Стажер ВТБ Юниор в Службу поддержки клиентского обслуживания

Intern VTB Junior (Analytical centre)

Company overview:

VTB Group’s Corporate Investment Business is a leader in the international investment banking sector in Russia. The company offers a wide range of services on both the Russian and international capital markets. VTB CIB and VTB Finance are looking for an intern, who will join the group’s Analytical Center team.

Key responsibilities:

• Creation and support of VTB Group financial model and models for key competitors;

• Creation of analytical and presentation products for business units and top managers;

• Contribute to creation of VTB group strategy.

Required Qualifications and Experience:

• Graduate (finished in 2018/2019 or current master’s student) from the top tier university with specialization in a relevant field (mathematics, economics, finance). Excellent academic credentials is essential;

• Good modelling and financial analysis skills;

• Good understanding of banking sector

• Ability to deliver practical solutions in a demanding high-pressure environment, quantitative and problem solving skills;

• Good knowledge of banking accounting (both IFRS and RAS)

• Flexibility to adapt to changing day-to-day priorities whilst simultaneously achieving longer term project based deadlines;

• Readiness for routine work;

• Fluent English and Russian.


Please, send your CV and Cover Letter to the following address: a.sorokina@vtb.ru

Ananstasiia Sorokina


Intern VTB Junior in the financial products

Company overview:

VTB Group’s Corporate Investment Business is a leader in the international investment banking sector in Russia. The company offers a wide range of services on both the Russian and international capital markets. According to the league tables by Dealogic, Thomson Reuters, Bloomberg and Mergermarket VTB Capital is ranked top three on debt and equity capital markets as well as across M&A advisors in Russia and the CIS, CEE and MENA. VTB Capital operates in London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Zug, Frankfurt am Main, Sofia and Vienna, with headquarters in Moscow.

Key responsibilities:

· Cover Russian & CIS corporate clients on financing solutions;

· Create pitchbooks and termsheets, participate in negotiations with clients;

· Interact with internal bank divisions (Structuring, Trading, Legal, Middle office, etc.) to cover client needs;

· Manage internal processes and become “the first point of contact” to the clients on transactions

Required Qualifications and Experience:

· Graduate (finished in 2018/2019 or current master’s student) from the top tier university with specialisation in a relevant field (economics, finance, management). Excellent academic credentials is essential;

· Good knowledge of banking products in a dealing room context as well as previous work experience in a relevant field will be a plus;

· A clear independent and effective communicator, persuasive in inter-personal communication;

· Ability to deliver practical solutions in a demanding high-pressure environment, quantitative and problem solving skills;

· Flexibility to adapt to changing day-to-day priorities whilst simultaneously achieving longer term project based deadlines;

· Fluent English and Russian.


Please, send your CV and Cover Letter to the following address: a.sorokina@vtb.ru

Ananstasiia Sorokina


Стажер ВТБ Юниор в Службу поддержки клиентского обслуживания


· участие в сборе необходимой информации и документации по клиентам, подготовке отчетов/справок/аналитических материалов по клиентам

· подписание с клиентами соглашений о конфиденциальности, участие в KYC-процедурах на стороне Банка и компаний Группы (в том числе зарубежными банками и представительствами), взаимодействие с клиентами по указанным вопросам

· участие в структурировании мультипродуктовых лимитов, подготовка материалов для рассмотрения коллегиальными органами Банка, взаимодействие с экспертными подразделениями Банка

· мониторинг кредитной сделки, работа с факторами кредитного риска.


· выпускник 2018/2019 или магистрант по специальности экономика, финансы

· опытный пользователь MS PowerPoint, Excel, Word

· коммуникабельность, самостоятельность, инициативность

· опыт работы в банковском секторе будет преимуществом

· английский язык – intermediate

· готовность работать полный рабочий день.



· трудоустройство согласно Законодательству

· конкурентная заработная плата

· профессиональное обучение и развитие

· добровольное медицинское страхование, льготные условия кредитования

· спортивная жизнь и корпоративные мероприятия

· возможность построить карьеру в ведущем банке России


Резюме высылать на почту Сорокиной Анастасии a.sorokina@vtb.ru




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