Chapter 7. Settling to the Collar

Be ready to write a test on the lexis and contents of the chapter. Examine chapter 7 thoroughly. The model of a test:

I. What is the meaning of the adjective ‘stiff-necked’?

1. impatient

2. obstinate

3. persistent

II. Bogles are

1. Schoolhouse servants, 2. Schoolhouse mentors, 3. Schoolhouse shoeblacks

III. Why wasn’t Tom in a hurry on Sunday morning?

IV. Why was little Hall commonly called ‘Tadpole’?

V. Why didn’t East take part in bringing hot water to praepostors?

VI. What meaning of life was brought home to every young boy by means of Doctor’s afternoon sermon?

1. that his life is sluggard’s paradise

2. life is a battlefield

3. life is to put traditions of Rugby above all other laws

VII. Who are ‘fags’ at Rugby?

VIII. ‘A great man’ is, according to the context of chapter 7,

1. Doctor

2. a senior schoolboy

3. a mentor

IX. Whom does the narrator describe in the follow-up words: “he had lost a shoe in the brook, and been groping after it up to his elbows in the stiff wet clay, and a more miserable creature in the shape of a boy has seldom been seen”.

X. Paraphrase the sentence: “All their grievances were forgotten…”

XI. What game is pictured in chapter 7?

XII. What does ‘hubbub’ mean?

1. bustle

2. noise

3. listlessness


Chapter 8. The War of Independence

I. Why was the forth form of the lower school, in which Tom found himself at the beginning of the next half-year, considered to be grievous work to the teacher?

II. What was Tom’s age by that time? How does the narrator characterize Tom’s age? Why so?

III. Give the synonyms to the word “unmanageable”.

IV. “Delinquent” means

  1. criminal
  2. addict
  3. wrong-doer

V. What does the narrator picture as ‘one long awful hour’ which Tom and his classmates came into prayers with ‘lively anticipations’?

VI. What happened to ‘a clever merry School-house boy’ at the exam? Give the estimation to Doctor’s actions.

VII. Why did the Scholl-house see bad times after old Brooke and other six-form boys’ leaving?

VIII. Paraphrase the expressions: “’No more right than you have to fag them,’ answered East, without looking up from an early number of Pickwick, which was just coming out, and which he was luxuriously devouring …”

IX. What did East mean by saying to Tom ‘I’m all for a strike myself if you can get others to join… it’s getting too bad…’

X. Paraphrase: ‘ I’ve a good mind to go to the Doctor straight’, said Tom.

XI. A levy means

  1. a meeting
  2. an association
  3. a union

XII What traits of character does the person possess if he is called ‘a toady’? Enumerate them using nouns or adjectives.

XIII. Picture the relationships between Diggs and Flashman?

XIV. Why was Diggs touched by Tom and East’s giving to him some lots from the auction?

XV. Translate the excerpt into Russian:

P. 104 “Tom, as has been said, … empty notwithstanding the veto”

XVI. Explain the meaning of the title «The War of Independence».



Supplementary reading

King Alfred and Ashdown
The Great Man on the Downs

Berkshire has been known as the Royal County for some eight hundred years. The most obvious reason for such an epithet would of course be the town of Windsor’s Royal connections. The Castle there has been the home of the Monarch ever since it was first built soon after the Norman Conquest, and no less than eleven kings and seven queens have been buried in the parish. There were Royals at Reading too, for the once great Abbey was built as a private mausoleum for Henry I and his family. There are, however, further Royal associations which spread much farther back into history, for in Saxon times there were at least seven Royal estates in Berkshire: Old Windsor, Cookham, Reading, Sutton (Courtenay), Abingdon, Faringdon and Wantage. It was at Wantage that King Alfred the Great was born in 849. The town did not exist as such at the time, but the site of today’s Wantage was occupied by one of these Royal Palaces of Wessex. Alfred grew up there and King Alfred’s Spring, west of the town, was where he supposedly used to bathe. It was said to have been at Wantage that Alfred started the education for which he became famous. When he was twelve his mother, Queen Osburga, showed Alfred and his three elder brothers a beautifully illuminated book of Saxon poetry. She promised it to the first of the Royal Princes who could learn to read it. Of course Alfred won the book, and thenceforth his appetite for knowledge was unstoppable.

Most of the Berkshire stories about King Alfred date from this time before he took the throne. All three of Alfred’s brothers ruled before him, and though the youngest of the family, there had always been a belief that he would one day wear the Crown. He was not inactive during this period of waiting though. Alfred was a staunch supporter of his brothers, especially the last, King Ethelred I, who faced the task of holding his country together against the marauding Danes. The Danes had been harassing the English Coast for thirty years before Ethelred came to the throne; but it was in his coronation year of 865 that they embarked on a major invasion and overran the Kingdom of East Anglia. By 870 they had arrived in Wessex determined to take as much from the Kingdom as they could. They sailed up the Thames and disembarked at Maidenhead. Marching across Berkshire they captured the Royal Villa at Reading. Here they decided to build their base and so raised great earthen ramparts between the Thames and the Kennet to protect themselves within. They were said to have also had a look-out camp at Sulhamstead. From their new stronghold two Danish Earls rode out towards Aldermaston with a raiding party. At Englefield they were halted by Aethelwulf, the Ealdorman of Berkshire, and his men, and it was here that the first clash in the Kingdom between the old enemies took place. The invaders were thoroughly defeated: one of the Earls was amongst the dead, and those left alive were sent packing back to Reading. Ethelred and Alfred joined Aethelwulf four days later, and together they drove the Danish from their outposts. From places like Sulhamstead, the Danes were pushed back to Reading, and the English marched on the town, bent on regaining the Royal lands. The ensuing battle was fierce, especially around the gate to the Danish stronghold, but the Saxons could not penetrate within. Aethelwulf was killed in the fighting and his army repulsed. They were pursued into the marshes at Whistley; but the Danes lost their way and the Saxons were able to flee across the twin ford of the River Loddon (Twyford). The Danish victory was short-lived however.

It was but a few days later that the Danes, flush with confidence at their holding Reading, marched out to attack the Saxons who had retreated up onto the Berkshire Downs to reassemble their armies on King’s Standing Hill (Cholsey). Though only twenty-two, Alfred was a seasoned warrior and knew that he must act quickly to avoid disaster. He had to amass the King’s troops from the surrounding countryside without delay. So he took his favourite white mare and rode up onto Blowingstone Hill (Kingstone Lisle) where there stood an ancient perforated sarsen stone. Those that had the skill could blow into this stone and make it emit a great roar-cum-moaning sound. Hence its name, 'The Blowing Stone'. Alfred took a deep breath and blew hard into one of the holes. He caught the place at just the right angle, and a great boom blew out across the Downs. From all over the county men were stirred from their beds and they knew it was time to defend their homes.

Alfred’s men gathered at the castle that now bears his name in the parish of Ashbury. Ethelred’s troops had taken up position not far away at Hardwell Camp (Compton Beauchamp), while the Danes had reached Uffington Castle where they settled down for the night. On the morning of 8th January 871, the two sides met on the plain known as 'Aschendune' or Ashdown, where a single stunted thorn-tree grew: a tree worshipped by the ancient druids. They drew up their troops in two columns each. The Danish divisions were commanded by their Kings, Bagsecg and Halfdan, and five Earls; the English by Ethelred and Alfred. There they waited, jeering and shouting at one another. Alfred was keen to get to grips with the enemy, but Ethelred decided to spend the ensuing lull in prayer for victory. He left the battlefield for the little church at Aston, and, despite Alfred’s insistence, he would not return until the priest had finished!

So the young Prince had to make a decision: should he wait for his brother or fight the battle without him? He could not keep his troops on edge for long. The Danes had already deployed themselves on the higher ground, and to let them charge first would mean certain defeat. So despite his brother’s orders to the contrary, Alfred rode forth and gave the cry for his own men to attack first and the battle to begin. Never had Berkshire seen such carnage, and never would it again. The bravery of the English warriors overcame all disadvantages, and after a long and arduous conflict, the invaders were no longer able to withstand the Saxon attacks. They were chased from the field across Berkshire to Whistley Marsh where their previous conflict had ended. Thousands of bodies covered the plain, amongst them, King Bagsecg and the five Danish Earls. Victory was Alfred’s.

The bodies of the defeated Danish were buried with due reverence: King Bagsecg was interred in Wayland’s Smithy (Ashbury), the Earls and other nobles were buried at Lambourn, in seven huge barrows, and the rest, in the valley below Kingstone Hill, so named because the King had sarsen stones erected to mark each of their graves. Centuries later, King Canute also had a memorial church erected nearby. To celebrate, Alfred had his men climb up onto the hillside by the Danish stronghold at Uffington and cut a huge great carving of his horse out of the chalk. There it would shine in the sunlight and remind people for evermore of this great day.

Unfortunately, though the Battle of Ashdown was a resounding victory for the English, their success against the Danes was not to last. Only two weeks later they were defeated at Basing (Hants) and then at Martin (Dors). Here King Ethelred received a fatal wound. Alfred himself carried his brother from the field to nearby Wimborne (Dors) where he died in April 871. Alfred became King of Wessex at last. He continued to try and rid his country of the invaders, but luck was not on his side. Substantially reinforced, the Danes at Reading scattered all opponents. There were many hundreds of minor clashes in Berkshire alone. At Uffington the English set up a stronghold on Dragon Hill to protect their victory banner, the White Horse hill figure. The Danes attacked them, and the fighting was so fierce that the Danish blood drowned the grass on the knoll and to this day no vegetation will grow there. Similarly, a battle up on the ridge above the valley between Wantage and Childrey produced so much blood that it poured down the hillside and into the river. "Let it come!" shouted the onlookers, "Let it come!". Hence the area became known as Letcombe. At Sandhurst two great burial mounds, Ambarrow & Edgebarrow, show where Saxons and Danes were buried after an encounter in the area; and the field Battlingmead above Maidenhead reminds us of another battle from this time.

The Danish army had a long reach. Even Abingdon, many miles from Reading was not safe. They marched up to the ancient town and after a short skirmish on "Serpen Hill", destroyed it in one foul swoop. The monks at Abingdon Abbey had heard the enemy coming and fled to the hills with their religious valuables. The Danes took up residence at their monastery and spent many days revelling in the refectory. Eventually though they were driven out. They had ignored a crucifix hanging on the wall above them, and while they were feasting one day, its figure of Christ stretched out its hand and threw a large stone into their midst. The Danes were terrified and quit the place as fast as they could; but revenge was theirs first. They burnt the Abbey Church to the ground before they returned southwards.

Alfred himself was again defeated at Wilton (Wilts). So, believing the pen to be stronger than the sword, he at last signed a peace treaty with his enemy. He bought off the Danes, and they retreated to London.

Peace endured for the next three years as the Danes concentrated their efforts on their newly acquired lands in Northumbria. Here they began to settle. However in 875, the Danes returned to Wessex, and despite a year of fighting Alfred was again forced to pay them to leave. Unfortunately they only withdrew to the edge of Wessex, wintering in Exeter, and it was not until further money was forthcoming in 877 that they left for good.

It seemed that peace had returned once more. Relieved at the great weight that had been lifted from the shoulders of his people, the King disbanded his weary army. The English could at last sleep soundly in their beds again. There was no need to be afraid. The invaders had left their shores. But at Christmas disaster struck!

The King was spending yuletide at his Palace in Chippenham (Wilts) when the Danes made a surprise attack. Alfred had little effective means of defence and his men were scattered. Forced to flee, the King and many of his men made their way up onto the lonely Berkshire Downs. Others retreated into the marshes in Somerset. On the Downs Alfred became separated from his men. The afternoon was drawing on, and realising he should find somewhere to spend the night, the King made for his Palace of Faringdon.

Alfred reached Faringdon by late afternoon. The clustered little cottages surrounding his own great hall were a warming sight, but as he rode closer it became clear that this was not the place to seek shelter. The Danes had reached the Palace ahead of him! He was in great danger. Alfred thought quickly. None of the Danes would know him, though they would as easily kill any Saxon warrior as they would their King. If he could reach one of the peasant’s huts though he might well be able to find a bed for the night.

Alfred dismounted his horse and led her gingerly down the hill and into the village. Smoke was emanating from the nearest cottage, so he gently knocked on the door. A rounded middle-aged woman answered. She was shocked to see one of King Alfred’s brave Saxon knights in this den of invaders, but acted quickly to avoid discovery. While ushering the young man inside, she took his horse’s reins and hastily hid the beast in an outhouse with her pigs. Then she returned to tend to her guest. She obviously had no idea that this was the King she had beneath her roof. The woman was very brusque with Alfred and told him that if he was in need of a bed, he could spend the night in front of her fire, but she was a busy woman and could not afford to wait on fugitives. "Watch the cakes on the fire, while I go and find my husband," she snapped at him.

The King was more than grateful for the woman’s hospitality, such as it was, but his mind was not on cakes. He had lost his Kingdom in a matter of hours. He must plan how he was going to get it back. Never would King Alfred be caught off guard again. He must group together his men who had escaped and recall the armies from the shires. If he could... "What on earth do you think you’re doing," came a scream from behind him. His hostess had returned, only to find Alfred sitting in the middle of a smoke filled house. The woman picked up a broom and gave the King a great whack around the head. "Get out, you lazy good-for-nothing. Get out of my house," she cried. The lady’s cakes were burnt to a cinder, and Alfred had to spend the night with his horse!

Over the next few months King Alfred and his men were able to wage a guerrilla war against the Danes from their hiding places on the Berkshire Downs and in the Somerset Marshes. They attained an unexpected victory over the enemy at Countisbury Hill (Devon) and the Danish King Guthrum was unable to prevent Alfred from mustering men from the neighbouring counties of Hampshire and Wiltshire. In May, the King was ready to face the Danes with his new army, but he needed to be sure of victory in the battle to come. So in a great feet of daring, and much against the advice of his men, he conceived a cunning plan. He crept out of the Saxon camp on the Downs one evening, and, dressed as a minstrel, he made his way to the Danish stronghold at Cherbury Camp (Charney Bassett). The Danes at the gateway took him at face value: a player and story-teller walking the Downs looking for an audience to entertain. They called to their commanding officer, and Alfred was allowed to enter.

In the main hall of the Danish commander Alfred put on his best performance. He sang for the Danes, and told them stories from their common mythology, for though a Christian, the King knew the old tales well; and while he mingled with the enemy, he listened. The invaders were self satisfied and complacent. They knew that Alfred would soon attack, and with beer in their bellies they discussed openly their battle tactics, even with the stranger amongst them. By the end of the evening, Alfred was able to return to his army with all the information he needed to defeat the Danish in the battle to come.

The next morning Alfred and his army set out. The Danish were converging at a place called "Ethandun" or Eddington in Western Berkshire, and the Saxons were eager to meet them. Even before the two were in sight of each other though the Danish army had a major setback. Two of their kings, the infamous Ubba and Hingwar, murderers of St. Edmund, King of East Anglia, were fording the River Kennet when Hingwar got into trouble. His horse stumbled, he fell into the river and was drowned. The place where the disaster occurred has ever since been known as Hingwar’s Ford, or Hungerford. Despite the ensuing low moral of the Danes they put up a strong fight when the English arrived; but using a wall of shields to gain the upper hand, Alfred and his men were able to overcome them. The enemy were pushed back to Chippenham, where a two week siege eventually brought peace. King Guthrum embraced Christianity and his army left Wessex to settle in East Anglia. They were sad to leave for, though they were invaders, the Danes had grown to love Berkshire above all their lands.

The people set up a stone in Bourton to commemorate the defeat of their Danish enemies; and every year thenceforward they took to the streets to celebrate the event in their Hocktide festivities. Alfred, meanwhile, was as good as his word. To prevent the Danes ever taking him by surprise again, he set about building forts, or burghs, around the country where his people could run to in time of invasion. He did not forget Berkshire, for here he built two: at Wallingford and on the island of Sashes in the Thames at Cookham. But Peace was triumphant this time. The Danes never returned.

The Headless Victim
of Step-Mother Love

Hampden Pye’s relationship with his step-mother had always been rather strained. Lady Pye had no love for her step-son. Ever since her marriage to Sir Robert Pye, all those years ago, she had tried to undermine Hampden. She had tried hard to poison Sir Robert’s mind against his son, and with some success too. Hampden was seen as a lazy good for nothing by his father, but in truth all his efforts to make his way in life were thwarted by his wicked step-mother. When Sir Robert and Lady Pye’s own little son appeared on the scene, Hampden’s life became even more unbearable. The lady’s life soon revolved solely around her own little lad and, as he grew to adulthood, she began to see Hampden as nothing but a threat to the boy’s inheritance. Hampden was rarely allowed out of the house, and Lady Pye even took to vetting his friends. But he was now a middle-aged man of fifty-five! He wasn’t going to have any more of her interfering. She had tried to hide him away behind the gates of Faringdon House for too many years. He didn’t care what the old witch said anymore, he was going to have some fun no matter what the consequences.

There was a bitter argument the night that Hampden first announced he was going into the village unaccompanied. He was going to meet some friends in a local tavern. His step-mother could not believe her ears. A common tavern was not the place for someone of his station to be seen. What could he be thinking of? And what sort of people might he meet? Ruffians and pick-pockets, harlots and prostitutes. Oh no, Hampden was definitely staying home. Hampden however was quite determined. Her arguments held no sway with him. “I'm going out,” he roared, slamming the door as he tore out of the house.

Lady Pye was furious, but Hampden’s little jaunts continued. He would go out at night, and in the day time too. Sometimes only into Faringdon, sometimes to Abingdon, sometimes to Oxford or even London. Sometimes he wouldn’t tell her where he was going, and sometimes he came home drunk and abusive! If Hampden wasn’t around, she couldn’t control him, and if she couldn’t control him, she couldn’t protect her son’s inheritance. There wasn’t much she could do though, especially when her husband backed Hampden up. She had hoped her step-son’s rough ways would incense her husband, but instead he seemed to warm to Hampden’s new found spirit.

Down in the village, Hampden had become well known at all the local inns. He was enjoying his new found freedom to the full. That’s not to say he was a particularly excessive drinker, but he certainly knew how to have a good time. He had become especially popular with the ladies. They were forever vying for his attentions. However, there was only one girl who held any interest for Hampden. The young barmaid in his favourite tavern was the picture of perfection. She was dark and petite, with the most entrancing smile. He couldn’t keep his eyes off her. Hampden was in love.

Over the weeks, the two became very close. The little barmaid was flattered by all the attention from the dashing heir to the local manor. He was handsome and charming and extremely eligible. She was quickly swept off her feet, and before long Hampden stopped returning home to his own bed each night.

It was at this point that Hampden’s step-mother became suspicious. Her step-son had taken to spending all evening with drunken hoodlums, true, but he had always returned home in the small hours. Now he was out all night long, and she was lucky if he appeared again for lunch the next day. He had avoided all her questions, and her husband knew nothing. It could only mean one thing: A woman! A woman who could give Hampden an heir to take the Faringdon estates away from her own precious little boy.

Lady Pye was determined to find out who the floozy was, who had ensnared her foolish step-boy. So she sent a servant out, on successive evenings, to spy on Hampden. Of course, she soon found out all about the young barmaid. The little tart! How dare she try and wheedle her way into the Pye family. If she thought she was ever going to get her hands on any of the Pye fortune, she had another thing coming.

“Boys will be boys, my dear,” Sir Robert tried to tell his wife. “Leave Hampden be. He’ll soon settle down once he’s had a chance to sow a few wild oats.” Lady Pye would not listen though. Hampden “settling down” was the last thing she wanted. Once Hampden had found his confidence with the opposite sex, her husband would be introducing him to every eligible young lady in the county! The second her step-son returned home, Lady Pye confronted him with her findings. Hampden was horrified. He could not believe that even his step-mother would spy on him. What was wrong with barmaids anyway?

“It’s the person inside that matters, step-mother, not their social standing or the size of their purse. I love her”. “She’s a grubby little gold-digger, and you’re going to stop seeing her at once,” Lady Pye screamed at a defiant Hampden. “It’s too late for that,” he said calmly. “We were married yesterday”.

Sir Robert and Lady Pye were both stunned. For some time they stood there open mouthed, not knowing what to say. Hampden turned to leave. “Stop him!” screamed his step-mother. Two servants ran in from the hall. Hampden tried to avoid them, but they wrestled him to the ground. “Lock him in his room,” Sir Robert said coldly.

Hampden’s father was highly troubled by this turn of events. He did not mind his son having a little fun with the village wenches, but marrying one of them was out of the question. Lady Pye was over the moon however. She could never have foreseen such an opportune turn of events. Now was her chance to be rid of Hampden once and for all. For several days they pondered their situation. Sir Robert was keen to reverse matters, but the local vicar was clear that a divorce would be very difficult. Their best chance was to keep the two as far apart as possible, while they tried to sort things out. Eventually Lady Pye persuaded her husband to agree to have Hampden sent away to join the Navy. He would no doubt be posted overseas, and would be safely out of reach of his, so called, wife.

The Naval hierarchy was always keen to take new men on board and they easily agreed to give Hampden a lieutenancy, no matter what his own wishes might be. The young Faringdon man was bundled into a carriage and was half way to Portsmouth, and a ship sailing for the Spanish Coast, before his wife even knew he had left the village.

Even though Hampden was to be well out of the country, his step-mother was not satisfied. She could not bear the thought of him finding someone else. Even little bastards running about in Spain might be a threat to her son. She was taking no chances. He might be away from that village harlot, but now she had pushed him into the navy. Everyone knew what sailors were like when it came to women. What had she done? Her thoughts tormented her mind both day and night, until finally she could endure the torture no longer. There was only one way to truly protect her son’s inheritance. It was the perfect solution. She began to plot the murder of her own step-son!

Lady Pye had already become friendly with the captain of Hampden’s ship through their arrangements to have her step-son removed from England. He was a man of few scruples, and she was certain he would help her in her cause for the right financial reward. She was sure Hampden’s ship had not yet sailed from Portsmouth, and so hurriedly wrote to the captain, cryptically suggesting a scheme. She did not spell things out in words of two syllables, but the captain got the idea and all was set.

Hampden’s ship soon left for the Iberian peninsula where it became engaged in the Spanish Wars through an expedition under Sir George Rooke. It was therefore not difficult for the captain to stage an “accident”. He engaged the help of one of the more coercible members of his crew, “Hairy-faced Dick” as his ship-mates called him. During their next battle, Hampden stood on the foreman’s deck, cutlass in hand, ready to defend himself. As the bullets flew around their heads, Dick waited for the signal from his captain, and, when no-one was looking, he pushed poor Hampden in front of a stray canon. His head was blown clean off.

Back in Faringdon, Lady Pye wore her grief with hypocritical pride. She even organised a memorial service in Hampden’s honour. Though she had justified her actions to herself, her step-son’s ghost was not about to forgive her. Before she left for the church, his spirit appeared to the lady with his mangled head resting in his hands. Her screams could be heard throughout the village, but the servants could see nothing and were quite concerned for the lady’s sanity. Her young son, meanwhile, was more interested in the thousand pounds a year he was now due. It was not until the two entered their coach, to leave for church, that he too saw his brother appear, and his mother was forced to reveal her wicked deed.

Hampden also terrorised his old captain at his club in Bath, where he had retired as an admiral, and Hairy-faced Dick in his newly bought quayside store did not escape either; and ever afterwards Hampden’s headless phantom haunted the graveyard of Faringdon Church where his memorial service had been held. His restless spirit worried the villagers for a hundred years before they were eventually forced to have the vicar exorcise him. Now at last, he does, finally, rest in peace.





1. Предисловие 1

2. Chapter 1. The Brown Family 2

2. Chapter 2. The Veast 4

3. Chapter 3. Sundry Wars and Alliances 7

4. Chapter 4. The Stage Coach 10

5. Chapter 5. Rugby and Football 11

6. Chapter 6. After the Match 12

7. Chapter 7. Settling to the Collar 14

8. Chapter 8. The War of Independence 15

9. Supplementary Reading 16




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