Vocabulary and grammar acquisition

Read the words paying attention to the pronunciation of the bold-typed letters. Consult a dictionary if necessary.

Strat eg ic, stre ngth s, opp or t u nities, th r ea ts, wi th in, cl ai m, c o ntrib u te, ref er s, r ea l i ze, g ui de, gr ow th, retren ch ment, e xa ctly, m ai nt ai n, st a t u s quo, n oth ing, prod u c ti on, empl oyee s, c oul d, ass ets, prod u cts, m u lti-divi si onal, p ur s ue, whi le, d o ne, pa ckag e.

2. Pronounce the words with the prefix multi-. Translate them into Russian.

Multi-access, multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-millionaire, multi-national, multi-skilled, multi-tasking, multichannel, multicolored, multidimensional, multidirectional, multifunctional, multilateral, multimedia.

Translate the following expressions into Russian.

Particular process; commonly used; the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; contribute to the organization; to guide future directions; in some way; to maintain the status quo; up till now; no growth in the number of employees; selling off some assets; a large, multi-divisional company; pursue/follow a strategy.

Find English equivalents in the text.

Стратегическое планирование; внутри организации; заявлять; за пределами организации; относится (к); благоприятный; немного позже; сокращение (экономия); точно; увеличение производства; каким-то образом.

Pay attention to the underlined parts of the following sentences. Explain what they mean.

1. What the company chooses to do with that information depends on what gets stated in the other categories.

2. Once the SWOT is concluded, there are four strategies to choose from.

3. Retrenchment means that the company will be cutting back.

4. That could include selling off some assets, … getting out of some countries in which they now operate.

5. The strategies outlined flow directly out of the SWOT analysis.

6. Done correctly, the strategies and the SWOT analysis form a great package.


Choose the appropriate word from the alternatives.

The SWOT analysis/strategy is the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Opportunities and threats exist within/outside the organization. Opportunities are favorable/unfavorable to the organization. Everyone wants to claim/to deny that they contribute to the organization. There are four strategies to choose from in order to guide/grade future directions.Stability/retrenchment means the company will be cutting back. That could include selling off some assets/facets. A combination strategy is more/less common with a large, multi-divisional company. Different divisions of the company will pursue similar/different strategies.

7. Match the nouns with their definitions. Use an English-English dictionary if necessary.

1 analysis a the act of reducing expenditure
  factor b steadiness; firmness
  strategy c the existing state of affairs
  stability d a detailed examination of the elements or structure of something
  status quo e a general plan intended to achieve something, especially over a long period
  retrenchment f a circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result or outcome

Complete the sentences in your own way.

1. The SWOT analysis is an analysis of the company’s …

2. The strengths tend to be easier to list because …

3. Once the SWOT is concluded, …

4. A growth strategy means that …

5. A stability strategy means that …

6. A retrenchment strategy means that …

7. A combination strategy is more common with …


Organize the following chains of words into meaningful sentences.

1. in, the, strategic, commonly, analysis, is, planning, SWOT, used.

2. going, organization, some, to, way, the, is, grow, in.

3. large, is, common, a, with, combination, more, strategy, companies.

4. to, means, strategy, nothing, going, is, stability, change, a.

Underline the Present Perfect Continuous forms in the contexts below. Comment on the meanings of this tense: a) an action started in the past and stopped recently; b) an action started in the past and is continuing now; c) an action continued in the past for some period and is still going on.

1. The company has been pursuing a retrenchment strategy since the beginning of the economic crisis.

2. They’ve been selling off their assets for two months.

3. Do you know what they have been doing up till now?


11. Open the brackets and put the infinitives into the Future Continuous Tense (will+be+Participle I) to emphasize the durability of the future action.

1. They claim they (to contribute) to the organization.

2. The company (to maintain) the status quo.

3. The organization (to grow) in some way.

4. They (to cut back), (to sell off) some assets, and (to reduce) the number of products that they sell.

5. The company (to pursue) a combination strategy.


12. Speak on different strategies companies can pursue. Use the grammatical structure be going to which expresses future intentions. Choose the options from the substitution table below. Define the type of the company’s strategy in each case.


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