1. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний:
1.body а. тормоза срабатывают
2.car wheels b. силовая передача
3.power train с. главная передача
4.power plant d. коленчатый вал двигателя
5.springs е. нажимать на педаль
6.steering system f. силовая установка
7.clutch g. колеса автомобиля
8.final drive h. рама с осями
9.engine crankshaft i. топливная система
10.push down the pedal j. рулевая система
11.brakes are applied k. сцепление
12.frame with axles 1. вспомогательные устройства
13.fuel system m. система смазки
14.lubricating system n. кузов
15.accessories о. рессоры
2. Переведите на русский язык встречающиеся в тексте интернациональные слова:
automobile, chassis, speedometer, electric, system, cylinder, control, hydraulic, pedal, accessories, differential.
3. Прочтите текст и выполните следующие за ним упражнения:
1.Basically, the automobile consists of three parts: the power plant, or the engine, the chassis and the body. To these may be added the accessories: the heater, lights, radio, speedometer and other devices.
2.The power plant or engine is the source of power that makes the wheels rotate and the car move. It includes electric, fuel, cooling and lubricating systems. Most automobile engines have six or eight cylinders.
3.The chassis consists of a power train, frame with axles, wheels and springs. The chassis includes brakes and steering system.
4. The power train carries the power from the engine to the car wheels and contains the clutch, gearbox, propeller or cardan shaft, differential and the final drive.
5. The clutch is a friction device connecting (or disconnecting) the engine crankshaft to the gears in the gearbox. It is used for freeing the gearbox from the engine and is controlled by the clutch pedal.
6. Brakes are important mechanisms of the car. They are used to slow or stop the car. Most braking systems in use today are hydraulic. They are operated by the brake pedal. When the driver pushes down on the brake pedal, they are applied and the car stops.
Переведите на русский язык в письменной форме абзацы 1,3,5 и 6.
5.Подберите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и напишите их в той последовательности, в которой заданы вопросы.
1.What are the main basic parts of the automobile?
2.What does the chassis consist of?
3.What units does the power train contain?
4.What is the function of the clutch?
5.Why are brakes needed?
a. The clutch, gearbox, cardan shaft and the final drive.
b. Freeing the engine from the gearbox.
с The power plant, the chassis and the body.
d. A power train, frame with axles, wheels and springs.
e. To slow or stop the car.
6. Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания:
1.The mechanism used for stopping the car is....
a) clutch b) gearbox c) brakes
2.The mechanism used for changing the speed is....
a) clutch b) gearbox c) brakes
3. The mechanism used for connecting (or disconnecting) the engine from the gearbox is....
a) brakes b) clutch c) steering system
4. The unit carrying the power from the engine to the car wheels is....
a) power plant b) power train c) chassis
5. The instrument measuring the speed of the car is…
a) heater b) lights с) speedometer
Запишите новые слова и составьте с ними свои предложения.
shape - форма
casting - отливка
rolling - прокат
welding - сварка
piercing - прохождение
trimming - обрезка (заделка отверстия краев)
spinning - выдавливание (на токарно-давильном станке)
drawing - черчение; зд. вытягивание
chuck - зажим; патрон, держатель
carriage - каретка
milling - фрезерование
surface - поверхность
grinding - дробление (измельчение), шлифовка
convenient - удобный
to equip - снаряжать, оборудовать
shaping - придание формы
thread - резьба; нарезка
bending – сгибание
headstock - передняя бабка
tailstock - задняя бабка
lathe - токарный станок
drilling – сверление
cutting – резание
high-speed – скоростной
efficient – эффективный
forging – ковка
boring - бурение, сверление
steel - сталь
Прочтите тексты
Metal undergoes a number of processes before it is formed into the required shape: casting, rolling, welding, piercing, trimming, spinning, bending, drawing, etc.
The machines which perform all these kinds of works are called machine-tools. The most common machine-tool found in almost any workshop is the lathe. The main parts of it are: the headstock, the chuck, the tailstock, the carriage.
The automatic lathe is a perfection of the ordinary lathe. Its tools are changed automatically. A worker skilled in the use of a lathe is called a turner.
There are many other machine-tools that work on plane surfaces, for example, milling machines, planning and shaping machines. Circular holes are drilled by a drilling machine or bored by a boring machine or a boring mill. Thread milling machines are used in the production of different machine elements. Gear cutting machines include gear milling machines. All these machines use cutting tools made of high-speed steel.
There are three types of lathes produced by our machine-tool manufacturing works: heavy, medium and light types. The type of a lathe depends upon the size of diameter of work pieces.
A most convenient and efficient machine is the model combination lathe for turning, milling, drilling, grinding, slotting, and tool-sharpening jobs. It can be used both in stationary and mobile repair shops, on ships, etc.
The most drilling machines are equipped with mechanisms, permitting not only drilling, countersinking and reaming, but also cutting female threads with the help of taps. Both universal and special-purpose type radial "drills are built.
3. Ответьте письменно на вопросы
– What processes does metal undergo before it is formed into the required shape?
– How are the machines which perform this work called?
– What is the most common machine-tool in any workshop?
– What are the main parts of a lathe?
– What is the automatic lathe?
– How do we call a worker, skilled in the use of a lathe?
– What machine-tools that works on plane surfaces, do you know?
– What do the drilling machines drill?
– Where are the threads milling machines used?
– What are the main types of lathes?
– What is the most convenient and efficient machine?
– What are the most drilling machines equipped with?
1. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний:
1. engine lathe а. задняя бабка
2.turning b. фартук (суппорта)
3.drilling с. каретка
4.screw cutting d. передняя бабка
5.headstock е. сверление
6.tailstock f. токарно-винторезный станок
7.saddle g. нарезание винтов
8.lever h. рычаг
9.apron i. рукоятка
10. carriage j. суппорт
11. guide ways k. обточка
12.handle 1. направляющие (станка)
2. Переведите на русский язык встречающиеся в тексте интернациональные слова:
metal, operation, principal, spindle, function, centre, control, base, special, bolt.
3. Прочтите текст и выполните следующие за ним упражнения:
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1. The engine lathe is the most commonly used machine-tool. It is used for great variety о f metal operations, such as turning, drilling, screw cutting and many others.
2. The principal units of the lathe are the bed, the headstock, the tailstock and the carriage with the apron.
3. The bed is the base of any machine-tool and it is made of grey iron casting on which the saddle and the tailstock slide along special guide ways. The headstock is also located and bolted on the bed.
4. The headstock contains the spindle and the speed gearbox. The spindle is the part of the machine to which power is applied to rotate the work. The changing of the spindle speed is effected by levers.
5. The tailstock consists of a casting fitted to the bed. The function of the tailstock is to support one end of the work turned between centers and to mount the tools.
6. The carriage of the lathe, which carries the tool, is made up of two principal parts: the saddle and the apron. The saddle travels along the guide ways of the bed. The apron represents the front wall of the carriage. On the front of the apron are mounted the handles and levers by which the actions of the tool are controlled.
Переведите на русский язык в письменной форме абзацы 3,4 и 5.
5. Найдите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и напишите их в той последовательности, в которой заданы вопросы:
1.What operations are the engine lathe used for?
2.What are the principal units of the lathe?
3.What units are located on the bed?
4.What is the function of the tailstock?
5.Where are the handles and levers mounted?
a. To support one end of the work turned between centers.
b. On the front of the apron.
с. For turning, drilling, screw cutting and others.
d. The headstock, the saddle and the tailstock.
e. The bed, the headstock, the tai1stock and the carriage with the apron.
6. Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания:
1.The unit that contains the spindle and the gearbox is called....
a) the carriage b) the headstock c) the tailstock
2.The unit that supports one end of the work turned between centers is called...
a) the carriage b) the headstock c) the spindle
3. The unit which carries the tool is called....
a) the carriage b) the headstock c) the tailstock
4. The units, by which the actions of the tool are controlled, are called....
a) guide ways b) the saddle and the apron c) levers and handles