Presentations by lecture topics. Class debate.

LOMONOSOV Moscow State University

School of Public Administration



Strategic priorities of modern Russia in the face of new challenges




1. Mission of the Program:

The training program "Strategic priorities of modern Russia in the face of new challenges" is aimed at forming students of relevant knowledge about the modern Russian state and society, the main vectors of domestic and foreign Russian policy in the context of traditional and new challenges of global and regional development. The program is also aimed at creating a positive image of the modern Russian state among foreign students, blurring stereotypes associated with various aspects of history and the current state of development of Russia.


The program focuses the listeners' attention on the key topical priorities of the Russian state both in the internal (for example, the implementation of National projects of the Russian Federation, the development of the electronic state, the digital economy) and in foreign policy, as well as on the non-institutional foundations of Russian socio-political development (the specifics of Russian political culture, the main ideological projects of modern Russia).


DURATION: one academic term

WORKLOAD: 2 credits


Learning outcomes

The results of the training program will be relevant knowledge about the main directions of development of modern Russian domestic and foreign policy, the ability to independently assess the ongoing changes in the socio-political life of Russia, to independently interpret materials about Russia presented by foreign media.

At the end of the Program, students receive a Advanced training certificate from Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Target audience of the Program. The program is aimed primarily at foreign students interested in contemporary Russian realities and considering the possibility of carrying out their professional activities in the Russian Federation or in projects with the participation of the Russian side. The program also has its target audience of Russian students interested in mastering relevant material on the development priorities of the modern Russian state and society in English, which will contribute to increasing their personal competitiveness in the global educational market and involvement in networking as a result of joint training with citizens of other states.

Content of the Program

Instructors: Prof. Eugenia Andryushina (Module 1), Prof. Oleg Naumov (Module 2), Prof.Ekaterina Panova (Module 3).

The total workload of the Program is 2 credit units, 72 acad. hours (2 months). The curriculum program is divided into one academic semester, which is divided into training modules (Module 1. " Main vectors of modern Russian politics", Module 2. "Modern Russian" soft power ", Module 3." Modern technologies for recruiting political and administrative elites. ")

The program can be implemented in face-to-face, mixed and completely distant format.

The program has intermediate control in the form of a credit at the end of the semester based on a point-rating system. Current control is carried out through quality control of preparation for group discussions and presentations, as well as control testing as a final form of control.

Module 1. " Main vectors of modern Russian politics".

Training Module 1 provides for the acquisition of knowledge and the formation of competencies necessary for all types of professional activities - research, expert and analytical, political and managerial, consultative, communicative and pedagogical.

The content of Module 1 makes it possible to achieve a systematic and complex understanding of the main directions of the evolution of the Russian political space, the characteristics of the actors of Russian politics, the specifics and models of their interaction, the main characteristics and directions of the development of political institutions, as well as the transformation of the strategic directions of the modern Russian state in the context of political transformations on the global and regional levels.

This module of the Program is of particular importance for the training of personnel focused on professional activities in government bodies, political consulting agencies, allowing to achieve a systematic and comprehensive understanding of the main directions of development of the modern Russian political space. In addition, mastering the module forms the necessary competencies related to the analysis of the realities of domestic politics, the comparative characteristics of the existing political and related systems.

The total workload of Module 1 is 38 ac. hours, of which lectures-16 ac. hours, seminars - 16 ac. hours, independent work - 6 hours. Ongoing control is carried out through quality control of preparation for group discussions and presentations.

Module 2. "Modern Russian" soft power".

Training Module 2 is aimed at mastering the technologies of "soft power" and the most frequently used method of its implementation - public diplomacy, which includes cultural, educational, sports, media, scientific and other projects aimed at interacting with the elite and society of other countries and aimed to create an attractive image of the Russian Federation. This is a special type of foreign policy activity in modern Russia, associated with the spread of its influence on other countries and interstate structures, civil society of foreign states, and foreign business community. Given the understanding of the growing role of "soft power" as the most important resource of influence of any state in the modern global world, the Russian Federation pays little attention to the use of "soft power", but at the same time, the country has a huge potential for the successful implementation of this foreign policy strategy. Module 3 is devoted to the analysis of the peculiarities of the implementation of the policy of "soft power" in modern Russia.

The total workload of Module 2 is 22 ac. hours, of which lectures are 8 ac. hours, seminars - 8 ac. hours, independent work - 6 ac. hours. Ongoing control is carried out through quality control of preparation for group discussions and presentations.

Module 3." Modern technologies for recruiting political and administrative elites. "

Training Module 3 provides for the acquisition of knowledge and the formation of competencies necessary for expert-analytical and political-managerial professional activities. The content of the Module is aimed at forming a systematic, complex understanding of the existing scientific approaches to the formation of political and administrative elites, as well as a range of technologies and tools for forming the staff of the Russian political and administrative elite.

The total workload of Module 2 is 10 ac. hours, of which lectures are 4 ac. hours, seminars - 4 ac. hours, independent work - 2 ac. hours. Current control is carried out by quality control of preparation for discussion of cases proposed by the teacher.

Course Schedule

Module 1. Weeks 1,2 Russian policy and strategy in modern conditions of world politics transformation: theoretical and methodological foundations. (Evolution of the status of Russia in the modern world. Traditional and new challenges for modern Russia. Modern factors and conditions that determine the dependence of Russian state policies on international structures.) Presentations by lecture topics. Class debate.

Weeks 3,4 The state as a subject of Russian politics. (The evolution of the political regime in modern Russia. Its influence on the formation of state strategies and state policies. The institutional design of the modern Russian state. The specifics of state policy in modern Russia: the evolution of strategic planning, main forms, actors, structure. National projects of the Russian Federation.) Presentations by lecture topics. Class debate.


Weeks 5,6 Directions of state strategies in modern Russia. (Priorities of regional development of the modern Russian state as a condition for increasing Russia's competitiveness in the modern world: general characteristics. Development of the Russian Far East in the context of global and regional challenges: evolution and current state. Development of the Arctic region as a priority of modern Russia in a global context. Russia in the context of actualization the global trend towards building an "electronic state", "smart state": problems and practices). Presentations by lecture topics. Class debate.

Weeks 7,8 Political-cultural and spiritual-ideological space in modern Russia. (Features of Russian political culture. Factors in the formation of values of Russian political culture. Modern Russian information policy. Russian state policy on building and maintaining the external image of Russia. Image of modern Russia inside the country.) Presentations by lecture topics. Class debate.

Module 2. Weeks 9,10 "Soft power" and "smart power" in the modern world. Public Diplomacy: Evolution of Doctrine and Main Actors. (Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of "soft power" and public diplomacy. Evolution of concepts and practices for the implementation of "soft power" by the Soviet / Russian state.) Presentations by lecture topics. Class debate.

Weeks 11,12 "Soft power" and public diplomacy of the Russian Federation. (Components of Russian "soft power". Potential and prospects for the development of Russian "soft power" strategy. Main elements of Russian "soft power" (cultural and historical heritage, Russian language, Russian education, geopolitical positioning of modern Russia in the international arena). Problems of the implementation of the Russian "soft power" strategy (information wars against Russia, "color revolutions").

Presentations by lecture topics. Class debate.

Module 3. Weeks 13,14 Personnel policy in the system of public administration of the Russian Federation. Approaches, programs and tools for the formation of the staff of the Russian political and administrative elite. (Evolution of approaches to the formation of the cadre composition of the Russian political and administrative elite. Characteristics of the personnel policy in the state and municipal sphere of the Russian Federation. Programs and tools for the formation of the cadre composition at the positions of various levels of the modern Russian political and administrative elite.) Class debate. Case study. Final testing


Points-bearing classes

Obligatory classes

4. Required reading:

Desai, P. (2006). Conversations on Russia: Reform from Yeltsin to Putin. Oxford University Press. Retrieved from

Foreign policy concept of the Russian Federation

Gallarotti G. Soft Power: What it is, Why it’s Important, and the Conditions Under Which it Can Be Effectively Used // Journal of Political Power. — 2011. Constitution of the Russian Federation / National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation

Kortunov А. Russia’s Foreign Policy in 2021: Fourteen Practical Tasks.

Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation

Nye J. S. Notes for a soft power research agenda // Power in World Politics / Felix Berenskoetter, M. J. Williams, eds.. — Routledge, 2007. — 328 p.


Наумов А.О. «Мягкая сила» и международный имидж России // Сетевое издание Центра исследований и аналитики Фонда исторической перспективы ( 0,87 п.л.

Резерв управленческих кадров, находящийся под патронажем Президента Российской Федерации

службе Российской Федерации»

Указ Президента РФ от 24.06.2019 N 288 "Об основных направлениях развития государственной гражданской службы Российской Федерации на 2019 - 2021 годы"

Further reading

Anselmi L., Kudo H., Zarone V. Reform of Public Service Training for Competency Management: A Comparative Analysis of National Training Institutions. 2012.

Rutland P. The anatomy of the Russian elite / The Palgrave Handbook of Political Elites. Middletown. Wesleyan University. 2016.

Sakwa, R. (2002). Russian Politics and Society (Vol. 3rd ed). London: Routledge. Retrieved from

Sergunin A. Explaining Russian Foreign Policy Behavior: Theory and Practice. Stuttgart. Verlag Haunschild. 2016

Быстрова А.С., Даугавет А.Б., Дука А.В., Колесник Н.В., Невский А.В., Тев Д.Б. Институционализация политической элиты: источники рекрутирования и карьера // Власть и элиты. 2019. Т. 6. № 2.

Глобальное управление: возможности и риски. Под ред. В.Г. Барановского, Н.И. Ивановой. М: ИМЭМО РАН, 2015.

Наумов А.О. «Мягкая сила», «цветные революции и технологии смены политических режимов в начале XXI века. М.: АРГАМАК-МЕДИА, 2016. 18,3 п.л.

Наумов А.О. «Мягкая сила» и публичная дипломатия: курс лекций. М.: Издательство Московского университета, 2019. 13 п.л.

Наумов А.О. Историческая память о Великой Отечественной войне как ресурс «мягкой силы» современной России // Известия Алтайского государственного университета. 2020. №6. С.41-45. 0,5 п.л.

Наумов А.О. К вопросу о причинах «цветных революций»: взгляд из России и из-за рубежа (в соавторстве с Д.В. Деминым) // Вестник Московского университета. Серия 21: Управление (государство и общество). 2020. №4. С.66-81. 1 п.л.

Наумов А.О. Традиционные и новые медиа как акторы «цветных революций». // Дискурс-Пи. 2018. №32-33. С.79-87. 0,5 п.л.

Опарина Н.Н., Панова Е.А. Современные кадровые технологии в системе государственной службы РФ. Saarbrucken: LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2015.

Политика и управление государством. Новые вызовы и векторы развития. Под ред. А.И. Соловьева, Г.В. Пушкаревой. М: Аспект Пресс, 2019.

Тев Д.Б. Высокопоставленные чиновники Администрации Президента РФ: каналы рекрутирования и карьера // Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии. 2020. № 23(3).


Course Grading

As part of the implementation of the Program, students' progress is proposed to be assessed on a scale of 100 points. The final decision on the pass / fail is made by the authors of the Program jointly based on the scores of each student received during the intermediate certification and the results of the final testing, while in order to receive the credit, the students of the Program must complete tasks for each module not less than 50%.

Module Name Maximum points Minimum points allowed Percentage of the total amount of points for the final certification based on the point-rating system
Module 1. "Main vectors of modern Russian politics".     40%
Module 2. "Modern Russian" soft power".       30%
Module 3." Modern technologies for recruiting political and administrative elites."     10%
Final testing     10%

6. Instructors.

Eugenia Andryushina, Cand. Sc. (Political Sc.), Associate Professor, Department of Political Analysis, School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation (Module 1)

Oleg Naumov, Cand. Sc. (Political Sc.), Associate Professor, Department of International Organizations and Global Governance Problems, School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation. (Module 2).

Ekaterina Panova, Cand.Sc.(Sociology), Associate Professor, Human Resources Management Department, School of Public Administration Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation (Module 3).

7. TUITION FEE: 40,000 RUB



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