План урока №14
Тема занятия: Стихийные бедствия и их предсказания.
Косвенная речь и её особенности.
Ход урока:
1.Прочитайте и переведите стихотворение о погоде.
What's the weather?
It's sunny
What's the weather?
It's rainy
All together that's the weather.
Sun, rain, wind, storm
Hot, cold, cool, warm
What's the weather?
It's cloudy
What's the weather?
It's windy
All together that's the weather.
In the summer it is hot
In the winter it is not
In the spring there are flowers
In the autumn there are showers
What's the weather?
It's frosty
What's the weather?
It's foggy
All together that's the weather.
Sun, rain, wind, storm
Hot, cold, cool, warm
What's the weather?
It's snowing
What's the weather?
It's blowing
All together that's the weather.
Изучите новые лексические единицы по теме «Стихийные бедствия, запишите у тетрадь, пропишите транкрипцию слов. Выучите лексику наизусть.
1.hurricane- ураган
2.tornado- торнадо
3.volcano- вулкан
4.eruption- извержение вулкана
5.earthquake- землетрясение
6.thunderstorm- гроза
7.tsunami- цунами
8.flood- наводнение
9.forest fire- лесной пожар
10.snowstorm- метель, вьюга
11.lightning- молния
12.hail- град
13.destruction- разрушение
14.natural disaster –стихийное бедствие
15.twister - смерч
16.typhoon – тайфун
17.landslide – оползень
18.drought – засуха
19.famine – голод
20.aftermath – последствия
Выполнение упр.16, стр.118, Тимофеев В.Г. «Учебник английского языка для 10 класса»
Запишите таблицу в тетрадь и распределите слова в колонки в зависимости от наличия в слове указанного звука.
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Disaster in Africa
Sometimes in desert climates, it does not rain for a long time. This happened between 1968 and 1974 in the Sahel, in West Africa. The winds changed direction and the area did not receive any rain for six years. Hundreds of thousands of people and nearly half of the animals in the area died because there wasn’t enough water. The crops did not grow and many countries suffered from famine. People had to walk hundred kilometers to find water.
Which disaster was in Africa between 1968 and 1974?
Why didn’t the area in West Africa receive any rain for six years?
How many people and animals died?
Why did many people and animals die?
Disaster in Florida
Hurricanes are very strong winds that come from the sea. Warm wet air rises in a spiral and goes faster and faster – over 160 km an hour. In 1992, «Hurricane Andrew» hit Florida. The people there had to leave their homes and move to other towns and wait. When the hurricane arrived, it killed 15 people and destroyed thousands of buildings. More than 50 000 people had nowhere to live.
What are hurricanes?
What may the speed of a hurricane be?
Which disaster happened in Florida in 1992?
Disaster in the Netherlands
The Netherlands is very flat and part of the country is below the level of the sea. The people there have to make sure that the walls by the sea – the dykes – are very strong.
Usually, there is no problem, but in January 1995, it rained and rained for more than two weeks. The water in the canals and rivers rose higher and higher, and thousands of people had to leave their homes because of a danger of floods. They went to other towns and waited until the water level fell down again.
What disaster happened in the Netherlands in 1995?
Why did flood occur?
Why did people have to leave their homes?
Изучите грамматического материала и составьте конспекта по теме: «Косвенная речь и её особенности».
Записать подробный конспект, без сокращений и с примерам на английском.
При переводе из прямой речи в косвенную необходимо знать следующие правила:
1. После глаголов ask, request и некоторых других глаголов, обозначающих просьбу, перед придаточным предложением ставятся союзы whether or if (в значении ли):
He asked if everyone was ready.- Он спросил, все ли готовы.
2. глагол tell (told) употребляется вместо глагола say (said):
He told me that…, but: He said that…
Глаголы talk, speak вкосвеннойречи в значении «Он сказал, что…» не употребляются.
3. Если прямая речь содержит приказание или просьбу, то значение «велел, приказал» передаётся сочетанием глаголов
tell, order, ask, demand c инфинитивом, причём отрицательная форма инфинитива употребляется в последовательности:… told …
not to do smth.
При переводе предложений в повелительном наклонении (команд, просьб или приказаний) в косвенную речь, изменяются лицо, время глагола и слова и выражения, обозначающие время:
Teacher: “Don’t talk to your neighbour”. The teacher told me not to talk to my neighbour.
Если предложение начинается с глагола в настоящем времени, то время не изменяется. Например:
Susan: “I work in an office”. Susan tells me that she works in an office.
Если предложение начинается с глагола в прошедшем времени, то вступает в действие правило согласования времён и время меняется на одно из прошедших. Например: Susan: “I work in an office”. Susan told me that she worked in an office.
Как изменяются времена?