Needs of Adults and Old People

Needs of Infants, Children and Adolescents

Infants and Young Children

Infants are unique. They must rely on a single food, milk, to satisfy all their nutritional needs. Breast milk is ideal for several reasons:

1. All the nutrients are present in it in an easily absorbed form.

2. It contains several natural agents protecting against disease.

3. It is clean, cannot be prepared incorrectly and does not cause allergies.

A mother should try to breast feed her baby at least for two weeks, ideally for four - six months. Solid foods should not be introduced before four months of age. From about six months mother may gradually introduce infant cereal foods, pureed fruit and vegetables, egg yolk, and even finely divided meat. By about twelve - eighteen months, the infant can eat a mixed diet. This diet must not be very different from that of the rest of the family. Milk will continue to be very important but less will be drunk as more solid foods are eaten.

Needs of Schoolchildren and Adolescents

Schoolchildren are growing fast and are very active. That is why their needs for energy and nutrients are rather high. For example, the recommendations for seven or eight year old girls for energy, protein, and thiamin are nearly as high as those for grown women, and for calcium are even higher.

The big appetites of some children usually reflect a real nutritional need. Bread, milk, cheese, meat, fish, liver, eggs, fruit, green vegetables and potatoesare wonderful sources of a number of nutrients. Milk is known to be one of the best sources of calcium, riboflavin and protein.

As for adolescents, their nutrient needs are higher in many respects than those of any other group. Healthy adolescents havevery big appetites. It is very important for them that their needs should be satisfied with food of high nutritional value in the form of well balanced meals, but not by too many snacks, rich in fat, sugar or salt.

4. Translatethefollowingwordcombinations:

сбалансированная диета; жирное мясо; грудное молоко; оливковое масло; молочные продукты; проблемы питания; зерновые продукты; допустимые потери; (не) пищевые отходы.

5. Read the text and translate it using a dictionary:

Needs of Adults and Old People

Nutritional problems are of great importance and interest at present. The reasons for this are different diseases such as tooth decay, arteriosclerosis, diabetes and many others. Many adults are more likely to be at risk of over nutrition than of undernutrition. A lot of them have a particular risk of a premature heart attack.

That's why food must consequently be chosen in the light of its energy value and the content of essential constituents. Those adults who wish to reduce their risk of a premature heart attack should reduce their intakes of energy or of fat and saturated fatty acids. But to make good the energy, lost from the reduction in fats and sugars, extra cereal products, rice, potatoes should be used.

Also it is very wise to estimate the whole diet before making any changes, because the essential point is that the chief nutritive components - protein, fat and carbohydrates - should be in balanced relationship to each other. It is also very important to keep alcohol under control.

As for the nutritional requirements of the elderly people, they are less than the energy requirements of adults. The elderly tend to be less active after the age of seventy-five, that's why they should avoid an increase in weight. Those with poor teeth, arthritis or other physical disabilities or poor appetites should cook at least one meal a day of good nutritional quality. They should supplement this with foods such as milk, eggs, cheese, bread, fruits rich in vitamin C, which need little preparation.


6. Translatethefollowingsentences:

1. Желательно, чтобы пожилые люди избегали лишнего веса. 2. Необходимо, чтобы мать кормила младенца грудью первые месяцы жизни. 3. Если бы вы постепенно давали своему ребенку другую пищу, он уже питался бы разнообразнее. 4. Как жаль, что я не могу пойти с вами.


7. Answer the questions:

1. Why infants are unique?

2. How do infants satisfy all their nutritional needs?

3. Whybreast milk is ideal for infants?

4. How long should mother breast feed her baby?

5. At what age cereal food may be introduced to infants?

6. At what ageinfantseat a mixed diet?

7. Whyare schoolchildren’s needs for energy and nutrients rather high?

8. Why shouldn’t adolescentseat too many snacks?

9. What is the reasonof great importance of nutritional problems?

10. Why are the nutritional requirements of the elderly people less than the energy requirements of adults?



Answer the questions:

1. Why infants are unique?

2. How do infants satisfy all their nutritional needs?

3. Whybreast milk is ideal for infants?

4. How long should mother breast feed her baby?

5. At what age cereal food may be introduced to infants?

6. At what ageinfantseat a mixed diet?

7. Whyare schoolchildren’s needs for energy and nutrients rather high?

8. Why shouldn’t adolescentseat too many snacks?

9. What is the reasonof great importance of nutritional problems?

10. Why are the nutritional requirements of the elderly people less than the energy requirements of adults?


Answer the questions:

1. Whyinfants are unique?

2. How do infants satisfy all their nutritional needs?

3. Whybreast milk is ideal for infants?

4. How long should mother breast feed her baby?

5. At what age cereal food may be introduced to infants?

6. At what ageinfantseat a mixed diet?

7. Whyare schoolchildren’s needs for energy and nutrients rather high?

8. Why shouldn’t adolescentseat too many snacks?

9. What is the reasonof great importance of nutritional problems?

10. Why are the nutritional requirements of the elderly people less than the energy requirements of adults?



Answer the questions:

1. Whyinfants are unique?

2. How do infants satisfy all their nutritional needs?

3. Whybreast milk is ideal for infants?

4. How long should mother breast feed her baby?

5. At what age cereal food may be introduced to infants?

6. At what ageinfantseat a mixed diet?

7. Whyare schoolchildren’s needs for energy and nutrients rather high?

8. Why shouldn’t adolescentseat too many snacks?

9. What is the reasonof great importance of nutritional problems?

10. Why are the nutritional requirements of the elderly people less than the energy requirements of adults?



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