Белецкая Е.В.,
канд. филол. наук, доцент
и методические рекомендации по ее выполнению
Для студентов 1 курса заочного отделения
факультета психологии
Тверь 2016
Задание 1. Спишите и письменно переведите текст.
Stress and Anger
Every day you read in newspapers, books and magazines that it is important to avoid stress. Stress can kill, they say. Stay calm. Be relaxed. Slow down. Don't worry so much and don't work so hard. Unfortunately, this is difficult. There are always money problems and family problems. Our cities are full of traffic and noise. Stressful situations seem to be everywhere.
When people are under stress they react in different ways. Some people find it difficult to stay calm and often become tense. Little things, like a baby crying, can make them irritated. They get very annoyed if they have to wait just a few minutes too long in a shop or a restaurant. These people are usually very moody. One minute they are fine and the next they can be really angry – absolutely furious. Other people seem to stay calm almost all the time, and rarely get angry. For example, if they are caught in bad traffic, they don't get frustrated. They sit calmly in their cars, telling themselves that there is nothing they can do about the situation. These people are not moody at all. They don't change from moment to moment, but always seem to be in control of their emotions.
Some doctors give names to these two personality types: Type A people and Type B people. Type As work very hard, worry a lot, and are often bad-tempered. Type Bs are the opposite. They don't worry. Work is not so important to them and they don't get angry easily. They like to relax a lot and have fun. The doctors say it is better for your health and your heart if you are a Type B person. So what are you? Type A or Type B?
Решение Задание 1.
Стресс и Гнев
Каждый день Вы читаете в газетах, книгах и журналах, что важно избежать стресса. Говорят, стресс может убить. Успокойтесь. Расслабьтесь. Притормозите. Не волнуйтесь так много, и не работайте столь усердно. К сожалению, это трудно. Есть всегда денежные проблемы и проблемы в семье. Наши города полны дорожного движения и шума. Стрессовые ситуации, кажется, всюду.
Когда люди находятся в состоянии стресса, они реагируют различными способами. Некоторые находят трудным оставаться спокойными и часто бывают напряженным. Мелочи, подобно крику ребенка, могут сделать их раздраженными. Они очень раздражаются, если должны подождать всего на несколько минут дольше в магазине или ресторане. Эти люди обычно очень капризны. В одну минуту они веселы, а в следующую могут быть действительно рассерженными - абсолютно разъяренными. Другие люди, кажется, остаются спокойный почти все время, и редко злятся. Например, если они попадают в пробку, они не расстраиваются. Они сидят спокойно в своих автомобилях, говоря себе, что они ничего не могут сделать в данной ситуации. Эти люди не капризны вообще. Они не меняются через секунду, и всегда кажется, что они контролируют свои эмоции.
Некоторые доктора дали названия этим двум типам личности: тип А и тип B. Люди типа А усердно работают, много волнуются и часто злятся. Люди типа В - противоположны. Они не волнуются. Работа не столь важна для них и их нелегко рассердить. Они любят расслабляться и веселиться забаву. Доктора говорят, что для вашего здоровья и сердца лучше, если Вы - человек Типа B. Так кто вы? Тип А или Тип B?
Задание 2. Определите, какие из ниже приведенных характеристик относятся к людям типа А или типа Б?
A) is moody
B) seldom relaxes
C) stays calm
D) is not annoyed by a baby crying
E) gets frustrated in traffic
F) enjoys life and work
G) is usually in a good mood
H) overworks
I) lives longer
J) doesn't get tense
K) doesn't like waiting
L) is relaxed
M) is often bad-tempered
Решение задание 2.
1) Тип А – is moody, seldom relaxes, gets frustrated in traffic, overworks, is often bad-tempered
2) Тип B – stays calm, is not annoyed by a baby crying, enjoys life and work, is usually in a good mood, lives longer, doesn't get tense, is relaxed
?Задание 3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы?
a) What makes you angry?
b) Do you think you have a Type A personality or a Type B personality? Why?
c) Do you agree with the doctors who say that it is bad to have a Type A personality? d) What can you do to become a more relaxed person?
a) Everything makes me angry.
b) I think that I have a Type A personality. Because of genetics, obviously.
c) Yes, I do.
d) I can think about consequences of negative emotions and then it will be easier to stop worry about something.
?Задание 4. Спишите предложения, раскройте скобки, поставив правильную форму глагола to be. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
Model: There (be) many interesting people at the party yesterday.
There were many interesting people at the party yesterday.
Вчера на вечеринке было много интересных людей.
1) There (be) people who react in different ways under stress.
2) There (be) always money problems and family problems.
3) There (be) a few mistakes in your last dictation.
4) On his table there (be) a letter and some newspapers but he himself was not in the study.
5) I think there (be) many people at the party tomorrow.
1) There are people who react in different ways under stress. Есть люди, которые по-разному реагируют в стрессовой ситуации.
2) There are always money problems and family problems. Всегда есть проблемы с деньгами и проблемы в семейных отношениях.
3) There were few mistakes in your last dictation. В твоём последнем диктанте было несколько ошибок.
4) On his table there was a letter and some newspapers but he himself was not in the study. На его столе было письмо и несколько газет, но его самого не было в кабинете.
5) I think there will be many people at the party tomorrow. Думаю, что завтра на вечеринке будет много людей.
Задание 5. Напишите форму прошедшего времени (Past Simple) и причастие II (Past Participle) следующих неправильных глаголов:
Model: to take – took – taken.
to write – wrote - written, to speak – spoke - Spoken, to read – read – read, to make – made – made, to give – gave – given, to bring – brought - brought, to buy – bought - bought, to catch – caught - caught, to sell – sold - sold, to tell – told - told, to do – did - done, to come – came - come, to see – saw - seen, to understand – understood - understood, to fight – fought - fought, to build – built - built, to sit – sat – sat, to go – went – gone/been.
?Задание 6. Спишите предложения, раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в форму Past Indefinite (Simple) или Present Perfect; подчеркните полученные сказуемые.
Model: 1. We (do) a lot of written exercises in class.
We did a lot of written exercises in class last year.
2. I can’t tell you anything about this film. I (not see) it yet.
I can’t tell you anything about this film. I have not seen it yet.
1) I never (be) to China.
2) - “Billy (break) his glasses twice this month.”
- “Really? He (break) them once last month too.”
3) He (go) to France on holiday three years ago.
4) Her friend (translate) two English books into Russian.
5) I just (finish) work and (read) a book now.
1) I have never been to China.
2) - “Billy broke his glasses twice this month.” - “Really? He breakes them once last month too.”
3) He went to France on holiday three years ago.
4) Her friend translated two English books into Russian.
5) I just have finished work and reading a book now.
?Задание 7. Выпишите из следующего отрывка глаголы должествования (модальные глаголы) по порядку их следования и переведите отрывок на русский язык.
Model: I can’t go with you now, I have to finish translating this article. can’t, have to. Я не могу сейчас пойти с тобой, мне нужно закончить перевод этой статьи.
Here is your homework. You must read Text Two on page 64. But you needn’t write the text down. You can take it from the English study. Besides you are to do exercise 10 in writing and translate a passage from home reading. Only you mustn’t translate it word for word. You must give a literary translation. Now, the lesson is over. You may have a break.
Must, need, can, must, must, may.
Вот твоя домашняя работа. Ты должен прочесть текст Два на странице 64. Но тебе нужно его переписывать. Ты можешь его взять в кабинете Английского языка. Кроме того, тебе нужно сделать упражнение 10 письменно и перевести отрывок из домашнего чтения. Только ты должен переводить не слово в слово, а сделать художественный перевод. Итак, урок окончен, можете идти на перерыв.
Задание 8. Напишите следующие вопросительно-отрицательные предложения на английском языке.
Model: 1. Разве ты не встретился с ним вчера?
Didn’t you meet with him yesterday?
2. Почему он не рассказал тебе об этом?
Why hasn’t he told you about that?
1) Почему вы не знаете этих слов? – К сожалению, я не мог повторить их вчера.
2) Разве вы не были вчера на лекции по литературе?
3) Неужели вы не слышали, что он уехал из города?
4) Разве твоя дочь не ходит в школу? – Нет, она еще слишком маленькая.
5) Почему вы не можете ответить на мой вопрос?
Задание 9. Переведите следующие сложно-подчиненные предложения с придаточными определительными предложениями на русский язык.
Model: In our office there are many young man who speak German very well.
В нашем учреждении есть много молодых людей, которые очень хорошо говорят по-немецки.
1) She has read the book which I advised her to take.
2) The man you want to speak to is coming back tomorrow.
3) The place where I was born is a big city now.
4) This is the house my friend lives in.
5) That isn’t all I’m going to do.
?Задание 10. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту Stress and Anger.
1) What can you read in newspapers, magazines and books?
2) How can people react under stress?
3) What can make them irritated?
4) What two personality types do some doctors give?
5) What are the main characteristics belonging to a Type A and Type B persons?
1) I can read that it is important to avoid stress.
2) When people are under stress they react in different ways.
3) Little things, like a baby crying, can make them irritated. They get very annoyed if they have to wait just a few minutes too long in a shop or a restaurant.
4) Some doctors give names to these two personality types: Type A people and Type B people.
5) Type As work very hard, worry a lot, and are often bad-tempered. Type Bs are the opposite. They don't worry. Work is not so important to them and they don't get angry easily.
?Задание 11. Напишите к предложениям из текста Stress and Anger пять расчлененных вопросов.
Model: Every day you read in newspapers, books and magazines that it is important to avoid stress.
Every day you read in newspapers, books and magazines that it is important to avoid stress, don't you?
Unfortunately, this is difficult, isn’t it?
When people are under stress they react in different ways, aren’t they?
Some doctors give names to these two personality types, don’t they?
They don't worry, do they?
Work is not so important to them, is it?
Задание 12. Переведите на английский язык предложения, содержащие просьбы или приказания, обращенные к первому или третьему лицу.
Model: Давайте пойдем сегодня в кино. Let us go the cinema today.
Пусть ребенок ложится спать. Let the child go to bed.
1) Давайте обсудим эти вопросы завтра утром.
2) Пусть секретарь переведет письма с немецкого на русский язык.
3) Пусть они немедленно сдадут книги в библиотеку.
4) Пусть она повторит все слова из второго урока.
5) Давайте поговорим о чем-нибудь более интересном.
?Задание 13. Преобразуйте предложения из настоящего в прошедшее время, соблюдая правила согласования времен и делая необходимые изменения.
Model: He thinks that she will be a good lawyer next year.
He thought that she would be a good lawyer the following year.
1. All of us know that she studied French at school.
2. She says that she will take her English exam in June next year.
3. We don't know where she lived five years ago.
4. He asks us if we know his address.
5. He always tells me that his father was a teacher last year.
1) All of us knew that she studied French at school.
2) She said that she will take her English exam in June next year.
3) We didn't know where she lived five years ago.
4) He asked us if we know his address.
5) He always told me that his father was a teacher last year.
?Задание 14. Преобразуйте предложения с общими вопросами из прямой речи в косвенную, делая необходимые изменения.
Model: “Did you eat much yesterday?” the Captain asked.
The Captain asked if I had eaten much the day before.
1. The investigator asked me: "Do уоu speak French?"
1) Henry asked Joe: "Did your team win or lose the game?"
2) The teacher asked the schoolboy: “Are you listening to what I am explaining?”
3) He asked her: “Will you go abroad when you recover from your illness?”
4) Father asked his son: “Have you done your homework?”
5) He asked her: “Do you like reading books?”
1) Henry asked Joe did his team win or lose the game.
2) The teacher asked the schoolboy is he listening to what she is explaining.
3) He asked her will she go go abroad when she recover from her illness.
4) Father asked his son has he done his homework.
5) He asked her does she like reading books.
?Задание 15. Преобразуйте предложения со специальными вопросами из прямой речи в косвенную, делая необходимые изменения.
Model: He asked her: “Which hotel are you staying in?”
He asked her which hotel she was staying in.
1) Yesterday she asked me: “How long does it take you to get home if you go by bus?”.
2) The shop assistant asked the customer: “What colour dress do you prefer?”
3) The young man asked the girl: “What time are you going to have dinner tomorrow?”
4) “What’s the title of the book you are reading?” Mary asked Jane.
5) “Where did you live before you moved to your new flat?” the investigator asked the suspect.
1) Yesterday she asked me How long does it take for me to get home if I go by bus.
2) The shop assistant asked the customer what colour dress he prefers.
3) The young man asked the girl what time is she going to have dinner tomorrow.
4) Mary asked Jane what’s the title of the book she is reading.
5) The investigator asked the suspect where did he live before he moved to his new flat.
?Задание 16. Преобразуйте предложения, содержащие просьбу или приказание в прямой речи, в косвенную речь.
Model: 1. The policeman told the offender: “Get out of the car.”
The policeman told the offender to get out of the car.
2. The teacher asked the schoolchildren: “Don’t open the windows, please.”
The teacher asked the schoolchildren not to open the windows.
1) The little boy asked his mother: “Don’t wake me up so early tomorrow.”
2) The manager asked his secretary: “Send this message at once, please.”
3) Mother asked the child-minder: “Don’t take the child for a walk, he doesn’t feel well yet.”
4) The shop assistant offered: “Try these pair of brown shoes, please.”
5) She told her step-daughter: “Go and buy some fruit and vegetables for lunch.”
1) The little boy asked his mother do not wake him up so early tomorrow.
2) The manager asked his secretary to send this message at once.
3) Mother asked the child-minder do not take the child for a walk, he doesn’t feel well yet.
4) The shop assistant offered to try those pair of brown shoes.
5) She told her step-daughter to go and buy some fruit and vegetables for lunch.
?Задание 17. Преобразуйте предложения из действительного в страдательный залог. Подчеркните сказуемое в страдательном залоге и переведите полученные предложения на русский язык.
Model: 1. Yuri Dolgoruki founded Moscow in 1147.
Moscow was founded by Yuri Dolgoruki in 1147. Москва была основана Ю. Долгоруким в 1147 году.
2. They will publish the weather forecast in the evening.
The weather forecast will be published in the evening.
Прогноз погоды будет опубликован вечером.
1) She will introduce her brother to me.
2) My brother has bought this house for 15 000 dollars.
3) I can’t give you a lift (подвезти). My car is being repaired at the moment.
4) The teacher explained this grammar rule at the last lesson.
5) They built this house in the 16th century.
1) Her brother was introduced to me by her. Ее брат был представлен мне ею.
2) This house was bought by мy brother for 15 000 dollars. Этот дом был куплен моим братом за 15 000 $.
3) I can’t give you a lift. My car is being repaired at the moment. Я не могу тебя подвезти. Мою машину сейчас ремонтируют.
4) This grammar rule was explained by the teacher at the last lesson. Это грамматическое правило было объяснено учителем на последнем уроке.
5) This house was built by them in the 16th century. Этот дом был построен ими в 16-м столетии.
?Задание 18. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя глагол в форме Past или Future Continuous. Подчеркните сказуемое.
Model: 1. Я обедал, когда отключили свет. I was having lunch when the lights went out.
2. Он не может поехать завтра с вами. Он будет готовиться к экзамену по английскому языку. He can’t go with you tomorrow evening. He will be preparing for the English exam.
1) Что делал твой сын когда ты приехал домой вчера? What was your son doing when you came home yesterday?
2) Мы ждали тебя вчера в пять часов. We were waiting for you yesterdat in five o’clock.
3) Я читал его статью, когда ты позвонил мне. I was reading his article when you called me.
4) Завтра после обеда (in the afternoon) мы будем обсуждать эту статью. We will be discussing this article in the afternoon.
5) Ее дети скоро поженятся, и она будет жить одна. Her children will get married soon and she will be living alone.
Задание 19. Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степень следующих прилагательных.
Model: big – bigger – the biggest; happy – happier – happiest; famous – more famous – most famous.
cheap; fat; young; interesting; old; hot; late; heavy; slow; easy; white; black.
Задание 20. Напишите вопросы к следующим ответам.
(Возможны несколько вариантов).
Model: 7.15
What time do you usually get up? (When does your train leave?)
...? I’m twenty two years old.
...? I don’t work yet. I study.
...? at Tver State University.
...? It’s 15 Radisheva Street, Tver.
...? One brother. He is ten.
?Задание 21. Напишите вместо многоточия подходящие по смыслу вопросы или ответы к следующим предложениям.
Model: What do you want to be?... I want to be a lawyer.
He is from Brazil.... Where is he from?
1) Have you ever seen an unknown flying object (НЛО)?....Yes, I have and once I was abducted by UFO.
2) She came home very late yesterday and immediately went to bed....? When did she come yesterday and what did she do then?
3) Are you doing anything this evening?....No, I’m absolutely free, baby.
4) I speak a little English....? Do you speak English?
5) What time do you usually have lunch?....I usually have lunch at 12 a.m.
Задание 22. Напишите противоположные по значению слова (той же части речи, что и исходные слова).
Model: white – black
Big; cheap; dark; easy; happy; hot; long; noisy; slow; tall; well; young; dirty.
Задание 23. Одно слово в каждой группе (строке) имеет отличающееся от других произношение ударного гласного звука. Выпишите эти слова.
Model: like by night live. Live.
(так как: [laik] [bai] [nait] [liv])
1. high height weight lie
2. cook look pound could
3. easy head heavy weather
4. metre best ski leave
5. any many send place
6. town slow smoke post
7. month boss shop got
Задание 24. Перепишите слова и подчеркните в каждом из них ударный слог.
Model: opposite; sometimes; behind.
ty pewriter; birth day; post card; mount ain; con cert; tele pho ne; for get;
fo reign; comfor tab le; eco no mical; hand some; ext rem ely; to mo rrow; mar ried; per hap s; with out; comp le te; im por tant.
Методические рекомендации