Write about death penalty for 10 minutes

Северо-Западный филиал

Федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования

«Российский государственный университет правосудия»

(г. Санкт-Петербург)




Кафедра гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин




по дисциплине «Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции»



Студентка 2 курса, 244-1 группы

очно-заочной формы обучения

Сидорова Полина Андреевна



Доцент, к.п.н.

Башмакова Н.И.



Санкт-Петербург 2020




Translate a text 3

Answer the questions. 4

SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article. 5

Write about death penalty for 10 minutes. 5

Comprehension questions. 6

Translate. 7


Translate a text

The Malaysian government has stated it intends to abolish the death penalty in a move that has been welcomed by human rights campaigners. Malaysia's Law Minister said: "The death penalty will be abolished. Full stop." He added: "Since we are abolishing the sentence, all executions should not be carried out." There are currently over 1,267 people on death row in Malaysia who are set to win a reprieve. The law minister said prisoners on death row would be released or have their sentences commuted. He said: "When commuted, they would have to face life imprisonment because there had been several deaths that were caused by the offender and so they were sentenced to death."

Malaysia's decision was hailed by Amnesty International. Its Secretary General Kumi Naidoo said: "Malaysia must now join the 106 countries who have turned their backs for good on the ultimate cruel, inhumane, degrading punishment. The world is watching." Mr Naidoo added: "There is no time to waste. The death penalty should have been consigned to the history books long ago. Malaysia's new government has promised to deliver on human rights, and today's announcement is an encouraging sign, but much more needs to be done." There are still 23 countries that retain the death penalty. According to Amnesty International, there were 993 executions recorded worldwide in 2017.




Правительство Малайзии заявило о своем намерении отменить смертную казнь в качестве шага, который был положительно воспринят правозащитниками. Министр юстиции Малайзии сказал: «Смертная казнь будет отменена. Полная остановка». Он добавил: «Поскольку мы отменяем приговор, все казни не должны проводиться». В настоящее время в Малайзии более 1267 человек находятся в камере смертников, которые должны получить отсрочку (амнистию). Министр юстиции сказал, что заключенные, приговоренные к смертной казни, будут освобождены или приговор будет смягчен. Он сказал: «Когда их заменят, им придется столкнуться с пожизненным заключением, потому что преступник совершил несколько убийств и поэтому был приговорен к смертной казни».

Решение Малайзии приветствовалось Международной амнистией. Его Генеральный секретарь Куми Найду сказал: «Малайзия должна теперь присоединиться к 106 странам, которые навсегда отвернулись от жестокого, бесчеловечного и унижающего достоинство наказания. Мир наблюдает». Г-н Найду добавил: «Нельзя тратить время впустую. Смертная казнь должна была давно остаться в учебниках истории. Новое правительство Малайзии пообещало добиться соблюдения прав человека, и сегодняшнее объявление является обнадеживающим признаком, но многое предстоит еще сделать. " Еще есть 23 страны, в которых сохраняется смертная казнь. По данным Международной амнистии, в 2017 году в мире было зарегистрировано 993 казни.



Answer the questions

TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if 1-8 below are true (T) or false (F).

1. Human rights campaigners have hailed Malaysia's decision. T / F

2. There are over one thousand prisoners on death row in Malaysia. T / F

3. Prisoners on death row will now have to serve life sentences. T / F

4. The prisoners on death row have killed thousands of people. T / F

5. Fewer than 106 countries have abolished the death penalty. T / F

6. Amnesty International said this issue should be in a history book. T / F

7. There are 23 countries that still have the death penalty. T / F

8. Amnesty International said there were over 1,000 executions in 2017. T / F






SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article

1. intend A. scrapping
2. move B. heartening
3. abolishing C. set free
4. released D. forever
5. degrading E. put
6. for good F. plan
7. offender G. humiliating
8. consigned H. globally
9. encouraging I. action
10. worldwide J. lawbreaker






Write about death penalty for 10 minutes

The death penalty is the deprivation of a person 's life as a punishment legalized by the State and carried out on the basis of a court sentence that has entered into force or by a decision of other State or military bodies.

In today 's civilized society, the death penalty is illegal in many jurisdictions and legal criminal punishment in others only for extremely serious crimes.

In developed countries, the death penalty is always preceded by lengthy trials at different levels, and the defendant is given the opportunity to appeal. This often results in years, or even decades, between sentencing and execution (or pardon, as well as the death of a convicted person from other causes).

In some cases, the death penalty may be commuted to life imprisonment or a long term of imprisonment by a court decision. A person sentenced to death by a court may also be pardoned by the highest official of the State.

As of 2018, 106 countries had abolished the death penalty for all crimes. In addition, 6 countries retained it only for certain particularly serious crimes committed in wartime, excluding the possibility of imposing the death penalty for so-called ordinary crimes. A number of States have abolished the death penalty in practice, that is, they have not carried out executions for the past 10 years and are going to continue to maintain a moratorium, or have officially announced a moratorium on executions.

There is a division of the death penalty into skilled and unskilled. In the case of qualified capital punishment, different types of capital punishment may be imposed for different crimes, in the case of unqualified crimes - the legislation provides for one type of capital punishment for all crimes for which the death penalty may be imposed.


Comprehension questions

1. Who has welcomed the Malaysian government's decision?

2. Who said the death penalty would be abolished, "full stop".

3. How many people are on death row in Malaysia?

4. What are people on death row set to win?

5. What sentence will the death penalty be reduced to?

6. How many countries have abolished the death penalty?

7. How many people did Amnesty International say were executed last year?



1. Malaysian Government Decision Welcomed by human rights campaigners.

2. This statement was voiced by the Minister of Justice of Malaysia.

3. Currently, in Malaysia, more than 1,267 people are on death row.

4. prisoners sentenced to death will be released or the sentence will be commuted.

5. Prisoners will have to face life imprisonment.

6. One hundred and six countries abolished the death penalty.

7. According to Amnesty International, there were 993 executions recorded worldwide in 2017.



1. Целями трудового законодательства являются установление государственных гарантий трудовых прав и свобод граждан, создание благоприятных условий труда, защита прав и интересов работников и работодателей.

2. Указы Президента Российской Федерации, содержащие нормы трудового права, не должны противоречить настоящему Кодексу и иным федеральным законам.

3. Смертная казнь считается одним из наиболее древних видов наказания.

4. Правительство отменило смертную казнь.

5. К этому периоду смертная казнь будет отменена.

6. В современном мире практикуются такие виды смертной казни как повешение, смертельная инъекция, электрический стул и др.



1. The objectives of labor legislation are to establish State guarantees of labor rights and freedoms of citizens, create favorable working conditions, protect the rights and interests of workers and employers.

2. Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation containing labor law norms must not contradict this Code and other federal laws.

3. The death penalty is considered one of the oldest punishment.

4. The government abolished the death penalty.

5. By this time, the death penalty will have been abolished.

6. In today's world, such types of capital punishment as hanging, lethal injection, electric chair, etc. are practiced.



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