Перспективы и последствия

Если ядерные реакции в экспериментах LENR являются реальными и управляемыми, DIA оценивает, что тот, кто выпустит первый коммерческий источник энергии LENR, может революционизировать производство и хранение энергии в будущем. Потенциал применения этого феномена при коммерциализации не ограничен. Аномальный эффект LENR наблюдаемый в металлических решетках содержащих дейтерий может также иметь пока еще неопределенные последствия для нанотехнологий. Эффект LENR может служить источником питания для батарей, которые могут работать десятилетиями, обеспечивать производство электроэнергии, работать в датчиках, применятся в военных операциях в отдаленных районах, в том числе в космосе. LENR также может иметь медицинские применения для лечения заболеваний, кардиостимуляторов, или другого оборудования. Ядерный синтез освобождает в 10 миллионов раз больше энергии на единицу массы, чем жидкое топливо. Военный потенциал таких источников энергии большой плотности мощности огромен. А так как военные в США является крупнейшим потребителем жидкого топлива для транспорта, то источники LENR могут дать наибольшие преобразования на поле боя для сил США с момента перехода от лошадиной силы к бензину.


Подготовлено: Беверли Barnhart, DIA / DL обороне предупреждения Управления. С участием: д-р Патрик McDaniel, Университет Нью-Мексико, д-р Pam Mosier-Boss, US Navy SPAWAR-Тихоокеанского региона, д-р Майкл McKubrc, SRI International, г-н Лоуренс Forsley, JWK Международные и д-р Луис DeChiaro, NSWC / Дальгрена.

Координироваться с DLA / ДРЛ, СКГ, DWO, DOL / в, ВМС США SFAWAR-Тихоокеанского региона и США

NSWC / Дальгрен, штат Вирджиния.


1 Boekris, John. "The History of the Discovery of Transmutation at Texas Л&М University." paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF). Cambridge. MA. 2003.

2 14th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF), Washington, DC, 10-15 August 2008.

3 The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom determines the identity of the chemical element. Nuclear transmutation occurs when the number of protons in the nucleus is changed by adding or removing protons or converting them to other nuclear particles. Thus transmutation changes one chemical element into another through a nuclear process.

4 Benedict. M.. T. Pigford. and H. Levi. "Nuclear Chemical Engineering." McGraw Mill.Series in Nuclear Engineering, 1981.

5 Hecker, S., "Plutonium, A Historical Overview." Challenges in Plutonium Science, Vol. l, Los Alamos, National Laboratory. No. 26, 2000.

6 Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 261, 263, 287, pp 187, 301, 293.

7 DeChiaro. Louis, "Recent Progress in Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, "briefing prepared by NA'VSEA, Dahlgivn, for DDR&E, 28 August, 2009.

8 Iwatnura, Yashiro, et al., "Transmutation Reactions Induced by D> Gas Permeation Through Pd Complexes (Pd/CaO/Pd), "14th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF), Washington, DC, 10-15 August 2008.

9Hioki, Tatsumi, et al.. "Influence of Deuterium Gas Permeation on Surface Elemental Change of Ion-Implanted Pd," 14th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF), Washington, DC, 10-15 August 2008.

10 Celani, Francesco, et al., "Deuteron El eel rum ignition in Thin Pd Wires Coaled with Nano-Panicles: Evidence for Ultra-Fast Deuterium Loading and Anomalous. Large Thermal Effects," 14th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF). Washington. DC, 10-15 August 2008.

11 "Exciting New Science: Potential Clean Energy." Abstracts. 14 ' International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science and International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF). Washington, DC. 10-15 August 2008.

12 Mosier-Boss. et al. 'Triple Tracks in C'R-39 as the Result of Pd/D Co-deposition: Evidence of Energetic Neutrons." Naturwissenschaften. 96. 2009. 135-142.

13 Mosier-Boss. et al.. Navy SPAWAR briefing. American Chemical Society annual meeting. March 2009.

14 "Exciting New Science: Potential Clean Energy." Abstracts. 14th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science and International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCFI. Washington. DC. 10-15 August 2008.

15 Transmutations only occur when nuclear particles interact and are exchanged to produce different elements.

16 Iwamura, Yashiro. et al., "Transmutation Reactions Induced by L)2 Gas Permeation Through Pd Complexes (Pd/CaO/Pd) 14th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF). Washington, DC, 10-15 August 2008.

17 Yamaguchi. Tatsuya. et al.. "Investigation of Nuclear Transmutation Using Multilayered CaO/X/Pd Samples Under Deuterium Permeation." 14th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF). Washington. DC, 10-15 August 2008.

18Iwamura, Yashiro. et al., "Elemental Analysis of Pd Complexes: Effects of D; Gas Permeation.". Japan Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 41, 2002, pp. 4642-4650.

19 Arata. Y.. "Anomalous Effects in Charging of Pd Powders wiih High Density Hydrogen Isotopes." Physics Letters A, 373,2009, pp 3109-3112.

20 Violante. V. et al., "On the Correlation of Pd-D Alloy Material Properties with the Occurrence of Excess Power." briefing presented at 14lh International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF). Washington. DC. 10-15 August 2008.

21 Prelas. M.A., et al., "A review of Transmutation and Clustering in Low Energy Nuclear Reactions." Briefing presented at Vice Chancellor for Research Seminar on LENR. University of Missouri. May 2009.

22 Briefings presented at Navy SPAWAR San Diego. LENR meeting. 4-5 August, 2009.

23 Mosier-Boss. et al. "Triple Tracks in CR-39as the Result of Pd/D Co-deposition: Evidence of Energetic Neutrons." Naturwissenschaften. 96. 2009. 135-142.

24 Mizuno. Tadahiko. "Neutron Emission Induced by Nuclear Reaction in Condensed Matter." briefing presented at Vice Chancellor for Research Seminar on LENR. University of Missouri. May 2009.

25 Zhang, et al., "On the Explosion in a Deuterium/Palladium Electrolytic System." Third International conference on Cold Fusion. 1992. Nagoya. Japan.

26 Biberian. Jean-Paul. "Unexplained Explosion During an Electrolysis Experiment in an Open Cell Mass flow Calorimeter." Journal of Condensed Matter. Nuclear Science, 2 (2009) pp. 1-6.

27 Zhang, et al.. "On the Explosion in a Deuterium/Palladium elccirolylic System." Third International conference on Cold Fusion. 1992. Nagoya. Japan.

28 Lesin. et al.. "Ultrasonieally-Exeiicd Electrolysis Experiments at Energetic Technologies." Energetics Technologies. Outer. Israel, briefing presented at 14Lh International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF). Washington. DC. 10-15 August 2008

29 Jayaraman. K.S.. "Cold Fusion is Hot Again." Nature India. 2008. Published online 17 Jan 2008. https://www.lenr- canr.org/acrobat/JayaramanKcoldusion.pdf

30 Mosier-Boss. et al.. multiple briefings presented at Navy SPAWAR Pacific. August 4-5. 2009.

31 McKubre. Michael. "Studies of the Fleischmann-Pons Effect at SRI International." briefing presented at Vice Chancellor for Research Seminar on LENR. University of Missouri. May 2009.

32 Spzak. Stan, et al., "Evidence of Nuclear Reactions in the Pd Lattice." Naturwissenschaften. 92. 2005. 394-397.

33 Szpak. Stan. et al.. "Thermal Behavior of Polarized Pd/D Electrodes Prepared by Co-Deposition." Thermochimica Acta. 410, 2004. 101-107.

34 Mosier-Boss. et al.. "Triple Tracks in CR-39 as the Result of Pd/D Co-deposition: Evidence of Energetic Neutrons." Naturwissenschaften. 96. 2009. 135-142.

35 Spzak. Stan, et al.. "Evidence of Nuclear Reactions in the Pd Lattice." Naturwissenschaften. 92. 2005. 394-397.

36 The identity of a chemical element is determined by the number of protons in its atomic nucleus. Transmutation occurs when one chemical element is changed into another one. This normally occurs during radioactive decay, but can occur from any number of nuclear processes that add or subtract protons from the atomic nucleus.

37 Mosier-Boss. et al.. Navy SPAWAR briefing. American Chemical Society annual meeting. March 2009.

38 McKubre. Michael. "Studies of the Fleischmann-Pons Effect at SRI International." briefing presented at Vice Chancellor for Research Seminar: Excess Ileal and Panicle Tracks from Deuterium-Loaded Palladium. University of Missouri, 29 May 2009.

39 Swartz. Mitchell, et al., "The Impact of Heavy Water (D2O) on Nickel-Light Water Cold Fusion Systems." Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cold Fusion. ICCF-9. Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. May 19-24. 2002. Beijing, China, Tsinghua University Press. 2003. pp 335-342.

40 Miles. Melvin, et al., -Anomalous Effects in Deuterated Systems," Final Report. NAWCWPNS TP 8302. Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division. 1996.

41 Hagelstein. Peter and Man Chaudhary. "Modeling Excess Heat in the Fleischmann-Pons Experiment." Briefing presented at Vice Chancellor for Research Seminar on LENR. University of Missouri. May 2009.

42 Olenik, V.P. and Yu. D. Arepjev. "Physical Mechanism of Nuclear Reactions at Low Energies.'' National Technical University of Ukraine. Kiev Polytechnic Institute

43 Srivastava. Y.N., O. Panella. A. Widom. "Instability of the Perturbation Theoretical Chromodynamic Vacuum." LANL web site, arXiv:0811.3293vl 20 Nov 2008.

44 Hagelstein. Peter. MIT. Briefing. Navy SPAWAR Pacific. August 2009.

45 McDaniel. Patrick. "Electrochemically Induced Nuclear Reactions." briefing, presented at Navy SPAWAR Pacific, August 2009.

46 Sinha. K.P. and A.Meulenberg. "Laser Stimulation of Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions in Deuterated Palladium." Current Science, Vol.91, No.7, 10 October, 2006, pp. 907-912

47 Lesin. et al., "Ultrasonically-Excited Electrolysis Experiments al Energetic Technologies." Energetics Technologies. Omer, Israel, briefing presented at I4th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF). Washington.DC, 10-15 August 2008.

48 Tsvetkov.. S.A., "Possibility of Using Cold Fusion for Nuclear Waste Products Transmutation." 10th International Conference on Cold Fusion. Cambridge, МA, 2003. from LENR-CANR.org website.

49 https://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/04/17/60minutes/main4952167.shtm?tag=contentMain;contentBody

50 Personal correspondence. Dr. Michael McKubre. SRI International, October. 2009.

51 Forsley. L., "Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reactions: Overview of an Unexpected Phenomena." First Colloquium on Nano-Nuclear Science I’Universite catholique de Louvain. Belgium, May 4-5, 2009.

52 Personal correspondence. Mr. Lawrence Forsley. JWK International. October. 2009.

53 In Japan, the three major automakers are supporting LENR research. In Italy, Pirelli Labs is one of many corporate and governmental sponsors of LENR research.

54 Biberian. Jean-Paul. "Unexplained Explosion During an Electrolysis Experiment in an Open Cell Mass flow Calorimeter." Journalof'Condensed Matter. Nuclear Science, 2 (2009) pp. 1-6.




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