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To paint

To portray




2. Прочитайте и переведите текст об одном из английских художников Джозефе Тернере и выполните письменно задания к этому тексту. (перевод текста записывать не обязательно)

Joseph Turner

Joseph Turner is one of the greatest artists of the English school of landscape painting. His first drawings are dated 1787, when he was only twelve. In 1791 at the age of fifteen he exhibited two watercolours at the Royal Academy for the first time. His works were exhibited regularly, and in 1807 he became professor of the Academy. As his fame grew, he bought a large gallery in London for exhibition of his work, but he live very modestly with his old father.

He often went alone on trips through England and Wales and gathered material for his pictures and drawings. While travelling, he liked to draw ruined abbeys and castles. Turner was famous for the wonderful colours in his pictures. Most of them were landscapes-paintings of country-side and sea-pictures. The light in his pictures and his brilliant colouring create a striking effect. In his will he left more than 19000 oils drawings, and watercolours to the nations. Most of these works are in the National Gallery and the Tate Gallery, London. In watercolour he is unsurpassed.

a). Найдите в тексте ответы на вопросы. Ответы запишите полными предложениями:

1. What is Joseph Turner famous for?

2. When did he begin to draw?

3. Where did he exhibit his paintings for the first time?

4. He often went on trips, didn't he?

5. Where are his paintings exhibited?

б).Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующим фразам:

Пейзажная живопись, выставил первую картину, путешествия по Англии и Уэльсу, морские пейзажи, производят поразительное впечатление.

в). Соответствуют ли утверждения тексту (если соответствуют - поставьте +, если нет - напишите правильный ответ).

1. Turner exhibited his first picture at the age of fifty.

2. Turner was fond of travelling through England and Wales.

3. Turner is the greatest artist of the English school of portrait painting.

4. He liked to draw nature.

5. He was a master of water-colour.


Посмотрите короткий видеоролик с рассказом о различных видах искусства. Переведите рассказ на русский язык, перевод запишите.

youtube.com Базовый английский. Урок английского "Искусство и творчество"


4. Выполните несколько грамматических упражнений

а) Составьте соответствующий вопрос к предложениям:

1. He told us a few words about his studies (Общий)

2. She found a new job.(Разделительный)

3. They will need some paper.(К подлежащему)

4. This letter was for John. (Специальный)

  1. Mr. Brown drank a cup of coffee. (Альтернативный)

б) Поставьте артикли a/an или the там, где необходимо.

1. Lara saw … letter under … door. She read … letter and started crying.

2. Roger is … scientist, he works for … government.

3. It rained, so I stayed at … home in … evening.

4. Today … sun is shining brightly in … sky.

5. My wife is … best woman in … world and I’m … happiest husband!

в) Раскройте скобки, используйте прилагательные в нужной степени сравнения:

1. This man is (tall) of all them.

2. Exercise 1 is (difficult) than exercise 5.

3. Her hair is (long) than yours.

4. Angelina is (beautiful) girl in her class.

5. The film is not so (interesting) as the book.

г) Раскройте скобки, употребите глагол в необходимом времени по смыслу:

1. I usually (to have) orange juice for breakfast.

2. He (to read) an interesting book.

3. We (to go) to the seaside next summer.

4. They (to translate) this text last lesson.

5. I (to help) you with cooking tomorrow.

Тема: "Средства массовой информации " 8-я неделя

В тетради запишите:

Mass Media

Ваша задача на этом занятии - познакомиться с новой лексикой и письменно выполнить несколько заданий по теме.


Media plays very important part in everyday life. It includes radio, television, newspapers, magazines, Internet and else. It’s hard to imagine life without mass media nowadays. It informs us about current affairs in the world. It educates us, gives a possibility to learn something new. It certainly entertains us in different ways.


1. Задайте вопросы к предложениям.

1) Media plays very important part in everyday life. (Общий вопрос)

2) Media includes radio, television, newspapers, magazines, Internet and else.(Специальный вопрос)

3) Media informs us about current affairs in the world.(Разделительный вопрос)

2. Запишите в тетрадь новые слова по теме

1. analytical - аналитические

2. article - статья

3. celebrity - знаменитость

4. circulation - тираж

5. consider - считаться

6. daily - ежедневный

7. divide - делить

8. edition /issue - издание

9. entertaining - развлечения

10. event - событие

11. heading/ title – заглавие/заголовок

12. involve - включать

13. magazine - журнал

14. newspaper - газета

15. own - собственный

16. private - частный

17. prominence - известность

18. provide - обеспечивать

19. rumor – слухи, молва

20. supplement - приложение

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British Mass Media

There are a lot of editions of different kind in Britain. All the newspapers are divided into two groups. One the one hand, there are "quality" newspapers, which publish analytical articles on serious topics about business and politics. Among them The Times, The Guardian. On the other hand, there are "popular" papers, or tabloids which are considered entertaining rather than informative, their circulation is much larger. People buy such kind of papers to learn the latest news on sports events, private life of celebrities and rumors. Among them the most popular are Daily Express, Daily Mail, Daily Star and others.

Besides newspapers of daily circulation, there are also the ones issued on Sundays. They can be called family papers, as there is something to read for each members of the family: love stories, detective stories, facts from history, sport and much more. Fleet Street in London, which was known as the home of many newspapers, has now lost its prominence – the offices of many newspapers have moved away from London, as the rent is very high.

4. Выполните упражнения:

А) Найдите в тексте ответы на вопросы

1.What types of newspapers are there in the United Kingdom?
2. What do quality newspapers specialize in?
3. What is the main aim of "popular" newspapers?
4. What articles can one read in Sunday papers?
5. Where were the offices of the largest English newspaper agencies previously situated?

Б). Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующим фразам:

издания разного сорта, тираж, знаменитости, считаются больше развлекательными, потеряла свою известность

В). Соответствуют ли тексту утверждения (если нет - напишите правильный вариант).

1. Not many newspapers are published in the UK today.

2. Quality newspapers publish analytical articles about business and politics.

3. The Times is a "popular" newspaper.

4. The circulation of "popular' papers is much larger compared to "quality" papers.

5. There are a lot of offices of newspaper agencies in Fleet Street now.

5. Посмотрите учебный видеоролик по ссылке, письменно ответьте на вопросы, предложенные автором в конце видеоролика.

youtube.com Тема 33 The Media - Средства массовой информации



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