В электр. виде напечатать перевод.


Suggested grammar: 1. The Infinitive; 2. The review of tenses in active /passive voice and modal verbs.

Layout and style.

Task 1. Read the vocabulary, write them down, then learn them by heart.

Это задание выполняется в тетради, в тематическом словаре, не по почте.

- to include - включать в себя
- heading - заголовок
- purpose - цель
- likely - вероятно
- to go on - продолжаться
- plan ahead - планировать вперёд
- complete - завершённый
- to waste - тратить, растрачивать
- concise - краткий сжатый
- tone - манера (говорить), стиль
- courteous - вежливый, любезный
- be distracted - быть испорченным, нарушенным

Task 2. Highlight the ideas in this extract that you think are most useful.


“Golden rules” for writing letters

(L. Jones, A. Richard, Student’s book)

1. Give your letter a heading if it will make it easier for the reader to understand your purpose in writing.

2. Decide what you are going to say before you start to write or dictate a letter, because if you don’t do this the sentences are likely to go on and on and on until you can think of a good way to finish. In other words you should always plan a-head.

3. Use short sentences.

4. Put each separate idea in a separate paragraph. Number each of the paragraphs if it will help the reader to understand better.

5. Use short words that everyone can understand.

6. Think about your reader. Your reader …

… must be able to see exactly what you mean:

your letters should be CLEAR

… must be given all the necessary information:

your letters should be COMPLETE

… is probably a busy person with no time to waste:

your letters should be CONCISE

… must be written in a sincere, polite tone:

your letters should be COURTEOUS

… should not be distracted by mistakes in grammar, punctuation or spelling:

your letters should be CORRECT

3.2. Getting people to do things / Listening.

(L. Jones, A. Richard, Student’s book)

Task1. Listen (Read) to the dialogue “Requesting”. Then p ut + or – to show if TERRY agrees or refuses to do these things for Jane.

В электронном виде

- send a copy of the report

- arrange accommodation

- call Sandy in New York

- translate a document into English

- check her punctuation and spelling


- Tapescript. Requesting(L. Jones, A. Richard, Teacher’s book)

Terry: Hello. Jane: Hello, Terry. Are you very busy just now? Terry: Not really, no. Jane: Do you think you could help me with a couple of things? Terry: Oh, sure. Jane: Well, first of all: you know the German report? Terry: Yes. Jane: Well, could you send a copy of it off to Frankfurt for me? Terry: OK, do you want me to fax it, or send it by mail? Jane: Oh, fax, I think. Now, let’s see, oh then would you mind arranging accommodation for Mr Berglund, he needs it for Friday night. Terry: Friday night, sure. Er… Hotel Continental, as usual? Jane: Mm, that’s right. Oh, then could you get in touch with Sandy in New York after lunch and ask her to call me tomorrow? Terry: Ah…I’ll be over at the factory this afternoon,er…I won’t be able to do that. Jane: Oh, well, never mind. Another thing I’d like you to do is translate the technical documents into English. Terry: Er… Jane, I’m sorry but I can’t. I’ve got this report to finish by 11 o’clock and it’s just not possible… Jane: Oh, well, look, at least could you just check my spelling and punctuation in the sales literature if I bring it over to you? Terry: But my spelling is terrible. I’ll ask Annette to do it. Jane: All right…

Task 2. Role play the conversation with your partner. Highlight the phrases which are used in the dialogue.Написать с переводом в тематический словарь,

не по почте


I’d like you to …, please. Sure Certainly I won’t be able to…, because… I’m sorry but… I’m afraid that’s not possible, because…
Could you ask … to … for me?
Could you…, please?
Do you think you could…?
Would you mind…-ing…?

Task 3. Listen/ Read to the dialogue “Offering to help” and try to understand it.

Put + or – to show if Sally accepts or rejects each of Bill’s offers to help.

В электронном виде

- check today’s correspondence

- call a taxi for the airport

- check her hotel booking

- deal with the weekly report

- call Amsterdam


Tapescript. Offering to help

(L. Jones, A. Richard, Teacher’s book)

Bill: Morning, Sally, will you be in this afternoon?

Sally: Oh, hello, Bill. No, I’ve got to catch the three o’clock plane instead of the evening one.

Bill: Oh, goodness. Um...well, would you like a hand with some things you’ve got to do?

Sally: Oh, that would be great, if you’re sure it’s no trouble.

Bill: No, no trouble at all. Um...would you like me to check today’s correspondence?

Sally: Oh, yes. Yes, that’s very kind of you. Look if you do that, can you sign the letters for me as well, please?

Bill: Yeah, of course, no problem. And then shall I call you a taxi to the airport?

Sally: Yes. Yes, please. Now, let me think, I’ll need to leave straight after lunch so...um..oh well, no, better make it 1.30, that’d be safe.

Bill: OK, 1.30. And...um...would you like me to do anything about your hotel booking?

Sally: Oh, heavens, yes, I’m glad you reminded me. I’m sure it’s all right but would you mind phoning them just to confirm the booking?

Bill: Of course, of course, no problem. Um...and shall I deal with the weekly report?

Sally: No, thanks. I think I can manage to finish that now. It’s nearly ready.

Bill: Sure?

Sally: Mm.

Bill: Um...Oh, I know, would you like me to call Amsterdam for you?

Sally: Oh, oh, that’s very kind of you. Er...no. Let me think, n...no, I think I’d prefer to do that myself because there are some people I’ve really got to talk to.

Bill: Oh, OK, I understand. Well, um...if you need any...any more help, just let me know, OK?

Sally: Oh, terrific. Thanks, I will...


Task 4. Role play the conversation with your partner. Highlight the phrases which are used in the dialogue.

Написать с переводом в тематический словарь,

не по почте

Can I give you a hand? Would you like a hand with...? Shall I...? Would you like me to...? If you need any help, just let me know. Yes, please. Thanks a lot. No, thanks, I think I can manage. That’s very kind of you, but... I think I’d prefer to do that myself because...


3.3. On the phone / Language practice.


Task 1. Read the phrases that are used when you’re оn the phone. Writethemdown, thenlearnthembyheart.

Написать с переводом в тематический словарь,

не по почте

Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr.… Hello, this is Miss … calling from … Is Ms…. available, please? My name’s … Could you ask her to call me back, please? My number is … Could you give him a message, please? What time do you expect her back? I’ll call again later today. Thanks very much for your help.     Speaking. I’m afraid he’s in a meeting/not in the office/still at lunch/ not available just now. Is there anything I can do for you? Hold on a moment, please. I’ll just find out if she’s back yet / in the other office / available. I’ll put you through to Miss…. I’ll ask her to call you back as soon as she’s free. What’s your extension number / fax number?

Task 2.

Follow this flowchart to practice making a phone call, using some of the expressions in Task 1 (L. Jones, A. Richard, Student’s book).

Диалог, выделенный курсивом, написать в столбик в тетради.

В электр. виде напечатать перевод.

Диалог выучить. Инсценировать, меняясь ролями.

Ask to speak to Mr Anderson.   Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr… He’s in a meeting.   I’m afraid he’s in a meeting
Ask when he’ll be free.   When will he be free? You don’t know. Offer to find out.   Hold on a moment, please. I’ll just find out
Say you’ll wait.   Good, I’ll wait   He won’t be free till after 6 pm.   He won’t be free till after 6 pm
You want him to call you first thing tomorrow.   Could you ask him to call me back first thing tomorrow? Find out caller’s name and number.     Could I have your name and number?
Give your (real) name and number.     Mike Philips. Phone number is 01-253-4686   Note down the information andsay you’ll leave the message on his desk.   Mike Philips, 01-253 4686. Thank you Mr Philips.I’ll live the message on his desk.
Say thanks and goodbye.    


3.4. How to speak on the phone / Reading.


Task 1. Readthetext.

Перевод напечатать в электронном виде.

Twelve telephone tips

(L. Jones, A. Richard, Student’s book)

1. Fax or e-mail ahead if you want to make sure the other person has time to prepare for the call.

2. Make sure you have with you all the documents you’ll need before you dial the number.

3. The other person may not understand you easily, so try to speak slowly and clearly.

4. The other person can’t see your reactions, so always confirm that you have (or have not) understood each point that’s been made. Don’t pretend you have understood when you haven’t.

5. The other person can’t see what a nice person you are, so make sure you sound polite and agreeable.

6. The other person hasn’t got all day, so make sure your call is brief.

7. The other person is getting an impression of your firm while talking with you, so make sure that you sound efficient – your firm’s image may be at stake, even if you’re just taking a message.

8. Don’t rely on your memory: make notes during a call and rewrite these notes immediately afterwards as a record of the call.

9. Smile while you’re talking. Your listener can “hear” your smile.

10. Don’t try to be funny – you may be misunderstood.

11. Don’t interrupt the other person: let them finish what they want to say.

12. Send a follow-up e-mail, fax or letter to confirm any important details (especially prices and numbers), so that you both have a written record.


Task 3. Discuss the questions below:


- Which do you think are the five most important tips?

- Which of the tips do you disagree with? Why?



1. Jones, L. New International Business English. Communication skills in English for business purposes: Student’s book / L. Jones, A. Richard. – Cambridge University Press, 2004. – 176 c.

2. Jones, L. New International Business English. Communication skills in English for business purposes: Teacher’s book / L. Jones, A. Richard. – Cambridge University Press, 2004. – 224 c.



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