movement — возвратно-поступательное движение
residual gas — остаточный газ
rotary movement — вращательное движение
spark plug — свеча зажигания
stroke — ход (поршня);
top dead center — верхняя мертвая точка
valve – клапан
Principle of Operation of the Four-Stroke Petrol Engine
The internal combustion engine is called so because fuel is burned
directly inside the engine itself. Most automobile engines work on a
4-stroke cycle. A cycle is one complete sequence of 4 strokes of the piston
in the cylinder. The operating cycle of the four-stroke petrol engine
includes: inlet stroke (intake valve opens), compression stroke (both valves
closed), power stroke (both valves closed), exhaust stroke (exhaust valve is
To describe the complete cycle, let's assume that the piston is at the top of
the stroke (top dead center) and the inlet and the exhaust valves are closed.
When the piston moves down the inlet valve opens to intake a charge of fuel
into the cylinder. This is called the inlet (intake) stroke. On reaching the
lowest position (bottom dead center) the piston begins to move upward into
the closed upper part on the cylinder, (he inlet valve is closed and the
mixture is compressed by the rising piston. This is called the compression
stroke. As the piston again reaches the top dead center the spark plugs ignite
the mixture, both valves being closed during its combustion. As a result of
burning mixtures the both valves being closed during its combustion. As a
result of burning mixtures the gases expand and great pressure makes the
piston move back down the cylinder. This stroke is called the power stroke.
When the piston reaches the bottom of its stroke, the exhaust valve is
opened, pressure is released, and the piston again rises. It lets the burnt gas
flow through the exhaust valve into the atmosphere. This is called the
exhaust stroke which completes the cycle. So the piston moves in the
cylinder down (intake stroke), up (compression stroke), down (power
stroke), up (exhaust stroke).
The heat released by the fuel is transformed into work so that the
reciprocating movement of the pistons is converted into rotary movement
of a crankshaft by means of connecting rods.
1.intake - такт впуска 3. power — рабочий такт
2.compression — такт сжатия 4. exhaust — такт выхлопа
Unit Four
unit - узел, блок, агрегат
gear — шестерня
power transmission – силовая передача
gearbox - коробка передач
tractive effort — тяговое усилие
running gear — ходовая часть
driving wheels — ведущие колеса
steering system — система рулевого управления
shaft — вал
car springs — рессоры автомобиля
flywheel — маховик
rear axle — задний мост
clutch — сцепление
final drive — главная передача
friction device — фрикционное устройство
axle shafts - полуоси
crankshaft — коленчатый вал
brakes - тормоза
The main units of the chassis are: the power transmission, the running
gear and the steering mechanism. The power transmission includes
the whole mechanism between the engine and the rear wheels. This
entire mechanism consists of the clutch, gearbox, propeller (cardan)
shaft, rear axle, final drive, differential and axle shafts.
At the front end of the car is the engine. On the back of it is the
flywheel. Behind the flywheel is the clutch. The clutch is a friction device
connecting the engine with the gears of the gearbox. The main
function of the gearbox is to change the speed of the car.
The power is always transmitted by the cardan shaft to the live back
axle. The final drive reduces the high speed of the engine to the low
speed of the driving wheels. The differential enables the driving
wheels to turn at different speeds which is necessary when turning the
car. The foundation of the automobile is the frame to which different
chassis units are attached.
The rear axle is capable of moving up and down about the frame. The
rear axle is an important part of the transmission. It carries the greater
portion of the weight of the car.
The steering mechanism is designed for changing the direction of the
The brakes are used for stopping the car, for decreasing its speed and
for holding the car position.
Unit Five
frame — рама
twist - кручение
support — опора
suspension - подвеска
body - кузов
channel section — полая секция
longitudinal members - лонжероны
weld — сваривать
cross members — поперечины
rivet — заклепывать
reinforce — усиливать
insulate — изолировать
rigid — жесткий
rubber pad – резиновая прокладка
mining - прочный
unibody construction — конструкция с несущим кузовом
withstand strains — выдерживать нагрузки
strengthen – укреплять
The foundation of the automobile chassis is the frame which
provides support for the engine, body and power-train members.
Cross members reinforce the frame. The frame is rigid and strong so
that it can withstand the shocks, vibrations, twists and other strains
to which it is put on the road.
The frame provides a firm structure for the body, as well as a
good point for the suspension system. There are two types of
frames, namely: conventional frames and integral (unibody) frames
(frameless constructions).
Conventional frames are usually made of heavy steel channel
sections welded or riveted together. All other parts of the car are
attached to the frame.
In order to prevent noise and vibrations from passing to the
frame and from there to the passengers of the car, the frame is
insulated from these parts by rubber pads.
It is also important to insulate the frame in order to prevent
metal- to-metal contacts.
Frameless (unibody) constructions are called so because they
are made integral with the body. The body parts are used to
structurally strengthen the entire car. Some unibody frames have
partial front and rear frames for attaching the engine and
suspension members.
Unit Six
friction device — фрикционное устройство
pressure disc — нажимной диск
hard-wearing material - износостойкий материал
connect — соединять
gearbox — коробка передач
frictional force - сила трения
start the car - завести автомобиль
clutch pedal — педаль сцепления
release the engine —отсоединить двигатель
at rest — в покое
is engaged — включено(подсоединено)
fix — крепить (устанавливать)
flywheel - маховик
is disengaged - отключено
friction disc (plate) —фрикционный диск
run idly - работать вхолостую
The clutch is a friction device. It connects the engine to the gears in
the gearbox. It is used for disconnecting the engine from the gearbox, for
starting the car and for releasing the engine from the car wheels.
The clutch is fixed between the flywheel of the engine and the gearbox
und consists of two plates (discs): the friction disc and the pressure disc.
The friction disc is situated between the flywheel and the pressure plate
and has a hard-wearing material on each side.
The basic principal operation of the clutch is a frictional force acting
between two discs. The clutch is controlled by the clutch pedal. When the
pedal is at rest the clutch is engaged and the running engine is connected to
the gearbox. When the pedal is pressed down the clutch is disengaged and
the engine runs idly.
Unit Seven
gear — шестерня, передача
gearbox - коробка передач
gearing - зубчатое соединение
road conditions — дорожные условия
forward speed — передняя скорость
reverse drive – обратный (задний) ход
low gear - первая передача
top gear — четвертая (прямая) передача
sliding-mesh gearbox – коробка передач со скользящими шестернями
constant-mesh gearbox- коробка передач с постоянным зацеплением шестерен
epicyclic (planetary) gearbox - эпициклическая (планетарная) коробка передач
ordinary gearing — стандартное зубчатое соединение
characteristic feature — характерная особенность
fixed axes – зафиксированные (неподвижные) оси
rotate bodyly — вращаться корпусом
axis - ось
axle — вал
secure — обеспечить
shifting – переключение
in direct line - соосно
The gearbox is placed between the clutch and the propeller shaft. I lie
principal function of the gearbox is to vary the speed of the car
movement to meet the road conditions. The gearbox provides four forward
speeds and one reverse, as follows:
1. First or low gear;
2.Second gear;
3.Third gear;
4.Fourth or top gear;
5.Reverse gear.
There are many constructional arrangements of gearboxes, which can
be classified as follows:
1.Sliding-mesh type;
2.Constant-mesh type;
3.Epicyclic (planetary) type.
The sliding-mesh type is the simplest one and is the oldest historically.
The constant-mesh type is the most widely used type. They are termed
"ordinary" gearing, the characteristic feature of which is that I lie axes of
the various gears are fixed axes. The gears simply rotate about their own
The characteristic feature of epicyclic (planetary) gearing is that one
gear rotates about its own axis and also rotates bodily about some other
To secure the several speeds of the car the clutch shaft is mounted In
direct line with the gearbox shaft. The gearbox shaft carries on it the
sliding gears which are used for shifting to secure the forward speeds and
the reverse drive.
Unit Eight
brakes — тормоза
force the fluid — подавать жидкость
performance - работа
under pressure - под давлением
safety — безопасность
brakes are applied — тормоза срабатывают
depend — зависеть
slow – замедлять
braking effort - тормозное усилие
divide - разделять
push down on the brake pedal - нажать на тормозную педаль
namely - именно
drum brakes — барабанные тормоза
band brake — ленточный тормоз
disk brakes - дисковые тормоза
shoe brake — колодочный тормоз
hydraulic assisted brakes — тормоза с гидравлическим приводом
brake shoes — колодки тормоза
brake fluid — тормозная жидкость
brake pedal - тормозная педаль
master cylinder – главный цилиндр
Brakes are used to slow or stop the car where it is necessary. It is one of
the most important mechanisms of the car as upon its proper
performance the safety of passengers depends. Car brakes can be divided
into two types, namely: drum brakes and disc brakes. The drum type may
be either a band brake or a shoe brake. Depending on their functions, the
automobile has foot brakes and hand brakes (parking brakes). According
to their mode of operation, the brakes are classified as: mechanical
brakes, hydraulic brakes, airbrakes, electric brakes. Brakes are controlled
by the brake pedal.
Most braking systems in use today are hydraulic. This system consists of
a master cylinder mounted on the car frame and wheel cylinders. When
the driver pushes down on the brake pedal, it forces the piston to move in
the master cylinder and brake fluid is delivered from 11 to the wheel
cylinders. The piston movement causes brake shoes to move and the
brakes are applied (the brake shoes are pressed against the brake drums).
The air brake uses compressed air to apply the braking force to the brake
Electric brakes use electromagnets to provide the braking effort against
the brake shoes.
Formerly brakes were applied only to the two rear wheels, but now all
cars are equipped with all-wheels brakes. Today many improvements are
being made in brakes.
Unit Nine
Steering System
guide the саг — управлять автомобилем
means of turning — средство поворота
front wheels – передние колеса
steering wheel — рулевое колесо
steering column — рулевая колонка
for this purpose — для этой цели
pivot — шарнир
swing (swang, swung) - поворачиваться
steering knuckle arm – рычаг поворотного кулака
tie-rod — поперечная тяга
in turn — в свою очередь
pitman arm - рулевая сошка
rack and pinion assembly — рулевоймеханизм с рейкой и шестерней
ball joint — шаровой шарнир
leverage — рычажный механизм
hose — шланг, рукав
steering gear assembly – рулевой механизм
rack and pinion type - реечно-шестеренчатый тип (рулевого механизма)
recirculating ball steering - рулевой механизм с шариковой гайкой
worm and sector — червяк и сектор
injury - повреждение
steering box - картер рулевого механизма
Steering System
То guide the car, it is necessary to have some means of turning the
front wheels so that the car can be pointed in the direction the driver
wants to go. The steering wheel in front of the driver is linked by
gears and levers to the front wheels for this purpose. The front
wheels are on pivots so they can be swung to the left or right. They
are attached by steering knuckle arms to the rods. The tie-rods are,
in turn, attached (o (he pitman arm.
When the steering wheel is turned, gearing in the steering gear assembly
causes the pitman arm to turn to the left or right. This
movement is carried by the tie-rods to the steering knucle arms, and
wheels, musing them to turn to the left or right.
The steering system incorporates: the steering wheel and column,
steering gear, pitman arm, steering knuckle arm, front axle,
steering knuckle pivot, tie-rods.
There are several different manual steering gears in current use,
such as the rack and pinion type and the recirculating ball type. The
rack and pinion steering gear is widely used. Another manual
steering gear which is popular in imported cars is the worm and
sector type.
The steering wheel and column are the source of injury to the
driver, air bags and other devices being developed now to safe the
life of a driver.
Energy-absorbing columns must stop the steering wheel and column
from being pushed to the rear as the front of the car is crushed
in an impact.
Energy-absorbing columns must also provide the driver with a
tolerable impact as he moves forward and strikes the wheel with his chest.