Participants of the UNESCO group are requested to go to Exit 3.


Cora Grant

Excuse me. Are you Mr Russell Brundon, the sociologist from London?


Russell Brundon

Yes, I am.


Cora Grant

Let me introduce myself.

I'm a representative of the Organizing Committee.

My name is Cora Grant.


Russell Brundon

(seeing her wedding-ring)

How do you do, Mrs Grant.


Cora Grant

How do you do, Mr Brundon.

Glad to meet you.

You're Head of the UNESCO group, aren't you?


Russell Brundon

Yes, that's right.

The group is waiting for you over there.


Cora Grant

How was the flight?


Russell Brundon

Everything was wonderful.

And the weather's fine today, isn't it?


Cora Grant

Oh, yes.

It's a lovely day.


Russell Brundon

It's my third time here.

I'm very lucky to be in this country again.

Ah, here we are.


Cora Grant

How do you do, everybody.

Welcome to Moscow!


Russell Brundon

Let me introduce the members of the group to you.

This is Mr Bernard Berg from Bern, Switzerland, Professor of Linguistics.


Cora Grant

Mr Berg is a well-known writer as well.


Bernard Berg

Happy to meet you.


Cora Grant

What languages do you speak, Mr Berg?


Bernard Berg

I speak German, French, Italian, Spanish and a little Portuguese.


Cora Grant

Do you speak Russian?


Bernard Berg

Unfortunately, I don't.

If I had a chance I'd be glad to learn it.


Pat Harris

Oh, if it isn't Tony Dakota, the bravest astronaut from Minnesota!


Tony Dakota

Fortune favours the brave!

Hello, Pat.

How nice to see you again!


Pat Harris

It's a small world, isn't it?


Tony Dakota

This is Pat Harris, a physicist from Paris.


Russell Brundon

This charming woman is also a born singer.


Tony Dakota

Pat sings very well.


Russell Brundon

Nora North, a lawyer from Norway, Oslo, a brilliant speaker and a very reliable partner in business.


Nora North


And I know you.

You're Wesley West from the film studio in Wilmington, USA.

You're a producer.

You're going to make a film about scientists, aren't you?


Wesley West


I remember we've met before.

Please, call me by my first name.


Nora North


Who is that woman with the tape-recorder?

Is she a reporter?

Do you know her?


Tony Dakota

I guess that is the journalist from Rome.

Her name is Mona Doan.


Bernard Berg

She's very talented.


Tony Dakota

She likes to ask "what", "where" and "when" questions.


Win Lynn

And I'm from Berlin.

My name's Win Lynn.

I'm an electronics engineer.


Russell Brundon

Mr Lynn is a promising young researcher.

Нe's fond of clever machines.


Win Lynn

Oh, I work hard, but I know so little as yet.


Steve McQueen

Don't be so modest!


Russell Brundon

Mr McQueen, if I'm not mistaken.


Steve McQueen

Steve McQueen, but I'm not from Berlin. My home town is Edinburgh.


Pat Harris

What's your profession?


Steve McQueen

I'm a biologist.


Russell Brundon

Steve is a very wise man, a philosopher.


Steve McQueen

Thank you for the compliment.


Russell Brundon

It's not a compliment.

I mean it.

Dulcie Dutchman, a designer from Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Her motto is "Beauty is power".


Bernard Berg

Mr Maurice Morgan, a historian by education, an artist by nature.


Maurice Morgan

Painting is my hobby.

I'm just a beginner, you know.


Nora North

A good beginning is half the battle.


Russell Brundon

Excuse me, what nationality are you?


Maurice Morgan

Well, my mother is French.

My father is American.


Bernard Berg

I bet your wife is British.


Maurice Morgan

No, I'm not married yet.


Mona Doan

What country are you from?


Maurice Morgan

I'm from Canada, Montreal.


Wesley West

Where do you live there?

What's your address?


Maurice Morgan

I live at 33, Maple Street.


Wesley West

I've been to Montreal.

That's a very beautiful street.


Cora Grant

How many are there in the group?


Russell Brundon

There are...

Let me see: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.


Cora Grant

There are fifteen people on my list: six ladies and nine gentlemen.


Russell Brundon

So, five people are missing.

One man is ill.


Pat Harris

Mrs Kate Pagan, an ecologist from Copenhagen, is busy with her tests.

She is arriving tomorrow.


Wesley West

Our actress Shirley Pearl is on tour now.

She's coming in a day or two.


Nora North

What's the actress going to do at the Congress?


Wesley West

Why! She's going to star in my film.


Nora North

How very interesting!


Maurice Morgan

Who else is going to star in your film?


Wesley West

Well, that's my little secret.


Tony Dakota

I say Miss Pearl is a very attractive girl.


Wesley West

She's hardworking and creative.


Cora Grant

Where's Mr Clarke?

Anything wrong with his papers?


Bernard Berg

I hope everything's all right.


Russell Brundon

Ah, here he is!


Arthur Clarke

I'm sorry I'm late.

Have a look, please. This is my passport. This is my money. These are my papers.


Cora Grant

Oh, don't worry.

Your name is well-known in this country.


Arthur Clarke

That's what they said at the Customs.

I'm afraid you're mistaking me for someone else.


Cora Grant


You're the great science fiction writer, Arthur Clarke.


Arthur Clarke

I'm sorry to disappoint you.

Well, I am Arthur Clarke, that's right.

But the great writer's name is Arthur Charles Clarke.

My full name is Arthur Darcy Clarke.

So, our Christian (first) names and our surnames (last names) are the same.

But our second names are different.


Cora Grant

I'm terribly sorry, Mr Clarke.

I didn't know.


Russell Brundon

What do you do, Mr Clarke?


Arthur Clarke

Oh, I deal with a lot of people: men and women of different occupations - factory and farm workers, soldiers and employees, businessmen and housewives.

What do you think I am?


Cora Grant

I'd say you're a psychiatrist, maybe a surgeon, a physician.

In short, a doctor.


Arthur Clarke

You're right.

I'm a Doctor of Medicine (MD) from Bath Health Centre, Great Britain.

I specialize in psychology.


Cora Grant

Pleased to meet you all.

This is my card.

Here's my address and my telephone number, just in case.



That's very kind of you.


Russell Brundon

A few words about the Congress.

The schedule is very busy: sessions, meetings, conferences, discussions, round-table talks, interviews, exhibitions and a large social programme.


Cora Grant

What would you like to see in Moscow?


Maurice Morgan

I'd like to see art galleries, museums, theatres, monuments, cathedrals and new residential areas.


Cora Grant

If you wish to visit research institutes, plants, factories, libraries, clinics and different businesses you should check the programme tomorrow morning.





Mona Doan

Where's my camera?

I can't find it.


Steve McQueen

Whose camera is this?


Mona Doan

Oh, it's mine.

How absent-minded I am!


Russell Brundon

Ah, here's our luggage!


Cora Grant

Would you, please, count your pieces of luggage?


Russell Brundon

... eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two,...


Cora Grant

Bags, suitcases, parcels, boxes - thirty pieces in all.


Russell Brundon

Come along and off we go!


(In the bus)


Cora Grant

Ladies and Gentlemen!

We wish you a pleasant stay in Moscow!



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