Ссылка на звуковой файл аудирования

Дистанционная олимпиада по английскому языку 7 класс

Рекомендованное время выполнения – 60 минут.

Уважаемые участники олимпиады, обращаем ваше внимание на то, что ответы можно вводить, используя латинские буквы (английскую раскладку клавиатуры), иначе компьютер засчитает вам неверный ответ!

1. (2 балла) Choose the common topic for the picture.


2. (2 балла) Guess the word. You can find the letters of this word in 4 other words. В ответ запиши только буквы в нужной последовательности без каких-либо знаков препинания. Например, abc


Answer: _____________________


3. (5 баллов) Match the event with the date. Ответ запиши в виде комбинации цифр и букв без пробелов и каких-либо знаков препинания, цифры должны идти по порядку, например, 1а2d3c

Answer: ______________________________

4. (5 баллов) Choose the right variant.

1. a) Nick watch TV every day.

b) Nick watches TV every day.

2. a) This is a ball under the desk.

b) There is a ball under the desk.

3. a) Mike has got a computer.

b) Mike have got a computer.

4. a) Does she like juice?

b) Does she likes juice?

5. a) He has bought a pen yet.

b) He hasn’t bought a pen yet.


5. (5 баллов) Choose the right pronouns to complete the sentence.

1. They love __________.

2. The children always quarrel with ___________.

3. Jim and Sally have known ________________ for two years.

4. My friends often see _________________.

5. The group were sitting close to _________.

6. (10 баллов) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Leave one space between words. Запиши только пропущенные слова в ответе в нужной форме. Между словами ставь строго один пробел, например, is doing

1. Listen! Ann 1)_______ (to sing).

2. She 2) _____ (to have) two children.

3. My sister 3) _____ (to be) good at drawing. She 4)_______ (to draw) beautiful pictures.

4. I 5) __________ (not to do) my homework yet.

5. My mum 6) __________ (to read) this book several times. She first 7)_______ (to read) it two years ago.

6. Sorry, I can’t talk now. I 8)________ (to have) breakfast.

7. He 9) ______ (to do) it tomorrow.

8. I 10)_______ (to know) Mary for six years.

7. (5 баллов) Make up the question from the given words. В ответ запиши только цифры в нужной последовательности без каких-либо знаков препинания. Например, 123

father / what / work / time / does / your / finish / his?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Answer: ___________________________

8. (10 баллов) Use the words in brackets to form a new word that best fits each gap. PUT ONLY ONE NEW FORMED WORD, PLEASE.

Вводи только образованное слово без пробелов и знаков препинания!

1. Susan studies French and 1._________ (Germany).

2. My son is very 2. _______ (create). His ideas are always original.

3. It was a very 3.________ (danger) place.

4. The shop was full of people. It was very 4._______ (to noise) there.

5. Yesterday was a 5.__________ (love) day.


9. (5 баллов) Read the information about British cities and choose the right variant.


Tasks on Listening Comprehension

Ссылка на звуковой файл аудирования

Ссылка на текст аудирования


Harry Stan Ernie –имена собственные

The Knight Bus

Sickle — сикль (монета в книгах о Гарри Поттере)

Bang! — бам!

Purple — фиолетовый, пурпурный;

Triple-decker bus — трехэтажный автобус;

Conductor — кондуктор;

To start the engine — завести мотор.


10. (4 балла) Mark the sentences as true, false.

1. The conductor was in a purple uniform.

a) true b) false

2. Harry bought a return ticket to London.

a) true b) false

3.There were comfortable seats in the bus.

a) true b) false

4. The bus driver’s name was Ernie.

a) true b) false


11. (4 балла) Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence.

1. He sat down ___________ on a bench at a bus stop.

a) to eat

b) to rest

c) to cry

2. The letters on the bus were_________

a) bronze

b) silver

c) gold

3. At the bus stop Stan saw _________

a) a lot of passengers

b) Harry

c) Harry and a lot of passengers

4. When the bus came Harry was _________

a) sitting

b) crying

c) smiling


12. (4 балла) Who said this?

1. “I fell over.”

a) Harry b) Stan

2.” Eleven Sickles”.

a) Harry b) Stan

3. ”Welcome to the Knight bus.”

a) Harry b) Stan

4.” This is our driver – Ernie.”

a) Harry b) Stan


Total: 61 балл.


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