Task 3. Make general questions from these statements.

Департамент образования и науки Костромской области


Контрольная работа

По дисциплине: Английский язык

Выполнил: Студент курса группы ____ заочного отделения _______________________ Подпись________________   Руководитель: Преподаватель английского языка Соловьева Е.С. Оценка_________________ Дата___________________ Подпись________________



Вариант __I__

Task 1 Read the text, translate the marked part into Russian:

I would like to tell you about my college.

It is a fine two-storeyed building in the centre of the city. It is not very new, but it is nice and comfortable. I study here for the first year.

On the first floor of the building there is a hall, a cloak-room, a canteen, a gym, and some classes. On the second floor there is a director’s office, computer classes and laboratories, a big concert hall, a library and a reading-room. I like it.

When I come to college, I wipe my feet, take off my coat and go to the cloak-room. After that I go to the timetable which is also in the hall. It’s good to come to the classroom before the bell rings.

After a few classes I go to the canteen and have breakfast. I don’t like our canteen very much, that’s why I take some food with myself too.

My favorite subjects at college are physics, IT and English. During the breaks I like to talk with my friends, read the college newspaper.

Our college is not only the place where we study, it’s also the place where we stay after classes to take part in clubs. Our college is very green: there are flowers on every window-sill. And it is very clean too. When my friends, who study in other colleges, come to this place they are surprised when they see that everything is in great order. But I’ll reveal the secret: this is the merit of not only the board of the college but also of the students – because it’s our second home and we must take care of it.

College life is difficult but I know it’s rewarding! That’s why I know that tomorrow I’ll come here again.


Task 2 Find the equivalents between Russian and English words. Fill in the table.

1. two-storeyed   a) газета
2. comfortable   b) звонить
3. talk   c) расписание
4. newspaper   d) разговор
5. window – sill   e) порядок
6. order   f) двухэтажный
7. time-table   g) удобный
8. to ring   h) подоконник
9. library   i) библиотека

Task 3. Make general questions from these statements.

1. My favorite subjects at college is physics.

2. On the second floor there is a library.

3. He likes to talk with his friends.


Task 4 Guess the words by the explanation of its meaning:

1. A place in college where you can leave coats and bags while you are visiting a building.

2. A list of the times when college’s lessons take place.

3. A room equipped for scientific work.


Task 5 Answer the question:

What is the most interesting subject for you in our college and why?
______________________________ _________________________________________



Вариант __II__

Task 1 Read the text, translate the marked part into Russian:

I would like to tell you about my college.

It is a fine two-storeyed building in the centre of the city. It is not very new, but it is nice and comfortable. I study here for the first year.

On the first floor of the building there is a hall, a cloak-room, a canteen, a gym, and some classes. On the second floor there is a director’s office, computer classes and laboratories, a big concert hall, a library and a reading-room. I like it.

When I come to college, I wipe my feet, take off my coat and go to the cloak-room. After that I go to the timetable which is also in the hall. It’s good to come to the classroom before the bell rings.

After a few classes I go to the canteen and have breakfast. I don’t like our canteen very much, that’s why I take some food with myself too.

My favorite subjects at college are physics, IT and English. During the breaks I like to talk with my friends, read the college newspaper.

Our college is not only the place where we study, it’s also the place where we stay after classes to take part in clubs. Our college is very green: there are flowers on every window-sill. And it is very clean too. When my friends, who study in other colleges, come to this place they are surprised when they see that everything is in great order. But I’ll reveal the secret: this is the merit of not only the board of the college but also of the students – because it’s our second home and we must take care of it.

College life is difficult but I know it’s rewarding! That’s why I know that tomorrow I’ll come here again.


Task 2 Find the equivalents between Russian and English words. Fill in the table.

1. two-storeyed   A. библиотека
2. comfortable   B. порядок
3. talk   C. расписание
4. newspaper   D. разговор
5. window – sill   E. звонить
6. order   F. двухэтажный
7. time-table   G. удобный
8. to ring   H. подоконник
9. library   I. газета

Task 3. Make general questions from these statements.

1. During the breaks she likes to talk with her friends.

2. Our college is very green.

3. After a few classes we go to the canteen.

Task 4 Guess the words by the explanation of its meaning:

4. A place in college where you can leave coats and bags while you are visiting a building.

5. A list of the times when college’s lessons take place.

6. A room equipped for scientific work.




Task 5 Answer the question:

What is the easiest subject for you in our college and why?





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