Домашнее задание: новые слова учить из №3 .Перевод текста №3.

Группа № 4, Техническая эксплуатация подъемно-транспортных, строительных, дорожных машин и оборудования (по отраслям),1 курс

Преподаватель: Суховерша О.Н. suhoverscha.olesya@yandex.ru

Тема: Урок чтения. Конец цивилизации

Форма работы: индивидуальная, дистанционное обучение.

Тип урока: урок изучения и закрепления нового материала.

Цель: формирование коммуникативной компетенции

Используемая литература: Учебник Английский язык 11 класс: учебн. для общеобразоват. организаций: базовый уровень/ (О.В. Афанасьева, Д.Дули, И.В. Михеева и др) –М.: Express Publisching: Просвещение, 2018.

Ход урока

1. Организационный этап. Мотивационный модуль.

What about will we speak today?


2. Основная часть. Объясняющий модуль. Ответ записать в тетрадь

1. Каждому тексту подобрать заголовок
A) A Hard Life at Sea
B) Magnificent Landmark
C) Help From Nature
D) Paying the Price
E) Ancient Roads
F) Charting the Skies
G) Wondrous Sights
H) Every Bit Helps

1. The Indian summer monsoon is a heavy rainy season that occurs from June to September each year. It is caused by a major wind system that comes from the Southwest bringing up to 10,000 mm of rain to some areas. The summer monsoon is welcomed in India as farmers completely depend on the rain to irrigate their crops. A strong monsoon season is celebrated as it means the harvest will be good.

2. The 'Seven Wonders of the Ancient World' are a list of seven remarkable man-made constructions that existed in the Mediterranean area in ancient times. The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt is the only wonder that still stands today. There are many new lists of wonders. For example, there is the 'Seven Natural Wonders of the World' list, which includes Mount Everest and the Great Barrier Reef.

3. In ancient Rome, wars at sea were fought on galleys - ships which relied on men to row them with oars. The men who rowed these galleys were typically slaves, prisoners of war, or criminals. Galley slaves lived in terrible conditions. They were whipped and beaten, they had very little food, and they were chained to their oars, which meant if their galley sank, they would drown. Most died at sea.

4. The 'Silk Road' is the name given to a series of trade routes between the great ancient empires of China in the East and Rome in the West. The first of these routes began around 100 BC and eventually extended more than 4000 miles. Silk, salt, exotic spices and many other items were traded along these routes. Merchants travelling along the Silk Road faced many dangers as the routes were full of robbers and thieves.

5. Ayers Rock or Uluru is an enormous rock formation in central Australia. It extends 348 m from the ground and is 9 km around its base. Depending on the weather conditions and the time of day, the rock can change colour dramatically. It can appear anything from blue to violet to glowing red. Uluru is sacred to Australia's native people, the Aborigines. 'Uluru', means 'meeting place' and they believe that it was formed by ancestral beings during the creation of the world.

6. Your carbon footprint refers to the amount of carbon you personally produce in a year. Almost everything you do directly or indirectly releases carbon into the air, whether it's flying to the Caribbean on holiday or buying a packaged sandwich for lunch. As global warming is linked to the amount of carbon in the atmosphere, we should all try to reduce our carbon footprints. Even small changes like not leaving your stereo on standby, can make a big difference.

7. The earliest known maps were found in the Lascaux caves, in France. ] They date back almost 20,000 years and are maps of the stars in the night sky. One map is of three stars in an area of the sky we know as the 'Summer Triangle'. Another appears to be a map of the cluster of stars known as the 'Seven Sisters'. These maps show that humans have been fascinated by the heavens from very early times.


3.Обобщение материала. Тренировочный модуль. Ответы записать в тетрадь.

3. Вставьте подходящие слова
1 powerful (мощная)

2 findings (находки)

3 virtually (фактически)

4 farming (сельское хозяйство)

5 disastrous (пагубный)

6 invaders/invasions (захватчики)

Why the 1)..........empire of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs collapsed into economic ruin, remains one of history's many unsolved mysteries.
But recent 2)....... have suggested that the answer may lie underneath Lake Tana in the Ethiopian highlands. Lake Tana supplies the water which makes the Nile Valley so fertile.
Samples of sediment taken from the lake show that the lake may have 3).........dried up around 4,200 years ago due to climate change.
As the Egyptian economy depended on 4)........ this is all that it would have taken to destroy it. In fact, it would have caused a 5).........famine lasting for two hundred years. There are many other theories, however, about the pharaohs' demise, including 6).......... from Asia and civil war.

Домашнее задание: новые слова учить из №3.Перевод текста №3.



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